Baby Don't Cry

I was weak with fear that something would go wrong.

I was absolutely horrified by the thought of going to Brian and Michelle's wedding. I mean, I didn't know anybody there. The only people I knew were Brian and his family but Brian was going to be glued to Michelle's side for the whole day and he wasn't there to introduce me to people.

I was going to have to introduce myself to everybody and I didn't know what to say. I could've said that I was Brian's ex girlfriend but that would've been just weird and uncomfortable for everybody.

When it was the day of their wedding, I was scared shitless. I did my make up and hair for at least two hours until I thought I looked decent and then pulled on a flowery dress since it was a summer wedding.

I got in my car and drove to the address that I had been given. There were so many cars that it took me ages to find a place for my car but once it had been parked, I got out of the car and fixed my hair quickly before walking to the front door and ringing the doorbell.

As I waited for somebody to open the door, I was happy that I hadn't gone to the church and watched them getting married. It would've been so boring and maybe a bit heart-breaking, too.

After a moment the door opened and I came face to face with a tall guy who, just like Brian and all of his friends, had a lot of tattoos.

”Here, have a beer!” the guy exclaimed, handing me a cold bottle of beer.

”Thanks but I don't really drink be–”

”What kind of a person doesn't drink beer?” he exclaimed in shock, looking at me with his wide eyes. I quickly shut my mouth, lifting the bottle up to my lips and drinking a bit.

”That's better,” he said and looked at me.

”Can I come in?” I asked carefully.

”What's your name? You're beautiful,” he said. I couldn't help but blush and I looked down at my feet for a moment.

”I'm Sophia,” I mumbled quietly.

”It's nice to meet you, Sophia. I'm Jimmy,” he told me and grabbed my hand, shaking it.

”Aren't you that flower girl?” he asked all of a sudden and narrowed his eyes as he looked at me. I bit my lip and nodded.

”Yes. I work at a flower shop,” I told him. He started grinning.

”Do you want to come in?” he asked me.

”That'd be really nice,” I nodded.

He grabbed my hand and started pulling me into the house that was full of people. Everybody seemed to be having fun and the worst thing was that everybody knew each other and then there was me who knew absolutely nobody.

Jimmy led me through the mass of people into a kitchen which happened to be empty. He found his way to the fridge and opened it, looking into it for a moment.

”What do you want to drink?” he asked me.

”You know, is it okay for us to be here? I mean, we're in their kitchen...” I trailed off as I noticed the look on Jimmy's face.

”Sophia, I pretty much live in their kitchen, don't worry,” he told me, ”So, what was it that you wanted? Wine? Shots? More beer? Oh no, wait, you didn't like beer...”

”Really, Jimmy, it's okay. I don't need anything to drink,” I said just as a bunch of guys walked into the kitchen.

”Well who do we have here? Jimmy, is this your girl?” one of the guys exclaimed and they all turned to look at me.

”Yeah, she's my girlfriend,” Jimmy told them.

”Wait, no it's not. She's the flower girl!” another one of the guys yelled.

I got more and more uncomfortable every second as they just stared at me.

”I'm not anyone's girlfriend,” I mumbled quietly.


”I'm not anyone's girlfriend,” I said, a little louder this time.

The guys started laughing and I blushed again.

”Why are you so shy, baby?”

”Leave her alone, guys,” Jimmy exclaimed, ”She's mine, not yours.”

Luckily Brian happened to walk into the kitchen and his eyes lit up when he noticed me.

”Sophia, I didn't know you had arrived already,” he exclaimed with a smile.

”Yeah, uh, Jimmy let me in...” I mumbled.

”I see you've met everybody already,” he said and nodded.

”Well, not really...” I admitted because I had no idea who the rest of the guys were.

”Oh, alright. Well, this is Matt,” he said as he wrapped his arm around one of the guys' shoulders.

”It's nice to meet you. Sorry if we made you feel uncomfortable,” Matt apologized and I flashed him a quick smile.

”And that short shit over there is Johnny,” Brian told me as he pointed at one them. I waved at him.

”And that's Zacky.” Brian pointed at a guy who was drinking beer from a bottle. I nodded and smiled at him.

”And guys, this is Sophia, an old friend of mine,” Brian told them.

”Wait, is this... Is this the girl you were in love with when you were, like, 15?” Matt asked suddenly.

”This is that girl, yeah.”

”She's beautiful,” Jimmy exclaimed, ”You don't mind if I take her, do you, Gates?”

”Guys, just leave her alone,” Brian said and laughed.

The party wasn't as bad as I thought, and I made a few new friends. I also introduced myself to all of Brian's family and told them who I was. They were all surprised that they hadn't recognized me. Apparently I didn't look the same anymore as I'd looked ten years ago. I also met Brian's wife, Michelle, who seemed like a nice girl. She wasn't anything I had pictured Brian's girlfried to be like, but she was fine. I was sure they had a really happy relationship.

I was about to leave the party when it started to get late. But as I was about to walk out of the house, a very drunk Jimmy appeared and stopped me. He took a hold of my hand and pulled me back inside, gently pushing me against the wall.

”Are you leaving already, flower girl?” he mumbled and gave me a sad face.

”Well yeah,” I told him.

”Aren't you going to stay the night and sleep next to me?” he mumbled, pouting.

”Considering I've only known you for a few hours, I'm going to have to say no,” I told him and patted his chest with my hand.

”Then at least have a drink with me before you go. Please?”

”I think you've had enough already,” I said quietly.

”One drink won't hurt anybody,” he said and grinned, ”Come on!”

He grabbed my hand and started pulling me into the kitchen. I sat down as he went to take a bottle of tequila out of the fridge. He found some glasses and poured us some tequila before handing one of the glasses to me.

I lifted the glass up to my lips and took a big swig of the burning liquid. I shivered as I tasted the horrible taste and quickly swallowed it.

”That was horrible,” I mumbled and wiped my mouth.

”Haven't you ever before had tequila?”

”No,” I shook my head.

”What is wrong with you? You don't like beer, you haven't had tequila...”

”I don't drink a lot,” I said with a shrug. Jimmy filled my shot glass with tequila again, forcing me to drink it.

Sooner than I realized, I was smashed. Jimmy and I were giggling and emptying our second bottle of tequila, and I was having a lot of fun. Zacky, one of Brian's friends, had joined us and had a few shots, too, but his wife forced him home when it got really late.

And by the end of the night, I was so drunk that there was no way I could've got myself home alive.

Brian and Michelle had gone upstairs into their bedroom and Jimmy was nice enough to lead me into a guestroom with a huge bed in it. I laid down on the bed, feeling ready to pass out, and soon I felt Jimmy's arms around me as he was pulling me closer to him. We ended up passing out together and in the morning, I didn't feel good at all.
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A very big thank you to all of you lovely ladies, theenigma, AshlynnTheRevLover, shantal.jayy and BornForVengeance for your very lovely comments, cheers guys!