Slip Away

Never Lied Until Today

“Sometimes life has a cruel sense of humor, giving you the thing you always wanted at the worst time possible.”- Lisa Kleypas The perceptive excerpt rang pure truth for Louis William Tomlinson, the child-like man who’d so easily lost himself in fame’s lethal light. Somewhere along fame’s treacherous expedition, the musician lost the exuberant glisten to those enchanting powder sapphire azure irises. No one close to the youth noticed, not a soul who claimed to love the young man dearly observed the subtle changes in his personality. Louis had become exceptionally skillful at masking the consuming sadness behind a whimsical façade. Suffocating himself in a sea of consuming darkness, depression and self-loathing. No one could save him from himself, because no one knew he was drowning. Who knew all he needed was a little trouble to find that spark in life again, a meager injection of adrenaline to the heart to realize you only live once and life could be beautiful. It all started when Harry Styles received a plea from his beloved sister about a misunderstood angel who’d had her wings clipped. The shattered angel’s name was Ashleigh Camille Edwards, and she was a graceful breath-taking chaotic mess.


Louis William Tomlinson was thrust into a difficult situation, upon the beauty’s arrival almost a year prior, he never expected to fall completely helplessly head over heels in love with Ashleigh Camille Edwards. Each of the boys in One Direction loved the gorgeous brunette in their own way; Niall loved his ‘party partner’, Zayn loved the deep rooted artistic knowledge, Liam loved the compassionate environmentalist, and Harry loved the genuine confidant. After the seemingly unexpected break-up of ‘Elounor’ fans thought they had everything figured out, but no one had any idea, absolutely no one, and that included the boys of One Direction. Not a single soul knew the identity of the person who had single-handedly saved Louis from a life of emotional torment, the person whom had completely restored the sky high expectation of the meaning of life, the person whom had solely deciphered the mysterious puzzle that was Louis William Tomlinson.

Despite the deep rooted appreciation in Tommo’s heart for the beautiful young woman, he couldn’t help but want to shield his love from destructive hands. Fame destroyed everything it touched; it was the origin of his own destruction. Due to a massive amount of deliberation, Louis makes a decision that may completely shatter the newly gifted spirits by the beautiful stranger who’d earned his affections. Directioners wrongfully assumed the broken boy’s sadness stemmed from an urge to be with his band mate, but the truth was, the desperation glistening in his darkening sapphire cobalt eyes was due to the unyielding urge to be with the one woman he so desperately needed to survive, Ashleigh. Directioners had no idea the bond between Louis and Ashleigh until the truth is stumbled upon driven by a lie. Louis’ entire world is beginning to crack, he’s hoping to keep it from crumbling before it’s too late.
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This is just a bit of a prelude.
I don't normally write 'em but for some reason this just.. kinda came out.
I rather liked it so I am keeping it, lol.
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