The World VS. Four in an Epic Battle for Life, Wealth, and the Pursuit Thereof

Meet the heroes:

Morgana Hawkdaughter- Barbarian warrior, expert at frontal assault strategy and mockery, in it for the coin and the pleasure of hacking at evil things.

Jasper Nightshade- Archer, keeps a functioning first aid and charm kit on hand, happens to be stinking rich and incredibly naive.

Reeds-in-the-Wind- Argonian dancer/warrior combination, current events expert and brilliant at misdirection, in it for revenge.

Ember Alacreit- Bored mage, wielding ice, lighting, and a dabbler in necromancy, in it because she's bored.

These four, raised in different corners of the world, come together based on chance and luck, and form a band of mercenaries. Coming up against different enemies, and armies of darkness, with very few rules or respect for the land they live in. Tough to the bone (except for Jasper) and ready for anything.'

Meet the nemesis:

Anybody with a thing for creating rich enemies, or hurting kids, the Four will take down. They get paid and they get out, but once they are in they are there until the bad guy goes down in a fit of rage and fire.
  1. Hawk and Seamus
    Morgana's parents meet, and set to begatting.
  2. Lilith and Victor
    And little Jasper is born
  3. Dances-in-the-Shallows and Hails-From-Above
    Argonians have neat names
  4. Clemence and Edmund
    They're not actually french
  5. Morgana v. Beast
  6. Jasper's Youth
  7. Reed
  8. Ember v. Boring Childhood
  9. Morgana and Leadership
    FINALLY some action!