Status: This is probably a totally different story than what you're used to, but it's probably the most real to life one too, It's been my favorite to write, even better than my fanfic!


Presley Monroe Parker

Starting over is hard to do. How do you start over? Where do you go to start over? Who’s going to be there to pick you up when you’re down? Who do you turn to, to be that shoulder to cry on? What do you do when you lose that one person that you’ve counted on for a decade? How do you pick up the pieces when your spouse dies? For me, the answer to all those questions were in my hometown, Brookpoint TX. I tried to stay in my house after burying Spencer, but I just couldn’t without crying everyday. I needed to be with people that knew me, knew how hard I loved, and how hard I grieved. My son Preston was the brightest spot in all of this gloom. Losing a spouse if not an easy thing to handle, especially when you loose them in a war. You have this empty feeling, like a bottomless pit has just been placed in the middle of your heart.
I needed to be home, as much as I hated to have to go from my city life in Houston back to small town living in Brookpoint, it was something that I needed to do if I wanted to start over; if I wanted to move on with my life. Sometimes starting over means going back home. I’ve lost my first love to a rival female, an arch nemesis if you will; and the only other one that I’ve ever loved to a war. What’s a girl to do now?

Kyle David Hunter

If given the chance to start over, would you take it or just let it slip through your fingers? If given a chance to make things right, would you do it or just let sleeping dogs lie? How do you come back from losing a spouse and being a single parent? How do you find true love and happiness in a small town, the only place that you’ve ever known as home? What do you do when wherever you look, you’re reminded of the one that you let get away? Losing the love of my life was probably the hardest thing that I’ve ever had to deal with. Losing my wife was nowhere near as hard as letting go of the love of my life over my own stupid mistake. I love the product of my marriage, I wouldn’t give her up for the world, but I can’t help but to wonder about what could have been.
The only regret that I have is not telling her when I had the chance. If I could go back 12 years, I’d tell how I felt about her. I’d tell her the truth; I’d tell her how I’ve messed up and beg her to stay if for nothing else, but for me. But her staying in Brookpoint with me would have been selfish. There’s an old saying that goes, If you love something set it free, if it comes back to you, then it’s meant for you….or something like that. Well, I’m just patiently waiting for the day that she returns to me, because if I’m being honest, she had always been the one for me, I was just too stubborn to admit it to myself, let alone to her.
  1. Going Home, Starting Over
    First Chapter
  2. Reunions
    Chapter 2
  3. Memories
    Chapter 3
  4. Angles Watching Over: 1
    Chapter 4
  5. The Plan
    Chapter 5
  6. Friday Night Lights
    Chapter 6