Love & Lust

Lustful Eyes

Sighing I finish up with the dishes and head upstairs to my room. Pulling off my pajamas, I walk to my wardrobe in my underwear. I pull out a plain black t-shirt, blazer and dark blue jeans.

“Hello beautiful,” I hear his voice fill the room.

A slight tingle travels down my spine and I forget all my hurt.

“What are you doing up here?” I giggle, turning to face Dan staring at my body... intently.

“I just wanted to say good morning and I come here and see all of this- woah,” He says as he hides his body behind my bedroom door, licking his lips.

“You’re so funny. Close the door,” I roll my eyes and take my hair out of its pony tail.

“Can I come in?” He asks lustfully and eyes me down.

“Why not?” I smirk, sliding into my dark jeans.

“You going out today?” He asks taking a seat on my bed, watching me get dressed.

“I just have work,” maybe I was teasing him, what of it? It is so fun making guys weak, I love how we girls have the upper hand; bliss!

“Oh that’s right, you got the job at Topshop- we shout go out for drinks tonight?” He asks licking his lips, eyes still fucking glued on me.

“Sure,” I say simply and slide on my shirt and blazer.

“Dayum,” I hear come ever so slightly from Dan’s plump lips.

I giggle and bite my lip and refrain myself from pouncing at him. Goddamn those lips are beautiful. I can still remember the moment my lips were on his. Control yourself Anna, you can’t be fucking around. Well you can but you want Harry back...

“Come on, let’s go downstairs before I got mad. I made you breakfast,” I smile grabbing his hand, Dan almost instantly linking our fingers.

Why is he being such a tease right now? I can’t deal with this- too much, too much, too much.

“Am I making you go mad babe?” he asks with a knowing smirk.

“Shush,” I hiss at him letting go of his hand and running downstairs before he drove me over the edge.

“Morning boys!” I smile at the rest of You Me At Six cluttered in the kitchen.

I grab my lunch from the fridge, my bag on the counter and quickly skull down the rest of Josh’s orange juice.

“What were you and Dan doing up there?” Max winks.

“Shut up, we weren’t doing anything,” I hiss at him.


“You’re so funny Max,” I say sarcastically, hitting him on the shoulder while I was at it.

“You headed off to work?” Chris asks while digging into the breakfast i’d made for them all.

“Yup, I’ll see you tonight!” I smile making my way to the front door.

“Wait, I’ll walk you out,” Dan says, following me from behind.

“You look good,” He says as he closes the door behind him.


“You can’t avoid this forever,”

“Avoid what, Dan?” I ask stupidly.

“How you feel about me,” He says, a grin plastering across his beautiful face.

“What do you mean?” I ask- again, stupidly.

“I feel the chemistry we have, I know you want me,” He whispers, not even egotistically yet... knowingly.

“I can’t. Harry just broke up with me because of what we did. Don’t you feel the least bit guilty for doing that to your best mate?”

“I don’t. He was a proper twat to you. He knows not to treat a woman like that and he treated you like trash. Anna, I can make you feel everything he failed to. Just give me a chance,” He pleads changing his tone of voice.

“Dan, I-I still love him,”

“How can you still love Harry? Don’t you see how much of a dick he is to you?”

“Daniel, I do. I see it and I get what you’re saying, I get where you’re coming from. I understand but I can’t give up on Harry without even trying. Just let me try, leave me be. I love him albeit he is a dick and a twat, I fucking love him and I do not know how to not love him, Dan. Just please, we can’t be anything more than friends as long as I’m trying to fix whatever Harry and I have left, okay?” I plead, trying to explain my dilemma to Dan.

“Can I ask you one thing?”

“What is it?”

“If Harry wasn’t an issue... would you want to be more than just friends with me?” Dan asks, hints of hope in his words.

“Yes, of course yes, Daniel. I’d be crazy not to. You are such a sweet, caring and genuine person. I wish that I love you and not him. It would be better off that way, but somehow, unfortunately my heart is a fucking asshole just like Harry. So i’m sorry that it’s not you Dan,”

“I know,” he whispers. Gutted.

“I have to go, but i’ll see you tonight?” I force a smile to change the mood.

“Yeah,” he replies and I place my hand on his shoulder and place a kiss on his cold cheek.

“See ya,” he blushes.

“Bye Dan,”


It’s currently 9:30AM and I am here at Topshop before we open our doors to the public. I love my job, waking up early morning’s and then coming into work and not have to deal with people straight away. Store opens up at 10am and the staff come rolling in five/ten minutes before opening, so basically I have 20 minutes to myself everyday. Usually in the 20 minutes I reply to emails, return calls, communicate with topshop headquarters and what not, however some days I usually just lye down on my super comfortable couch in my office and blast good music to get me going for the day.

Noelle, Lisa and the other girls that work here walk in just as I finish up with my emails.

“Morning A, we brought you coffee,” Lisa greets, handing me a cup of coffee.

“Thanks love, you girls are too good to me. How was your night?”

“We went out in town last night,” She smiles cheekily.

I look at Noelle questioningly as she was the most responsible of the two.

“She met a boy,” Noelle teased.

“What’s he like?” I smile all too eager.

“He’s beautiful, but I don’t want a boyfriend- ever,” Lisa replies.

“You won’t want one anyway, they suck.” I say bitterly.

“You’re so depressing, Anna,” Noelle laughs.

“Not everyone has perfect fiances like you Noelle, bloody whore,” I laugh sticking my tongue out at her.

“Whatever, whatever,” She smiles, rolling her eyes and walking away.

They both leave my office and my phone vibrates on the table, illuminating the screen with a text message simply stating,

[Harry to Anna]
Hey love
♠ ♠ ♠
uh ohh. comment. if i get 15 comments i'll update wooo :)