Status: Hey guys am a newbie here and this is my first story.I really need your opinion so I need comments and reviews you know anything to help my story.

My Wolf Mate


I was so shocked that I couldn’t breathe. “Annabell” he whispered. His voice was husky as though he was under some sort of pressure and he couldn’t breathe properly. He inhaled deeply then lifted his face and stared right into my eyes examining my face then slowly let go of his breath.
My blood grew hot as I shivered visibly trying to get air to my lungs. I stood there unable to access the words he had just spoken but one thing I was sure of Raymond had just spoken to me. His seductive, indescribable scent filled my lungs appeasing them and arousing me. I stood there shocked, excited yet afraid. For a moment I felt like the school was frozen in time and it was just Ray and I together and in a quick second I was the center of attention. Everyone in the hall way was just staring, to see what was going to happen. Seeing my reaction Raymond smirked, a playful smirk “bye Anna” he said and walked away with his gang behind him. Their seductive, manly structured bodies drifted in a different direction, but my eyes amazed by such beautiful sighting followed them until they disappeared.

I didn’t realize I was holding my breath till I let go. God I love how he smelt, it wasn’t describable but it made me feel different, unique and beautiful .He was the most amazing thing I ever smelt. God! Even his smell was hot. I bit my bottom lip replaying the words he said in my head ‘bye Ann’ I thought smiling like an idiot. My name sounded so beautiful coming from his mouth, if I had the opportunity to record and play it I would do it every minute. It was worth it, he was worth it.

“OMG did that just happen? You never told me you talked to him?” Bails shrieked
“I never did” I said still smiling like an idiot.
“Why did he just kiss your neck then uh?”
I sprung back shocked. “What? He didn’t kiss me what the hell are you thinking?”
“Well it sure looked like…..” Bailey was saying before we were interrupted by Charlotte a pretty gossip freak if I may say and no I am not being mean. She really loves gossip and is pretty good at spreading it too.
“Omg you didn’t tell me you were dating him” Charlotte said blinking her eyes which I noticed were blue, last time I checked they were green. Charlotte and her obsession with beauty contacts I never really understood her. We weren’t really friends because I clearly remembered her spreading absurd rumors about me.
I smiled awkwardly. “So are you?” she asked twirling her perfect pitch black hair around her fingers.
I felt irritation rise in me as I continued to bite my lower lip unsure if I should yell or insult her in the rudest possible way.
I could have answered her properly but she kept looking at me so disrespectfully which made me even more irritated so I snapped at her and said “Just move out of my way oh by the way you could use a jacket no one really wants to see what you’re showing.”
She seemed taken aback by my comment, I smirked.
“It’s not like you’ve got anything to show anyways” I continued in a low tone, enough for her to hear and then walked away.
As I walked from the hallway guilt began to overcome me and I regretted what I had just done.
“That was so cool I see you’re beginning to have confidence since you’re now Raymond’s girlfriend eh” Bails teased.
“No it’s not nice this isn’t me, who knows what she’s going to do to me, ugh I hate my life. I am not dating Raymond okie. I have never even spoken to him before and I really don’t give a crap about him right now. You know me I’m Annabell the heartless bitch.” I got that name because I never have real crushes, never fallen in love, don’t give a crap about hot, popular guy celebrities and I don’t beat around the bush even if it hurts. I found it mysterious that Raymond’s case was different I never really cared about him not until he started staring and following me around school a few weeks ago.
“You do have a point? It kind of looked like he kissed you but whatever just try to hook me up with Dave since you now belong to the popular family” Bails teased again. Dave is Raymond’s older brother also extremely hot. He and Ray were always together and sometimes I wondered if they ever fought. The bell rang and it was time for the first period. “Bye” Bails yelled heading to class. I didn’t even bother to reply but I did face palm myself. “This is going to be a long day.”

Class was practically boring except Environmental Management which I loved the most sometimes I was unsure if I loved the teacher or the subject but at the end of the day I always enjoyed the lesson. Other lessons were plain boring minus making fun of the teachers. I know it’s mean but I just can’t help it I mean the teachers give you reasons to make fun of them. Even in lessons people were sending me notes asking me if I was dating Raymond and If I ignore them which I did they start whispering and making hand gestures. Someone even asked me if she could share Raymond with me and I was like what the hell? Seriously! It’s really annoying because I am the center of attention, I know sometimes I long for attention but definitely not this way. During lunch people whispered when I passed by and I even saw some girls giving me scornful looks. I even overheard someone say ‘what would he want with a girl like her. She’s not even pretty.’ Of course after hearing that I didn’t dare turn around to see who said it. I tried to have a normal conversation with Bails but even she couldn’t stop talking about what happened in the morning.
I looked over where Raymond was sitting with his brother and other members of their group including the girls. They were laughing and having a good time like they usually did while I was having a miserable time because of what Raymond did. I grew angry, clenched my fist then Raymond glanced at me and smiled and that even made me even more agitated. His expression seemed to change and he focused his gaze on me. ‘Calm down geez’ a voice in my head spoke.
This was normal for me to hear voices in my head, you hear voices too right? If you don’t I think you need a visit with the doctor. I don’t really remember when I started hearing voices but always thought of it as nothing though occasionally I thought I was suffering from schizophrenia but I knew the voices were in my head so it was impossible. Yeah you’re right am just overreacting I thought.
‘Exactly plus you know he’s really cute. It’s not that bad that people think you’re together you’ll finally earn some respect.’ the voice replied. You are crazy I replied in my head. I turned around and saw Raymond smiling; yeah I guess he really was cute who could be mad at a hot guy like him. Nobody! Not even the heartless bitch.
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