Status: Active

Not Like the Movies

After All The We've Been Through

Five Years Ago.

"Louis?" Harry waited till he had his bandmates full attention before continuing. "You know how I told you about my friend Daisy?"

"You mean the one you've been hopelessly in love for like ten years?" Louis smirked. Harry hit in the back of the head with a laugh.

"Shut up. Anyway, she's gonna be in London, and tomorrow were gonna meet up. Lou, I-I think I'm going to tell her." Louis stopped typing on his computer and quickly shut it, looking at his best mate surprised.

"You're finally going to tell her? It's about damn time, Haz! How are you gonna do it? I mean you can't just come right out and say 'hey Daisy, I've been in love you every since I saw you and accidentally fell into a pool.'"Louis stated,

Harry groaned, inwardly agreeing with his bandmate. He knew all too well how hard it would be to tell the girl he was best friends with, how he truly felt. It was a conversation he often dreamed about and thought of different scenarios for. He knew what a big risk he was taking, telling her he loved her. But he couldn't pretend anymore. He was twenty two, life wasn't stopping anytime soon.

"Well, whatever you decide to say Harry, just remember everything happens for a reason, whether she feels the same or different. I'm always here for you." Harry grinned thankful for his friend's support.

Louis yawned as he walked out of Harry's flat building. He had spent all night trying to help his friend decide the perfect way to profess his love. Louis had never met the girl before, all he knew was how much Harry cared for her. He just wanted to make sure she would feel the same, but unfortunately he couldn't help that.

Without looking where he was going, Louis ran right into another person falling flat on the ground. "Oh god, I am so, so sorry! I can't ever pay attention. Oh, geez."

Louis never really believed in those cliche movie moments where the world stopped except for two people, and in that sudden moment you knew you just had to get to know that random stranger. He never thought that could ever be true, until now.

"That's okay! It-it was my fault." the girl grinned, widely. Her blonde curls fell around her face as she tucked one strand behind her ear.

"I'm Sarah." she confessed, biting her lip.

Louis smiled at the girl. He swore she was the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on. "Louis."

"Well, Louis, maybe to make up for knocking you down we could um, we could maybe get some coffee?" Louis felt like the happiest man on the planet in that moment alone. He didn't know why or how but this girl- Sarah- he just had to get to know.

"Okay, but only if I pay." Sarah let out a gentle laugh, and nodded.

"I think that could be arranged."

"Oh, Harry! I'm so sorry! I forgot about our plans. I brought Chinese take out, if that makes up for anything?" Harry really did want to be mad at his best friend, but he just couldn't.

"Crab rangoon?" he questioned, slyly.

"What would be Chinese take out be without crab rangoon?" she laughed, walking into his flat and setting the paper bag on the table. Harry grabbed the plates and silverware as she grabbed the drinks.

"So, Dais, what were you doing that got you so distracted you forgot about your best friend?" Harry joked.

"Oh my goodness, Harry. This morning I was walking around and I met the nicest guy. He is just so funny and sweet. I'm seeing him tomorrow, again." Harry nearly spit out his water at the news. He didn't even know how to react. It wasn't like she hadn't had boyfriends before, he just couldn't understand why she had to find someone on the day he planned on telling her how he felt about her.

"That's,- that's great, Sarah. I'm happy for you. I hope he treats you right." Harry managed to choke out.

She frowned at the tone of his voice and mention of her real name. "Harry? Are you okay?"

"What? Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be? My best friend is finally in town, and happy. What's to be upset about?" he rambled, desperately.

"If you say so. Hey! How about that girl you told me about. You know, the one you had feelings for but she didn't know. How'd that work out?" she questioned.

"Not very good. Turns out she has a boyfriend." Harry explained hopelessly, wanting the night to be over. He was done with the idea of actually telling Sarah how he felt. There was no use anymore. Every time he thought he would be able to do it, something came and got in the way.

Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. Maybe she was meant for someone else and vice versa. Maybe they were suppose to be just best friends. But Harry couldn't help but have some sort of hope deep down that maybe, just maybe, things would work out between the two.
♠ ♠ ♠
So now we know how Louis and Sarah met. And well now you know about Harry. So what is everyone thinking? Does everyone still dislike that Harry took Sarah from Louis?

Honestly your feedback is so amazing, I'm so thankful. Thanks to all those who read (you guys also don't go unnoticed.)

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