Status: Active

Not Like the Movies

Go In, Come In

"Hey Louis," Liam greeted, happily. I smiled at him and the other lads, sitting next to Zayn. I had finally decided to meet up with them and catch up, though I already knew that meant them checking to see how I was coping.

"Did you come across any traffic?" Niall asked, I assume trying to get the conversation going as we all four sat there awkwardly.

"No, not really. I went the back way." I answered. "So, um, how have you guys been?" Regardless of the fact that I had been ignoring the guys for the past month or so, I did want to know how they were doing.

"Pretty good. Were signing a new band next week, so that's pretty exciting." I smiled at Zayn, letting him know I was happy for him. After the band broke up, Zayn had ultimately decided to open up his own record label and had been quite successfull at it.

"Kristin and I finally sold the house. I think were going to get the place at Charleston Avenue, so we can still be near London but Kris will be closer to her job. That's basically all that's remotely important with us." Liam explained.

"Well that's good to hear. I always thought that house would be good for you two. What have you been up to Niall?"

"Well, I was going to tell you two earlier but then Louis called so I figured I'd do it when you three are all here. But, um anyway, Lexi's pregnant!" Niall announced grinning from ear to ear.

The three of us instantly got up from our spots to congratulate him. I had never been more happier for Niall than right now. I knew how much him and his wife wanted a child and now they were finally going to get one.

It was weird though, the four of us sitting here. I had been spending so much time lately by myself and contemplating my past that it never occurred to me what could be happening with my former best friends.

As we all sat here laughing and joking about how crazy Niall's children were going to be, I couldn't help but have that feeling inside me that things were starting to get better. That maybe all I had needed in the first place was a good laugh with my friends. Just some simple conversations that had no important topic and didn't have any mention of the past problems.

It was suddenly dawned on me as I listened to Liam's story about his dog that I had not cried once today. Which means that this is would be the first day in a month and a half that I haven't broken down, and that idea alone was enough for me to never cry again.

"So, um Lou h-have you er, talked to Harry?" I looked over at Zayn with a sigh. Any feeling if happiness that I had just been having, had suddenly vanished in two seconds.

"No. Why should I?" I responded, my eyes becoming cold. I didn't ask to hangout the guys so we could talk about the curly haired asshole. I asked to hangout with them to see what they were up to and maybe just maybe, pretend as if I wasn't feeling like shit every day. But apparently, that couodnt happen.

"It's just, Lou. We know you're upset with him, but he's your best friend-" I gaped at Liam while the words spilled out of his mouth.

"My best friend? Try former best friend. In case you guys forgot, he stole my wife from me, so yeah, no. He is not and never again will be my beat friend." I retorted, the anger starting to build up inside me.

"Louis don't you miss him though? You guys used to be inspeperable, and I know for a fact he misses you. He wants to see you ag-".

I cut Niall off, "Oh he misses me, does he? He wants to fucking hang out again and be my best friend, all while fucking my wife? Well fucking newsflash, Harry is a backstabbing asshole who I nevr want to ever have to see again. I am done with Harry fucking Styles and pleas let him know I say that the next time he thinks he can still have any sort of relationship with me after what he's done.

"Now if you all would excuse me, I'm done here." I exclaimed, roughly shoving my coat over my arms.

I walked out the coffee shop. I was sure my face was red in fury at just the thought of Harry wanting to be my friend. "Louis! Wait, wait, Louis!" I felt Zayn grab my arm, and I stopped as he took a breath.

"Look, mate, we didn't mean to offend you. We shouldn't have brought it up, just please come back inside. We've missed you and wanna catch up. Please, we won't mention anything else." Zayn pleaded.

I sighed, "I'm sorry, Zayn. I think it's best I just go home. This was a mistake. I'll-I'll see you around, I suppose." I turned around as my once friend's face fell in disappointment.

I began walking hope, trying my best not to cry. I guess I was wrong. Maybe what I needed was to get out of London. Get out of England, maybe. I don't know.

All I knew after that meeting with the boys was that I couldn't stick around any longer. I needed to start a new life some place else that had no reminder of my old friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
1. I am sorry this took so long. I have a specific order in updating my fan fictions and my one before this, got pushed back. But I'm back on track now.

2. I'm not the biggest fan of this chapter, and I did not spell check this so I'm sorry if there's any mistakes.

3. To fertile Myrtle./URL], and [URL=] park chanyell, I am so unbelievably sorry for not putting your names on the last list or thanking you for commenting I feel so bad, I don't even know how I missed you two. So I apologize for that.

4. I'm always astounded by all of your comments. It never fails to excite me. So thank you!

Shout outs to:
fertile myrtle.
park chanyeol

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment and subscribe!

P.S. If you guys like emotional story, I'm starting a Zayn story that's going to be pretty sad called Snow Fall, I'll be updating sometime this week, so check that out.

Hope you enjoyed, have a wonderful day!