Status: Active

Not Like the Movies

Thought I Heard a Knock

"So that's that, then? You're just going to up and leave?" I groaned, banging my head on the table in front of me. I had been on the same phone call with my sister, Lottie, for an hour and it wasn't going anywhere. I had just simply mentioned to her what I was thinking about doing, and she had to go all balistic on me, telling me all of these things that I had already thought about.

"I mean, Louis. I know you're heartbroken and all, but why would you want to leave England and your family behind?" she demanded.

"Lottie, I told you. I'm only thinking about this. Plus, I never said I was going to leave England for Christ's sake. I just need to get out of London. Maybe I'll go to Leeds or somewhere up north. Can you please calm down already?" I heard my younger sister sigh at this, and I could only guess what was coming next.

"Louis, I'm just worried about you. Were all worried about you. I mean I swear mom's more heartbroken then you are. I just don't want you to do anything rash, like leaving your friends and family behind. You know, maybe you should come back to Doncaster? I mean mom really does miss you, and the twins I'm sure would love to have you back home." Lottie suggested.

"First off, Lottie. I am not being rash for wanting to experience something new in life. Secondly, I am twenty eight years old. I will not be moving in with my mum. I'm not that heartbroken. Listen, I have to go okay? Keep studying, and I'll talk to you later. Love you." I hung up the phone after she murmered a goodbye, letting out a deep breath.

I was at lost for what to do. I knew everything my sister had just said was true. How could I just up and leave my family, and whether I liked to admit it or not, my friends, behind? I don't think I had the heart to do that to them or myself.

But there was also the fact that I had nothing going for me here. All I had here was an empty heart filled with too many memories that I didn't need to remember. I just didn't know what to do.

Hearing the kettle begin to whistle, I took the pot off the burner, more than ready to sit back with a cup of tea and think about things. And that's exactly what I did.

But the problem I soon realized was the more I thought about it the more I began to lean forward one option, which I knew would ultimately upset everyone around me.

After an hour of staring blankly at the television screen and wasting my time on empty thoughts, I decided what I was going to do.

I set my teacup down on the table and grabbed my bags from the hallway closet. I had always wanted to visit some sort of small town in the United States, so why not go now? I could stay in one of those mini hotels they have and explore the area.

The more I imagined my unknown destination, the happier I got. I grabbed a couple of my favorite shirts and trousers, throwing them carelessly in my bags.

I imagined a nice ocean view from my room I'd stay at where I would fall asleep to the sounds of the waves hitting the shore. I would people watch on the boardwalk and ride the ferris wheel every night just to look at the stars above.

But the best part, the best part would be the family that would own the little inn. There would be a loving mother of two children. One of her kids would be a beautiful woman with a smile that could melt the coldest of hearts. She would talk like a saint and have a melodic laugh. She would say a friendly hello to me and from that moment, we would never be off of each other's minds. We'd spend the rest of my trip together and in the end fall in love.

It would be a perfect romantic ending, and I couldn't help the grin taking over my face. I had never been so happy in quite some time.

I continued to pack my bags with random articles of clothing and different necessities. I only had to put my toothbrush in when my dreams of the wonderful small town came to an end by a knock at the door.

With the mysterious woman of my dreams stuck on my mind, I walked to the door in a phase. But what was beyond that door was someone who had the capability of erasing any sort of happy dreams out of my head in an instant.

"Wh-what are you- what?" I stuttered, staring surprisingly at the woman who broke my heart in two and shattered it to pieces.

"Hey, Lou,"
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh. Bet you weren't expecting that. Okay, I am really sorry this took so long. The week I planned to update this was complete shit and I had no time this week, but finals are over this week so I am more than likely going to be updating sometime this coming week or on the weekend.

Huge thanks to all of these beautiful people for your comments. They always make me smile, so thank you!
Shout outs to:
fertile myrtle.
teenage hearts
LiveLoveLife (thanks for helping me girl!)

Thank you all for reading, please comment and let me know what you think.