Status: Active

Not Like the Movies

Who's There, No One

"Wh- wh- what are you doing here?!" I demanded, trying my best to not allow my words to come out in one big frantic jumble of words.

"Do you think we could talk?"

"Fine." I mumbled letting the blonde haired girl into my flat as she cautiously walked in.

"Lou- Louis you know he didn't mean it, right?" I scoffed, shaking my head.

"Why do you always do this?"

"Do what?" Sarah questioned, a look of confusement glistening in her eyes.

"Do- do
this. Anytime Harry and I have some sort of fight you always take his side! I don't get it, Sare. Aren't I suppose to be your boyfriend? Shouldn't you be on my side?"

Sarah stared back at me baffled. "Louis, babe- I
am on your side. I just- I'm sort of stuck in the middle here. You're my boyfriend yes. But you need to keep in mind this is my childhood best friend were talking about-"

"What so just because he's your "childhood best friend" that means you get to just whisk away and comfort him, instead of your actual fucking boyfriend? I mean, Sarah, that's a bit messed up don't you think?" I demanded.

"I don't even understand why your so upset with me! I mean, I
told you I was going to go help Harry. And you're the one who said that I should in the first place! I mean, honestly, Louis!"

"Yeah, but I didn't actually mean for you to spend the rest of the night listening to him sob about our ridiculous, pointless arguments!"

"Louis Tomlinson. Are you jealous?" I felt my jaw drop as I turned to face the smirking woman standing across from me.

"I am
not jealous." I declared.

"Oh yeah? Not even a little?" she smiled, wrapping her arms around me as I tried my best to not give in.

"Not even the slightest."

"Are you sure? Because I kinda like a jealous Louis." I smirked down at her, as she bit her lip.

"You like when I'm jealous? Well, I can be jealous. Just you watch"

"So what do you want?" I asked, scratching the back of my neck. I was doing my best to try and stay as calm as possible while the love of my life nervously walked around our old home, but I felt as if I was about to have a panic attack at any moment.

"Look, Lou. I just- Louis can you talk to Harry?" All feelings of anxiety and nervousness vanished as I was suddenly reminded of who was standing in front of me. I wasn't dealing with the love of my life who I had gotten in a fight with. No. I was dealing with my once love of my life who cheated on with me and demanded a divorce from me.

"Excuse me? You want me to talk to Harry? Did I hear you right?" I demanded, licking my lips to hold back my anger.

"Well, yeah. Its just he's been so down since-"

"Since what? Since you two decided to ruin my life and betray all of my trust because you both were a bit too horny one night? If that's the case than he can just go fuck himself because he deserves to be down." I yelled.

Sarah was in shock before she quickly recovered. "Look, Louis. I'm sorry. The both of us our sorry. I can't tell you that enough. I hate myself for hurting you like I did. I really do. But please don't kick Harry aside for one stupid mistake he did. He's your best friend. Whatever happened to that saying, 'Bros before hoes' or whatever?"

"Don't kick him aside? Are you fucking shitting me? You both deserve to be kicked aside! You both went behind my back and had sex. Do you even have any idea of how horrible that is? This isn't some sort of stupid school fight when one guy takes another guys girl. This is more than that! This is about someone who you thought loved you as much as you loved them and a best friend whose suppose to have your back no matter what coming together and fucking!" I shouted, my breathing heavy and my heart beating at an irregular pace.

"I broke up with him." I calmed down at this five words instantly.


"I broke up with Harry, Lou. About a week ago." she stated.

"Wh-why?" I managed to ask.

"Because it's- it's just so messed up when you realize that the guy you thought was the right choice in the end, wasn't. I made a mistake. And then I proceeded to make the wrong decision. Louis, I love you. I haven't stopped. And I'm stupid enough to realize it just now. I miss all of your crazy stories you used to make up. I miss you pretending to be a spy or attempting to help me make cookies or always meeting me at our own little table in that terrible tasting coffee place. Louis- I'm in love-"

"Stop!/b]. Stop- just stop."

"But Lou-"

"Get out of my house." I let out an emotionless chuckle as I lead her towards the front door.

"Lou- I don't understand."

"Really? Cause I understand perfectly, now. You broke my heart and now you've broken my best friend's heart. You've torn up a friendship and a you ruined a fucking marriage. For god's sake you broke up my fucking band. But I finally figured out who you are. You're not some perfect, flawless woman. You're a lying, cheating bitch. Do us all a favor and get out of my house, stay out of my life, and stay out of my fucking friends life." And with that the wooden door in front of me was slammed shut.

Finally, finally every single depressing and anxious emotion I have had since the divorce paper were finally put to rest. And for once in my life, I felt at ease.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey look it hasn't been an eternity yet and I've updated!

Sooooo Louis finally told her off. I've literally been anticipating this moment since I started this story. This is probably really sudden but I think this story is going to end next chapter and then an epilogue.

Thank you to these fantabulous people for your awesome comments, you guys are like my motivater team.
Shout outs:

Hope everyone had a good holiday, please comment and let me know what you think!