Status: Active

Not Like the Movies

Thinking That I Deserved This

I stared at the big wooden door that only an hour ago I had managed to kick my ex wife out of and not to mention tell her off. In the span of that hour, I had managed to tear up or throw out anything and everything that had once belonged to Sarah. All of her favorite books were burned; the pots and pans she had ordered were smashed over and over again; any sort of material whether it be a towel or a blanket were cut in half. And it honestly never felt better.

It was strange really to think about the fact that all I had to do was tell her off and get rid of her things before I finally felt at peace. Well, at least for the most part.

There was still one thing that I knew I had to take care of before I could finally be content and happy with my life. I grabbed my coat and keys quickly and darted out the door.

I drove and drove not really thinking of what was going to happen or what I would do or say. But that was okay with me. I just needed to know how I would feel once this very last detail was taken care of.

Parking my car in the familiar driveway, I ran up the pathway to the front door, banging on it over and over again.

"What do you- Louis?" I looked up at the curly haired man in front of me, realizing I really had no idea what I exactly wanted to tell him.

"Lou, I'm sorry. I really at am." Harry began, biting his lip which I had learned a long time ago was a sign that he was feeling quite guilty.

"You're sorry? You're actually sorry? What are you sorry for exactly, Harry? Are you sorry that you ruined our friendship? Do you have some sort of great regret for the fact that you and I, the two guys who everyone thought were the ideal best friends, will never be that close again?

"Or are you sorry for the fact that the one night I was gone, you came to my own house, seduced my wife, and fucked her. And if that wasn't bad enough, are you more sorry that you fucked her over and over again, and then preceded to listen to me tell you about how much I thought she loved me?

"Well? Which is it, Harry? Huh? Why are you so fucking sorry?"

"I'm sorry for everything Louis. Truly. I am so unbelievably sorry that I hurt someone that I care about like a brother. I am so sorry that I ruined a beautiful relationship that could have had so much potential but never got that. I am so sorry that I drove a rift between you and every one of our friends because I made them swear they wouldn't tell you. I am sorry, Louis. So sorry that if I had the powers to change time I would.

"I would go back to five years ago, and tell you how much it means to me to have such a great friend like you. I would learn to get over my love for Sarah because you deserved that. I would change it all if that meant you never had to get hurt and have your heart broken in two by not only your lover but your best friend.

"I know you can probably never forgive me, and I completely understand that. I just need you to know that I am sorry for every single thing I have every done to you that lead to this point right now." I looked down at my feet as I watched Harry wipe the tears from his face. I wiped my own as I realized he was in fact sorry.

"H-Harry?" he looked up at me, sniffling for a second as he looked at me sadly.

Taking in a deep breath I said what I knew needed to be said and understood. "I forgive you. I shouldn't. I should walk away right now. I should forget about you. But I can't. We've had too many adventures and such a great past together that I don't think I could walk away even if I tried.

We will never be best friends again just know that, okay? Just because I forgive you does not mean I'll ever forget this. What you did was unthinkable. You practically killed me, Harry. I just- I just want to know. Why? Why did you feel the need to ruin my marriage?" I questioned, planting myself on his porch. Harry closed his front door with a sigh and sat himself down across from me.

"I never told you this. I wanted too. I really, really wanted too. Believe me. But it was the way you talked about her. And the way her eyes lit up that day she came over after she met you on the street. It was as if she had been in love with you for years, and you the same." I watched as he took a deep breath and continued.

"Louis, Sarah is Daisy. You know my best friend from childhood?"

"Wait. What? I- I don't understand. You always called your best friend Daisy but Sarah's name definitely doesn't have Daisy in it and I never heard you call her that." I stated, confused.

"I nicknamed her that when we were little. Daisies were her favorite flower so I decided to call her that. When you guys met and she found out that you and I were band mates and best friends, she begged me to pretend as if I didn't know her. As if hadn't spent my whole life as her best friend.

"She told me to never call her Daisy again, and so I didn't. Louis I was so in love with her. But I thought because you liked her so much and she actually liked you back that maybe I could just push my feelings aside. Maybe just maybe I could move on and you two could be completely happy.

"And that worked for awhile. I was able to distract myself with One Direction and putting all my effort into tour and our music. But then you told us you thought it would be best if you quit, and of course we couldn't go on anymore without you. I had no idea what to do with myself. I had nothing to keep my mind occupied off of Sarah."

"So you chose to pursue her?" I demanded, trying my hardest to keep my anger down and understand where he was coming from.

"Not exactly. I never planned on doing anything physical like that. Yes, I was in love with her but I had no intentions of doing anything like that with her." Harry pleaded.

"Well then why did you do it?" I questioned, my voice escalating.

"Because-" Harry sighed, shaking his head. "I went over to your house one day when you were gone because she had called me. She told me it was urgent so I got there as fast as I could. When I went inside she was waiting there and told me she was in love with me

"I couldn't believe what I was hearing, you know? This was something I had only dreamed about and here she was telling me she felt the same way. I was so blinded by the fact that she was in love with me that I kissed her.

"I pulled away, though as soon as I realized what I had done. I couldn't do that to you, I just couldn't. No matter how much I wanted too, I wouldn't do that."


"No, just let me finish. When she asked me why I had pulled away, I told her I couldn't do that to you. I reminded her that she was your wife. I was your best friend. Sarah kept insisting though. 'Louis won't find out' she said over and over again. But I didn't want there to be anything for you to find out.

"Finally, she told me that if I truly loved her I would show it to her. So I did. God, you have no idea how much I regret that. I wish I could have just taken it all back. She tempted me, and I couldn't control myself. I thought I needed her. I thought she needed me. But I was wrong again. She left me, which I suppose I deserve. After all, she was never mine in the first place." He finished.

We sat there quietly for awhile. I was trying to digest everything I had heard. I hadn't expected Harry to have such a long story for this. I really hadn't expected him to have been best friends with Sarah. But the one thing I couldn't get off my mind as I sat there trying to put all the pieces together, was why Sarah had to lie to me.

Why had she chosen to hide the fact that she grew up with Harry from me? What else had she been hiding from me the whole time? I mean she was able to hide that and the fact that she cheated on me for almost a year. Was it actually possible that I was so blinded by my love for her that I failed to realize all of the obvious events going on around me? Was I that stupid that everyone knew what Sarah and Harry were doing except for me?

I looked over at my once best friend as he wiped the tears from his eyes. It didn't take an idiot to see he was truly sorry. "H-Harry?"


"Why didn't she tell me? Why didn't you tell me? Why did you guys have to keep all of this a secret? Why couldn't you have just saved me some of the heartache?" I questioned, wiping furiously at the loose tears coming out of my eyes.

"I don't know, Lou. I wish I would have. I don't think Sarah honestly cared enough for either of us to tell you what was going on." Harry spoke.

"She really didn't care about us, did she?" Harry shook his head as I groaned. "We let a girl get between us. We let some girl who didn't even care about us get between us. What the actual fuck?"

"I don't even know. I don't even know how either one of us didn't realize it."

"Fucking love, I'll tell you. Man, I feel like an idiot." I muttered.

"Louis?" I looked over to the curly haired man across from me.


"I really am sorry."

"I know you are. I am too."

"So what does this mean for us?"

"It means that I don't hate you but were not best friends. Were just- I guess, were just acquaintances." I said.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm pretty sure this is a record for fastest update.

I'll fix the spelling errors tomorrow morning. Next chapter is the epilogue.

Thanks to all of the following people for their amazing comments, I always appreciate them.
Shout outs:
Teenage hearts

Hope you all enjoyed, comment and let me know what you think!