Only Figments

Into the World

Jake felt the need to break the stillness of the raining scene, the silence of the street, “Lucy, you’ll catch a cold if we stay out here.” He wondered why he said this, they never caught a cold before, they couldn’t, at least not if their masters didn’t imagine one.

“I am almost excited to catch one, aren’t you?”

He stared at her, he did not understand why, but then he realized how excited he got at the idea, how excited he got at all the things he was experiencing at the very moment. Her face cracked a grin noticing the flash of bliss in his eyes as he pondered all the possibilities.

“See,” she whispered before exhaling a soft breath against his cheek. He watched her cloud of breath and felt the warmth caress his cheek. She was right, they were finally experiencing the world. He breathed back against hers a smoke that fluffed against her soft skin before dissipating. He dropped her almost too carelessly but her excitement also had gotten the best of her. Forgetting her fears, she stumbled clumsily backwards to catch her step when her feet touched the ground again. Before she noticed, Jake had ran down half the block and spinning in circles and she shrieked for him. He returned sprinting and did not slow down as he neared, she feared colliding but he swiftly took her hand and dragged her along before she caught her step sprinting next to him. They did not look at each others flushed faces. They did not look at their masters whom did not need anymore protection from loneliness. They did not look behind to where they were only figments, but ahead into the world which now embraced their new solid existence.

Jake and Lucy were finally real.
♠ ♠ ♠
There should be one more chapter after this.