

A few days later I was getting ready for school when mom walked in “Jenna I won’t be here tonight” she stated as she sat on my bed and I nodded “Okay” I replied smiling “Well actually I won’t be here all week, Mike and I are going away for the week so you’ll be home alone. Here’s some money for food and that while we’re gone,” she said handing me some cash.

“Oh okay then” I stated “Yeah we’re going at lunch so I won’t be home when you finish school” she informed, “Okay well I have to go now but have fun” I said and she nodded. “Yeah I’ll text when I get there and stuff” she said walking out my room and I sighed, great so I was home alone for a week!

The day was normal; Emily had left me alone since the day at the park and I had loads of homework that night so I sat doing it before going to bed. The next night after school I’d just had dinner when I heard the door and open it to see Ben “Hey” I said and he smiled.

“Jenna can you do me the biggest favour?” he asked and I looked at him “Katie’s got some friends over and one of them is terrified of dogs, I’d leave him in my room but they’re watching my TV so they keep going in and out. I’ve got practise and I can’t miss it so could you have him while I’m gone?” he asked and I nodded. “Your sure? I’ll be 3 hours max, will your mom mind?” he asked and I shook my head.

“She’s not here” I answered “What if she comes back before me?” he asked “She won’t she’s away all week so it’s okay” I explained and he nodded. “Okay well Peyton behave, I’ll be 3 hours no longer, thanks,” he said hugging me before giving me Peyton’s leash and leaving.

I shut the door letting him off his leash and he wandered room to room before following me to my own room and curling up on the floor while I finished my homework. I took him out into the backyard to play before going back to my room to finish my homework and he laid asleep at my feet until the door went and he sat up, I walked down grabbing his collar as I opened it.

“Hey you 2, you never walked down to practise” Ben said “Oh well I was doing homework” I replied not that I had any intention of going down there, I told him to come in shutting the door behind him. “Well I guess that’s more important but it would have been cool if you came down to practise, next time you best be there,” he informed.

“Maybe” I stated and he smiled “She made you do homework Pey?” he asked crouching down to him “You can tell he misses me when I’m gone can’t you? I bet he fell asleep as soon as he found somewhere comfy, he never bothers” he admitted and I agreed.

“So have you done your homework?” he asked “Yep” I replied, “Good, want to do something?” he asked “Can watch a movie or something here if you want?” I suggested, “Yeah, you have to beat The Hangover though” he joked as I looked through the dvd’s in my room. “Step Brothers?” I asked and he laughed, “Yes, I love that film” he admitted as I put it on and Peyton lay on the floor.

“You know you can lay on the bed Peyton,” I said “Yeah he’s well trained, he never goes on furniture unless its my bed and on occasions the couch without being asked, you sure?” he asked and I nodded ”Pey come on” he said signalling for him to jump up and he did.

The movie finished and Peyton was asleep “So your mom’s away all week?” Ben asked “Yep” “And you’re all on your own?” he asked and I nodded. “Your 16!” he said and I looked at him “But if your home alone, nobody’s checking on you; what if something happened?” he asked.

“I can look after myself” I replied “But what if someone broke in?” he asked “Oh thanks for that, nothing like scaring me” I stated and he smiled. “Sorry, my parents won’t leave Katie unless I’m there and she’s 19. That’s crazy your mom will leave you” he admitted, “I’ll be fine,” I stated and he nodded slowly.

“So you got any wild house parties planned whilst she’s away?” he asked smiling and I shook my head “Well I’m disappointed in you, if you do throw one I want an invite. You know when Emily said I was only talking to you for good grades and you walked off, did you believe her?” he asked and I nodded slowly.

“You really thought that?” he said and I shrugged “Why would you think that?” he asked, “The same reason your friends don’t like you talking to me” I replied. “My so called friends will get over it when they realise I’m serious about being friends with you, just because I’m on the football team doesn’t mean I’m any different to you” he stated “No but you get treated different, everyone knows who you are, nobody knows who I am” I said.

“I know who you are, I knew who you were when I ran into you that day didn’t I?” he asked and I nodded “Exactly, just because people know my name doesn’t mean I don’t take the time to know other peoples. People only know who I am because I have the ability to throw, catch, run and tackle people on a field, being able to do that is just valued higher than being clever in our school” he admitted.

“Yeah but you still see everyone with their friends and they’re always within their little groups” I replied and he smiled “Your not in my group and I’m not in yours yet we’re friends, I’m not a bully Jenna and I never have been. Name one time I’ve ever picked on you or anyone else?” he asked and I shrugged.

“Because I haven’t. Yeah I’ve been in a few fights in my time but never just for no reason and never with someone who couldn’t take what I was giving them. You’ve seen the stuff I can do in class, if I gave all my time to school I’d be just as clever as you but the fact I can play football cancels that out. If I was a bully I wouldn’t stand up for you to my own friends and I wouldn’t argue with my best friend just because his girlfriend is saying things to you” he explained.

“I guess,” I stated “I see where your coming from with thinking it, everyone sees you’re a footballer and thinks: stupid, mean, beats everyone up, slept with all the cheerleaders and a bully. That’s not true in my case; some of my friends yes but not me. As far as they go I can stick up for you constantly and I don’t mind having to but until you let them see it doesn’t bother you they’ll keep doing it. People say things for a reaction, if you ignore them and don’t give them the reaction they’ll leave you alone; as soon as Emily sees you don’t care what she says and that you won’t let her stop you being my friend she’ll leave you alone because its not fun for her anymore” he reasoned and I nodded.

“I get that your shy and you don’t like talking much but the moment you ignore her is the moment she’ll cut you some slack. Can I persuade you into a party?” he asked and I shook my head “What if it was just a small party, Peyton promises not to get drunk” he joked and I smiled “Not happening” I stated and he nodded.

“You disappoint me Jenna you really do,” he teased messing my hair up and I pushed him off me “I think I’m succeeding in my challenge of making you talk more, you talk to me pretty easy now; just the rest of the world to conquer. I like to think my confidence is rubbing off on you” he stated “Something like that” I replied and he laughed. “It is that I know it is, I’m just that great you can’t resist talking to me; its okay it happens to everyone” he joked and I laughed “Yeah of course it does, you know that list of things people think about footballers? You forgot arrogant” I joked and he smiled.

“Cheap shot!” he said pushing me sideways and I retaliated, he grabbed me and I pushed him away before Peyton jumped on him putting his front feet on his shoulders “Your not supposed to be on her side Pey, your supposed to help me get her. Stupid dog!” he said falling backwards to lay on my bed with Peyton stood on his chest. “Your too big for this game nowadays” he stated before knocking my arm causing me to fall down next to him as he laughed.

“Careful Jenna you’ll be walking into people next” he teased “At least I don’t lose dogs” I joked “I have never been responsible for any losing of my dog, Peyton what are you doing?” he asked as the dog just looked at him. “Well lay down or something” he said and he laid down across both of us “Not exactly like that, get off Jenna your too big to lay on people like this,” he said trying to move him.

“He’s alright” I admitted “He thinks he’s a puppy still, probably my fault for playing with him like he is one” he stated “Yeah probably” I replied “Oi don’t agree, I think I preferred you when you didn’t talk” he teased. “I’ve still not got over the fact you made my dog stay and do homework instead of coming to see me at practise” he stated “Well I don’t want to be set physics questions because I’m falling behind” I replied and he smiled.

“You do have a point, plus I’d be classed as being a bad influence on you if I made you not do homework just to come see me and we don’t want that do we?” he asked and I shook my head “Nope, I think I’m supposed to be the good influence on you” I admitted and he laughed. “Yeah probably true, I think my mom thinks the same thing. She’s tired of my friends being jerks,” he explained.

“Why?” I asked, “Because I think every single friend I have has tried to sleep with my sister; Katie tells them to leave her alone, they keep at it and I end up arguing with them and then my parents get angry that I’m arguing with people and that my friends talk to Katie the way they do. It’s just too much hassle sometimes, now if my friends are coming around Katie tends to go out the way” he admitted. “Seriously?” I asked and he nodded “Yep, Katie just gets tired of me getting into trouble for sticking up for her. I think my friends underestimate us, we’re pretty close so I stick up for her and tell them to leave her alone” he explained.

“So some of the things they say about football players are right then” I stated and he looked at me “Well they say you’re all hot headed” I said and he smiled “Okay that one is true in my case, I do lose my temper quickly but football helps with that. Before I played on the team I would punch anyone who annoyed me but now I just take it to the field” he replied.

“You sound a lovely person” I teased and he laughed “I do talk myself up don’t I?” he replied “Yep charming” I stated. “I hope that’s sarcasm because I’m not all that bad” he said as his phone rang “Peyton shift” he ordered trying to get it from his pocket “Hey what’s up?” he answered. “Yeah okay, when?” he asked “Yeah I’ll be back in about 10 minutes then, bye” he said putting the phone in his pocket again.

“Right I’ve got to go my cousin has just come over and apparently I have to go say hello to him” he said pushing Peyton off us and sitting up. “Are you sure your okay on your own?” he asked and I nodded getting up, we walked downstairs “Well if you want me you know where I am, I’ll see you tomorrow and no house parties” he said hugging me before leaving.