

I kept nodding my head at him and he shook his before kissing me again, this time he didn’t pull away as quickly “Dammit! Stop making me want to do that” he snapped “Stop wanting to do it” I replied. “I don’t think you quite understand the whole idea of a crush do you? I like you; therefore I want to kiss you quite badly. I can’t help it but your making not doing it hard” he cut back.

“Sorry” I offered and he rolled his eyes “I guess acting like it never happened gets harder when I do it twice right?” he asked and I nodded. “Why is that monster thing so gross?” he asked and I rolled to look “I don’t know but it’s a well dressed fella” I replied and he laughed. “Well as long as it’s well dressed that’s okay then,” he teased, it fell silent as we both started watching the film again and I felt his hand on my waist.

I’d been harsh on him in general, I’d told myself he was going to pick on me, that he was using me and yet he was actually being friendly. He stuck up for me whenever his friends upset me and he actually argued with his best friend just because his girlfriend upset me “I’m never sure if this film is scary or just crazy, I mean really this isn’t realistic” I admitted.

“What and creatures in a cave that are blind but have amazing hearing killing you is realistic?” he teased “No but that’s scary! Maybe I’ve just seen this film too many times” I stated “Yeah maybe, it was scary the first time I watched it but not anymore, although there are bits that still make me jump” he admitted. “Hang on your scared of this yet you can go play football and not be scared?” I asked and he laughed.

“It’s totally different” he replied and I rolled over to face him “Yeah, this is mentally scary, football could kill you” I stated “No it can’t, in football I know there’s a high chance I’m getting taken down and it’s not the first time so I know what to expect. You hit the ground and it hurts but in a film you never know wants coming next, the unknown is scarier than hitting the field. Plus I’m great so I never get taken down” he explained.

“Really? Because I remember you having that broken rib last year,” I reminded “Yeah me too, hurt like hell. Every time I laughed it felt like I was being shot” he stated “Yeah just like it” I said sarcastically and he smiled, “You try having Peyton running around wanting to play fetch and jump all over you when you have a broken rib, not fun at all” he replied.

“Aww poor you, its such a hard life you big baby” I teased “This is the best bit in the whole film” he stated and I looked before turning back to him “That’s the grossest part in the whole film, ergh I will literally have nightmares” I over exaggerated. I looked back up at him as he kissed me softly his fingers gently pressing into my waist, as he went to pull away I put my hand on his neck and he moved closer towards me.

I felt his tongue run across my lip and I thought about it before letting him deepen the kiss, my fingers twisted into his hair as he moved his tongue against my own. His fingers found the exposed skin on my hips and began moving in circles on it, several minutes later and we were still making out when I traced my hand down his back before playing with the edge of his top.

He moved his hand further up my side and I pulled away “Sorry I went too far” he said quietly moving his hand back to my hip tracing his finger over my skin. It fell silent apart from the TV and he moved his hand to my face playing with a piece of my hair before kissing me again and I kissed him back, the movie ended and we were laid on my bed making out still.

“Hey it finished” he said looking over my shoulder “Exorcist next” he stated smiling “No way! I won’t sleep as it is I am not watching that!” I snapped “But Jenna I really want to watch it” he whined “No way, you get to go home to a house of people and your dog; I get nobody” I replied and he nodded. “I’ll strike a deal, we watch it and I’ll stay over; that way I’ll protect you” he offered.

“What from my own mind when it scares me?” I asked and he nodded “Yeah I’ll confuse it by doing this” he replied kissing me again “See” he said smiling. “That might just work” I replied, “Maybe we should try it one more time?” he asked “Maybe” I replied and he smiled kissing me softly his hand on my cheek. “Yeah I think we’re pretty good at that, now get The Exorcist on. I best tell my mom I’m not coming home otherwise she’ll think I’ve been murdered” he said sitting up.

“Hey mom, I’m not coming back tonight,” he said and I saw he was on his phone “No I’m staying at Jenna’s, her mom’s away so she’s on her own” he explained. “Yeah I’ll be back tomorrow, bye” he said hanging up “So now your mom will think it’s strange” I stated as I laid back down “Nope she won’t, she knows me” he replied.

“Meaning?” I asked, “She knows I’m well behaved, now I’m not going to lie this film terrifies me” he admitted “Great so I’m already looking forward to it,” I stated. “I’m more looking forward to this,” he said kissing me again and I smiled before kissing him back, if I was honest I doubted I could be too scared of the film because I think in total I saw about 10 minutes of it.

“Right I’m going to take Peyton out, I’ll be back in 10” he said getting up and kissing me before walking downstairs. I grabbed a quick shower before getting changed into my pyjamas, I was on my laptop when I heard the door and Peyton appeared in my room. “You didn’t get scared while I was gone did you?” Ben asked as he walked in my room “Nope I’m brave” I replied as he sat next to me.

“You want me to sleep downstairs?” he asked as I turned my laptop off putting it on the chair “No you can stay in here if you want” I replied. “You sure?” he asked and I nodded “Good, I think I can protect you better in here although Peyton will sleep on the bed” he said and I smiled “That’s okay, I can’t believe you made me watch scary films” I said as I turned the light out “Aww I’m sorry” he offered as he pulled the covers over us.

“We’ve got school tomorrow and it’s 2am” I stated “Seriously? Ergh I hate my life” he joked and I laughed, “We best sleep, don’t worry about the monsters; Peyton and I have got them covered no matter how blind or well dressed they are” he joked. “Thanks” I replied “Anytime, night” he said kissing my cheek, I rolled away from him and I felt his arm on my waist pulling me into his body.