Status: Give it a shot!


Chapter 16

School was coming to a close for the spring semester and I couldn't be more excited. I usually took at least one class during the summer session, but this year I was looking forward to spending the whole summer at the beach and hanging with all of my friends. I was also looking forward to Matt's birthday. I had about two more months, but with the way he kept talking about it, you'd think it was only a week away. I was starting to get some ideas about what I wanted to do for him, but I decided to wait on any major decisions until I talked with the guys first.

In the meantime, though, things seemed to progress nicely with my two friends and the guys they were with. Zacky spent most of his days, and nights I might add, over at Jessi's, which was fine with me because it gave me more opportunities to spend time with him. Brian and Erin were practically inseparable. They were a package deal now. You didn't see one without the other. Ever. As for Matt and I, we were good. We were solid. Even though he was so gung ho about us being together, I really wanted to take things slow with him. So we did, and he was very understanding about the whole thing.

There was something that was bothering him, though. I could tell. I didn't know what it was, I just knew that there was a thorn in his side. I'd tried confronting him about for about two weeks, but he wouldn't give it up. I decided that I was going to make him tell me what was up. I wasn't exactly sure how, but I was supposed to meet him at his place for dinner in a couple hours, so I had until then to formulate a plan.

Matt told me to dress casual since all we were doing was eating and watching movies. To be honest, I was actually excited to just relax. It seemed like all I did was work at school, or at the bar. I felt like I hadn't had a night to just hang out in a long time. Since we were just going to chill at his place, I put on my cropped jeans that I rolled up to cuff slightly, my grey R2D2 tee shirt, and my red Cons. I grabbed my purse and got in the car. I listened to my music on full blast all the way to Matt's. I was in a pretty good mood by the time I pulled up in his driveway. Apparently, Matt was in a good mood, too, since he met me on the porch.

"It's about damn time you got here," he said with a smile while pecking me on the lips and ushering me inside. "I rented a bunch of movies and I made some pasta. Are you hungry?"

I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Starving. Thanks for going to all the trouble." He smiled and told me it was no trouble at all.

After eating we both settled down on the couch to watch movies. About halfway through the second movie I decided to try to get Matt to talk. "We're pretty honest with each other, right?" He nodded. "Then I'm gonna ask you something, and I want an honest answer. What's been bothering you lately?"

He took a deep breath. "I'm sure you're fully aware that your dad's club sometimes does things that are not Well, the guys and I...we, uh, we sometimes-"

I cut him off. "You guys sell drugs." At his shocked face I rolled my eyes. "I saw you at the beach that one day. You guys were pretty smooth about it, but I have a good eye for that kind of stuff. I should work for the cops," I said offhandedly.

Matt smiled. "Yeah, well, I was hoping to...protect you from our more nefarious practices. But apparently that's not necessary." He seemed hesitant as he ran his hand through his short hair. "We just had a deal go bad with our supplier, and things are really up in the air right now. I'm not sure how it's gonna play out. I just know our supplier is pissed and it seems like nothing we say will appease him."

"I'm sorry you're stressed," I told him quietly. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

He wrapped an arm around me and kissed my temple. "Nah, babe, we'll figure something out. We always do." Our conversation was stopped short by a knock on the front door. I bet Matt ten bucks it was Jimmy. He asked me how I figured that.

I feigned innocence. "I may have texted him earlier and told him I was going to be here." He rolled his eyes and let a distressed looking Jimmy in the door. "Jimmy-Jam, what's wrong?"

"I have something I need you guys to do. It's gonna seem a little crazy, but I need you to hear me out. I was trying to hang out with everyone tonight, but you're all coupled up and spending time with each other. So, I was thinking, and I want you guys to have kids." He was completely serious.

Matt smacked his forehead and shook his head but I burst out laughing. "Wow. Okay. Um, you know we've only been dating like..." I pretended to do the math, "two months. I mean, don't get me wrong, we probably should be having kids now. I'm honestly a little ashamed that we didn't get pregnant on the first date." Jimmy responded with an, I know, right? I laughed some more.

"Jimmy," Matt sounded like he was trying to be patient, "what the hell are you talking about? Why-I just...I don't understand. Why should Ash and I have kids?"

"Not just you guys. All the couples. I was thinking that you guys should all have at least two kids. That'll mean that I'll have at least eight nieces and nephews to hang with and train to be in the Stallion Duck Ninja Army." He seemed very proud of himself to have had the idea.

"Oh, my God, Jimmy that's brilliant!" I told him with a huge smile. "I mean, we are talking about a huge lifetime decision here, but it's definitely something we should think about. But can I ask you something? What about you? Wouldn't you like to provide your own trainees to the Stallion Duck Ninja Army?"

"I knew you'd get it, Ash. You always do. And I will one day have mini Jimmies, but for now, I think it would be way better to be the crazy uncle. They could call me Crazy Uncle Jim-Jam, or Crazy Uncle Jimbo, or even Crazy Uncle Chuck."

"Chuck!" I was floored by the whole thing. It was Matt's turn to laugh. "Why wouldn't they call you Crazy Uncle Chuck? So, okay, here's what we're gonna do. I'm not telling you no, exactly, but I'm not saying yes either. I think we should stick a pin in this, and I'll bring it up to the girls during our next monthly 'She-Woman-Man-Haters' Club meeting. So, for right now, I think Matt and I won't be trying for a baby, but we won't not try for a baby. Does that sound fair?"

Jimmy thought it over for a while. "Yeah, I guess. Okay, well I'm gonna go. If you guys are gonna have kids, then I need to start picking out baby names." He left pretty unceremoniously after that. It was just a quick wave and he was out the door.

"Yeah, I'm not sure how I ever got to be his friend," Matt told me quietly. "That's not awkward or anything."

I had to stifle another laugh. "I know. I mean, who's to say we don't get sick of each other next week, or something?"

"Aw, come on now. I'm not gonna get tired of you by next week," he told me with a small smile.

I grinned. "Really?"

Matt nodded and pulled me onto his lap. "Really. The week after that, maybe, but not next week." I laughed at his joke and admitted that I walked right into that one. "You did, but that's okay. It's about time I got one on you. So did you mean what you said when you told Jimmy we wouldn't try for a baby, but we wouldn't not try?" I must have looked confused. "Well, you know what has to happen in order to try for a baby."

I just laughed. "Oh, Jesus. I should have known that's where your mind would go. Are you trying to subtly tell me you're ready to have sex?" Matt grinned sheepishly and slowly nodded. "Unfortunately for you, I'm also a deciding factor in this, and I'm not so sure we're ready."

"Okay, what will it take for you to decide that WE are ready?"

I grinned. Matt had been really good about not pressuring me into having sex. I let him know that when I was ready, then I would tell him. He said that he was good with that, but he would still ask me when I thought I would be ready every once in a while. It was cute. I knew he wasn't doing it to rush me into anything, he was just trying to be funny. "Maybe soon." I laughed at the way his face lit up. "But I don't know, I want it to be spontaneous and nice. I don't want to plan it out. Surprise me soon." He gave me a confused face and asked what I was talking about. "You know, romance me. If you do it right, I'll be flinging myself at you by the end of the night."

Matt laughed. "So you mean to tell me, that you don't think ten minute pasta and rented movies while I'm in my basketball shorts and a ten year old tee shirt is romantic? You're way too high maintenance for me." I rolled my eyes at his teasing. "No, but I think I can handle that. So what are you doing tomorrow? Or maybe, I could get dressed real quick and we can go do something romantic now?" I shook my head and smiled. "No? I didn't think so. Thought I'd try, though. I mean, a guy's got to try."
♠ ♠ ♠
Lots of love to everyone! Thanks to:


Thanks for my comments! You're the coolest ever! I got nothing else, so....bye! Thanks for reading!