Status: Most of it is finished but it's still in the works. Okay? Okay!

Fast Times at West Hills High.

"Get OFF me!" I screamed and tried to get him to let go of me, "NO! Tony! Stop!" He wouldn't let go of me and his nails started to dig into my wrists. Tears began to slip from my eyes as I fought against him. He wasn't stopping. "St-stop... Please..."


I own nothing aside from Barbie, Birdy and Pharaoh.

West Hills is a real high school. In fact I'm attending it right now. Mr. Acosta and any other teacher are real people. (yay cameos!)
  1. Idn't She a Doll?
    Why is high school so mean?
  2. I'm Getting Sick of Your Daggers.
    Tony's POV on what the *** is happening.
  3. Spiked Toms and Cherry Bombs.
    Barbie's POV. Beach time!
  4. Those Green Eyes Are Gonna Be My Demise
    Tony's not really liking the way his eyes are wandering.
  5. That's a Foul You Dirty Sheep-Shagger!
    Soccer Players at their finest.
  6. What I Would Give to Get You Alone.
    Jaime maybe wants a little bit of this party.
  7. Had the Sun Fallen So Quickly?
    Memories and dreams aren't always as they seem when thought in the night by little miss Barbie.
  8. The Feel of Your Skin
    A quick peak into what Stephanie does when Tony is away.
  9. A Bouquet of Pink and White Roses.
    And that is how the cookie crumbles.
  10. A Little Birdy Told Me.
    The ladies get to getting ideas.
  11. The Hero Dies in This Scene
    Maybe there is hope for the Mexican.
  12. Blink Your Delicate Eyes. Someday They'll be Gone
    One, two boys in the bag one in the bush and three in my hand.
  13. If We Wake at All.
    Maybe our little Barbie doll finally found her Ken.