Status: Most of it is finished but it's still in the works. Okay? Okay!

Fast Times at West Hills High.

Blink Your Delicate Eyes. Someday They'll be Gone

The rest of that day I spent in a kind of daze, trying to figure out what exactly I had agreed to. As usual, Tony had given me a ride home and stayed over for a little bit. Right now I was in the kitchen, cooking up some spaghetti and Tony was somewhere doing something that I didn’t bother to ask. I put my face over the pot on the stove and took the lid off, letting the steam float up and around my face.

There was a soft crash coming from the living room, probably Tony tripping over something that had been left out,

“Hey, Tone?” No answer, “Tone, you okay?” Tony groaned and I walked from the kitchen to the living room where he was sprawled out on his back, his leg bent at the knee and wobbling and his arm laid across his chest, in obvious pain. I moved,quickly to his side and started to help him up, “What’d you trip over, weirdo?” I couldn’t help but laugh at him. He was so melodramatic sometimes!

I linked my arm under his shoulder as he groaned and pretended to be hurt more than he actually was. I laughed and he limped along side of me, fake groaning the entire way, “Oh shut it you goon! I know you’re not hurt at all!” I laughed and Tony laughed with me, covering his face with his arm,

“You know not my pain!” He spoke in a ghastly, deep voice and covered his face melodramatically, “I have traveled far and long! But to be stopped a simple coffee table!” I laughed and nearly collapsed next to him on the couch,

“I think I know your pain, you fucktard.” Tony laughed at my choice of names for him and scooted closer to me,

“Then let me help you take that burden off.” His lips grazed my ear as he got frighteningly close to me. Oh God,

“Tony, what are you doing?” I chuckled as he slipped his hand around my waist, making us get even closer. Then it happened.

Tony’s lips pressed up against mine. I squeaked for a second but my body completely relaxed and practically melted into his arms. His lips were so warm and soft against mine and his hands were so careful as they held me against him. I could feel his heart beating against my chest as his lips started to move into mine.

I can see why the ladies love Tony. He felt so nice. I giggled as he slipped his tongue into my mouth and then there was a knock at my door. I rolled my eyes and continued to kiss Tony, letting my hand slip into his hair as his hands pulled me closer to him and he laid me on my back, so his other hand could slip down under my butt and pushed my hips up into his.The doorbell rang, clanging loudly in the living room before I realized that I had a date thing tonight with Jaime,

“Oh shit, Tone you have to go hide in my room.” I pushed his face off of mine and he stared at me for a second, that sad kind of pout that looked so cute on him. “Don’t look at me like that!” I laughed as he stood up and ran to my room, closing the door behind himself.

I shook my head and got up off the couch, walking to the door and opening it. Jaime was standing there with that adorably stupid grin on his face and dressed up better than he normally was. Wearing a black button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and black denim jeans over his regular red vans. He spiked his hair like he always did in that way that made him seem kind of nuts but it was cute.

“Hey, Hime.” I smiled back at him and motioned for him to come inside, “Come in for a second, I still need to get ready.” He nodded and came inside, shutting the front door behind him, “You can watch TV or something while I’m getting ready. I’ll be right out.”

“Okay.” He chuckled at my hurriedness and sat down on the couch. As I walked to my room I glanced back at him, smiling to myself as I went. Did I really have two guys in the palm of my hand? I chuckled and shook my head at the thought, amazed that even ONE guy wanted to get with me!

When I got to my room I opened and closed the door carefully, hoping Jaime wouldn’t notice Tony sitting in there on my bed. When I turned to find him there I took a deep breath in defeat as he watched me pace around the room,

“Why now, is Jaime here?” Tony’s question was simple but I came to find that I didn’t want to tell him. I shook my head and went to my closet, taking out a white top with layers of sequin and lace that flowed off the shirt and my zip-up leather jacket along with a pair of dark wash jeans. “Are you gonna answer me?” I shook my head again and walked up to him, taking his hands and putting them over his eyes,

“No peeking.” Tony laughed and covered his eyes as I started to get undressed, “Jaime is here because he’s taking me on a date tonight to see Sinister. When we leave you can leave too. Just don’t leave WHEN we leave.” I continued to get dressed, watching Tony to make sure he really wasn’t peeking,

“Oh, okay.” He stopped for a second, “Then do you want to tell me why you were making out with me a few seconds ago?” I sighed as Tony chuckled deviantly and walked up to him, slapping him softly,

“Hush. It was heat of the moment and it was YOUR fault that I was making out with you.”

“What?! How was it my fault?!” Tony laughed and took his hands down from his eyes, staring at me, slightly wide eyed. I was only half dressed but you know what, I really didn’t care. It was bound to happen that Tony was going to see me naked, or close to it before the night was out. His jaw dropped slightly as he stared, “Uh-uhm.” Now look who’s at a loss for words.

I pulled my shirt on over my head and straightened it out before putting on the jacket and then a pair of black boots that I had gotten a few weeks ago at a thrift store.

I smirked playfully and walked up to Tony, leaning down and kissing his cheek before pushing his jaw back so it was closed,

“You really shouldn't leave your mouth open, that’s how you catch flies.” He continued to watch me as I walked out of the room to where Jaime was waiting for me on the couch.

After closing the bedroom door I walked to the couch and Jaime stood up for me, smiling even wider than earlier. He was adorable. I linked my elbow in his and grabbed my house keys from where they sat on my table, swinging them a little bit before slipping them into my pocket and letting the tail of the lanyard they were on hang a little down my leg,

“Let’s go see a movie!” I exclaimed, excitedly as Jaime opened the door for me. He laughed at my pep and walked me to his car, not letting my arm leave it’s place by his side. Outside it was warm, as was characteristic of San Diego summers. Although it was a little early in the year for it to be getting this warm this late.

When we got to Jaime’s car I was kind of surprised. I had expected him to be driving some kind of sports car like all the other soccer players I've come to know but, in fact, he drove a truck. It was a black, Ford Ranger with the words “Danger Ranger” spray painted on the tailgate. The sides were all covered in dings, dents, and scratches. I guess Danger Ranger is an apt name for it.

“Don’t let the nickname deter you, it’s actually pretty safe.” Jaime reassured me as he opened my door for me. It was a small truck, having only enough room for two people to sit in it and leather seats. I stepped inside and realized just how cramped it was. Having the back window be right behind me was a little weird. I put my hand on the door next to me and realized that the windows weren't power but instead you had to hand crank them. It was a cute little truck.

On the mirror there hung a necklace of some kind with a ring hanging from it. I reached up and stopped it’s swinging so I could get a better look at it. It looked like an engagement ring. The band was a thicker, gold color and had a swirl of diamonds starting on one side and flowing over onto the next, seeming to pass underneath the huge rock that was at the center.

“Hey, Jaime, what’s this?” I asked him when he got into the car and he sighed a little bit,

“That was my older sister’s.” He scratched the back of his head and started up the car. The mood was suddenly sobered as I let the ring go, letting it swing, lazily, from the mirror.

The rest of the drive was spent in close to silence, save for the playing of the radio through the crappy stereo, and the wind blowing through our open windows. I let my hand hang out my window and watched as the city lights blew past us in a blur of oranges and reds. San Diego was such a beautiful city. I don’t ever want to move away from here. I smiled softly and my other hand rested on the spot between our seats as we drove.

I brought my other hand up to my lips and rested my head on it, staring out at the scenery. In a moment I felt Jaime’s hand slip on top of mine before he quickly retracted it, putting it on his leg instead. I looked at him and then reached for his hand, taking it softly in mine and bringing it back to the spot between the seats. He squeezed my hand softly as they sat in the middle and a soft grin spread over my face. Could this get any more perfect?
♠ ♠ ♠
So I gave this to my teacher before break and he read it and he really liked it! He liked the homage I put in to the story of my sophomore year English class, with the kids and him in it hahaha.
But yeah I love you all. Can you come comment on it please? please?