Status: Most of it is finished but it's still in the works. Okay? Okay!

Fast Times at West Hills High.

If We Wake at All.

The theatre was damn near packed to the brim with people, all munching away at their popcorn and their candies as they waited for the movie to start. I scanned the sea for empty seats, hoping there would be a pair somewhere up in the better parts of the seating arrangement. Jaime nudged my shoulder and nodded toward a pair of seats up toward the front. I guess I could deal with bending my neck a little bit. I shook my head as Jaime dragged me to the two seats before asking the people around them if they were open. He sat first on the right and I followed suit, sitting next to him on the left. He chuckled and held the popcorn he had bought on his lap, offering me some before the movie started.

“Thank you.” I took a couple pieces of the crunchy, buttery corn kernels and tossed them up into my mouth. “Betcha can’t do that.” I challenged Jaime to a quick test of skill as the previews ran on.

“You’re on, Barbie.” He took a few in his hand and tossed them up one by one, hoping that they would fall into his mouth effortlessly but every time they fell flat on the ground. I laughed at him and shook my head. For a soccer player he didn’t have very good hand-eye coordination. Wait, soccer players don’t need their hands what was I thinking about? I shook my head again and laughed as he finally got a kernel into his mouth and he celebrated in his seat, doing a kind of wiggle dance that I wouldn’t have expected from anyone else. He laughed and stopped moving as the lights began to dim, shrouding the theatre in almost entire blackness.

I linked my arm around Jaime’s and waited as the opening credits began, resting my head on his shoulder as the bright light of the screen re-illuminated the theatre. It faded quietly as the movie began.


We were almost done with the movie by now and it was getting to the part where the “hero” got his reconcile and everything almost went back to the way it had been before. It was a softer scene with the father and one of his children, sitting on the floor after everything was over, waiting for the regular life to come back. Throughout the movie I’d gotten closer and closer to Jaime and by this time our hands were even linked.

Jaime was leaning into me just as much as I was leaning into him and his thumb was rubbing soft circles into the back of my hand. I picked my head up off his shoulder and looked at him. He really was a good looking guy. And he was sweet as anything. By the time Jaime had noticed me staring at him I had that dreamy kind of look in my eyes I guess. He smiled like a doofus and leaned closer to me, obviously asking for a kiss. I didn’t have anything to say against him so I went for it, leaning right back and meeting him in the middle.

I was surprised. Not in a bad way, but it was just unexpected. His lips were a lot softer than I had expected and mine seemed to fit so perfectly into them. After a moment or so of kissing Jaime pulled away with that smug kind of expression on his face while I backed off sporting a new shade of red on my cheeks. I never thought that I would be able to do that. I giggled quietly and slipped my hand into his, lacing our fingers so carefully together. Again it was a perfect fit. Jaime chuckled and I scooted closer, leaning my head on his shoulder and watching as the movie neared the credits.

The movie ended moments later, as was expected and the theatre began to empty. People filed out of every row of seats to get to the exit. Jaime and I lagged behind, waiting till close to the end of the credits until almost everyone (aside from film students) had cleared out. By the time it was our time to get out the credits were pretty much over and my nerves were already frayed enough without the added scare of a little ending fright.

“So, what’d you think of the movie?” I was the first to speak up as we exited the theatre and Jaime shook his head,

“I’ve seen the plot so many times in movies. It gets old after a while but it was good.” I nodded, agreeing with him. The plot was definitely overused, from Insideous to that one movie with the same Jewish demon terrorizing a different family,

“Yeah, but it was good nonetheless.” He nodded putting his arm over my shoulders and pulling me close to him. My body was washed over by warmth as he held me close to him. He fit so nicely around me, it was almost uncanny how we fit together like that. Like he was my missing puzzle piece. We walked outside, into the warm summer air and Jaime pointed to his car, toward the front of the parking structure,

“Let’s go back to my place. We have some dinner to eat.” I chuckled and walked with him to the Danger Ranger, my step almost perfectly in time with his. I wonder what we’re having for dinner.
♠ ♠ ♠
I loved writing this chapter hehehe c:
Oh and to everyone who wanted it, happy birthday.