Status: Most of it is finished but it's still in the works. Okay? Okay!

Fast Times at West Hills High.

Those Green Eyes Are Gonna Be My Demise

The last time I’d given somebody- besides Stephanie, a ride home was I don’t even remember when. Maybe before last summer? She never let me out of her sight. Even when we had fights, this was strange of her to be like this right now. When I got home I texted her, expecting she’ be fine with coming over to watch movies or something and she never responded. Guess she needed some space from me for a while. And now, I’m sitting down across the street from Barbie’s apartment, waiting for her to come down so we can go meet the rest of the crew at the beach.

The inside of my old, black, Chevy was a little too much for my jacket laden self to take. I stripped my body of the jacket that had been given to me for my birthday a few weeks ago by my friend and the owner of the design’s son. It was a simple jacket, being plain black and having plaid panels and hood and dome top buttons instead of a zipper. It was more comfortable than the other jackets that do have zippers and a lot lighter than some of the line’s other jackets and coats. Jaxin and his family coming from New Zealand they always had extremes there. So the winters were always so much colder than than up here, where we didn’t really have a winter, just a colder season than the rest. We call it winter. But anyone from anywhere else would just call it chilly.

I sighed and rolled down my window looking up at the window I’d assumed was her’s and honked my horn. As I waited for her head to pop out of the window I rolled the old convertible’s top down and sat in the sun, trying to get a little pigment into my paled skin before the summer actually started. I looked back at the window just in time to barely miss Barbie’s hair flitting back inside. I sighed and sat up a little straighter, tugging on the bottom of my shirt so it wasn’t so wrinkled when she came down. I was wearing one of Jaxin’s family’s more famous shirts. The Tats Turtle Tank. Modeled after your’s truly. It had always been a joke in the crew that I was a turtle and Jaxin’s dad made use of the silly nickname. I had a few tattoos that were pretty well hidden from everyone aside from when I wore the tank top. Then the large painting on my side was partially visible, the top of the Eagle’s head poking out from under the white fabric.

A bit of white and red caught my eye as Barbie jogged out of the building and toward my car. She was wearing the same shirt as me. No way. My eyes widened as she got closer. Thank god she wouldn't notice them behind my sun glasses,

“Nice shirt.” I commented, pointing to the piece of clothing as she got into the small car. She looked at me and as she did so she flipped her brilliantly scarlet locks over her shoulder, revealing a stunning tattoo on her neck; Viva de Amor. “And nice ink too.” I started up the engine to my car and chuckled as she noticed my shirt,

“No way!” It was funny to see her face light up like that, “You wear Love Before Glory too?” I nodded and stuck my chin up, pulling away from the curb and drove down the street to get to the freeway that would lead us to Pacific Beach,

“Yup.” I glanced at her and smiled, “I know the owner too.” I couldn’t see her but I could almost tell that her mouth was agape and she was giving me a slight jealous glare. I laughed and continued driving to the beach, as she stared out the other side of the car. It was a good ten minutes before anyone spoke up. And when someone did it was one of those stupid questions, “So, Barbie,-” “Hmm?” “How are you liking San Diego?” I glanced at her again and listened to her response. She sighed and slapped her hands down on her legs excitedly before putting them up above her head,

“I love it!” Her voice did one of those adorable little squeaks, making me laugh as I turned off the freeway onto our exit. She was a cute little bug. Well, okay, she was hot. Petite, lean, with a beautiful smile and those brilliant green eyes that had that beautiful little twinkle in them. God she was so beautiful but I shouldn't be thinking like this! I’m with Stephanie! As difficult as it is to be with her I’m with her. And I’m not someone who goes around cheating on his girlfriend with the new girl.

That’s just stupid. But, those green eyes will be my demise.
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I've been sitting on this one for so long.