Status: Most of it is finished but it's still in the works. Okay? Okay!

Fast Times at West Hills High.

That's a Foul You Dirty Sheep-Shagger!

Hardly a word was spoken between Tony and I after he asked me about San Diego on the drive to the beach. I let my fingers play with the frayed hem of my shorts for the rest of the ride as my eyes fluttered across the San Diego coastline. It was such a beautiful town. Nothing like the Fort back in Florida, but it was so much more. With golden sand and silvery green waters that lapped up to the beach ridden with people. Coming from some of the beaches there were lawns of green grass that had dogs and humans alike, playing and chasing children and toys all around the soft looking grass. Then across the street were assorted shoppes that had things varying from bead shoppes to comic book stores. It was amazing how diverse the shoreline was here than at the fort. It was so much more beautiful. I sighed and looked around again as Tony pulled into a parking lot near the edge of the beach. Wow what a killer spot, and it wasn’t even handicap.

Tony hoisted himself up and out of the car before coming around to the passenger’s side of the car and opening the door for me. “Oh, thank you, Tony.” I smiled at him and he grinned before walking over to a fire pit that had a tent set near it. Next to the tent were Birdy and Pharaoh, both sipping on a small brown and yellow bottle of something I’d never seen before.

“Hey guys!” Tony greeted them and I tagged along behind, kind of scooting awkwardly toward them, “Why don’t you sit with them, I’ll go find Jaxin and the rest of the crew so they can come meet you.” He jabbed his thumb toward the rest of the boys in our group who were on the lawn, kicking a ball around. As I watched them the blonde boy from earlier kicked the ball up into the air and it came flying right at Pharaoh, Birdy and I.

“Heads up!” He shouted in his little foreign accent, trying to keep anyone from getting hurt. I let out a soft squeak as it flew toward my face and hunched back, anticipating the impact. But it never came. I opened my eyes to see Pharaoh pulling the ball down from in front of my face.

“Oh my gosh.” I sighed quietly and looked at Pharaoh, “Thanks.” I put a hand on my chest and took a deep breath,

“No problem.” He rolled it back onto the lawn and sat back down next to Birdy, who seemed completely different from earlier. She looked calmer, more relaxed in her black bathing suit. It was a work of art. Having the back and the sides non existent and having a high waistline, accentuating Birdy’s long legs. I don’t know what she did to get it but her tan was amazing. I guess she was one of those girls who could get a tan by walking around, lucky lady.

I scooted next to her and sat down, leaning my hands back in the sand as I watched the sapphire water play over the gold beach. I took a deep breath, soaking in the sea salty breeze that blew carelessly over the strip of land. As my eyes wandered they caught a couple down the beach from us, walking along, hand in hand across the sand. That would be a nice thing to have.

“Hey. Barbie.” Pharaoh nudged my shoulder and offered me one of the stout, brown bottles “Try some.” I took it from him, timidly, and examined it closer. ‘Bundaberg: no-alcoholic Ginger Beer’. Might be worth a try. It’s non-alcoholic so why not? I looked for a way to open it and soon found that the top had instructions on them ‘Pull out then up!’ Cheery instructions. I did as they said and gripped the bottle tightly, accidentally splashing it on my leg. Birdy and Pharaoh chuckled at me, both taking sips of theirs “Yeah, you gotta watch for that.” I looked at Birdy who was dusting sand off of her hands as she stared at me,

“Well, are you gonna try it?” She nodded toward me with her chin, urging me to take a sip. I put the bottle , timidly to my lips and slowly let the liquid slip into my mouth. It was a different taste, a lot like ginger ale only more- beer like. It wasn’t bad. I fact I kind of liked it. It had that perfect after burn and was just sweet enough to balance out the ginger.

“Mmmm where do you guys get this stuff?” I tried my best to savor the taste but it was too good to let sit around in my mouth,

“At BevMo. Did they have those back East?” A stupid question, really, but they didn’t know, they never lived there,

“Yup. But they definitely never had this.” I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged them lazily.

“Hey! Kick it over here!” “Oh come on, Jax that’s a foul!” “No it isn’t you dirty sheep-shagger!” “Why are you calling me a dirty sheep-shagger? I’m not from New Zealand!” I looked over to where the sound was coming from to see the guys still kicking the ball around at two makeshift goals. At one end of the field the foreign boy from English class was standing in front of a goal with a bright yellow shirt on and directly across from him was Jaime in the other goal, not wearing any shirt. And might I say that boy is one fine piece of work. Soccer definitely did him right.

He had been better built than previously speculated and was definitely not something anyone would find just anywhere. To start he had a tattoo over his heart of the Eagle from the Mexican flag. Such pride in his heritage, very nice. His body wasn’t too bad. Lean but not skinny, with a good build of muscle. Not like those bulky weight lifters but not quite as lean as a track runner. His abs were defined but not over defined, the same with his pecs and he just all around looked like one sweet piece of ass.

As I was analyzing Jaime, Birdy must have seen me because she was nudging my arm, laughing, “Hey, Barbie, your face is all red. You might want to calm down the guys are coming over here.” Oh shit. This only made my blush more furious as I watched them approach. I laughed quietly and touched my face with my cold, wet hand, hoping that it would cool my face down a little bit.

“Hey, Barbie!” Jaime came and sat down right next to me, nudging my arm with his, sweaty, one, “Why don’t you come play with us?” He wiggled playfully in his spot as I finished off my ginger beer.

“Cause I can’t play soccer, silly! And besides, it’s too hot!” I whined as he tried to pull me onto my feet, “Let’s just go swim!”

“Yeah, come on, Jaime, let’s swim!” “Yeah Hime.” Everyone else chimed in with me, wanting to get into the water. Jaime rolled his eyes and, begrudgingly agreed to get into the water.

“Fine, fine. But first Barbie needs to meet everyone.” They all came closer and sat down in the sand. Jaime started going around the circle, introducing different people. The blonde foreigner was named Jaxin and he had a girlfriend whom they called Lady-Bird and would be showing up later. There was Birdy, Pharaoh, and then Vic whom had been playing soccer with them and his younger brother, Michael. Although Michael seemed much older than Victor.

“Alright! That’s everyone! Now let’s go swim!” Everyone cheered and started to remove their shirts. Damn. This group is stacked! Everyone is so good looking. And I’m over here, looking like a potato. I’ll never see what guys find so attractive in me.

I did the same as everyone and started to get undressed, revealing my little white bikini to the world.

Alright, let’s get this party going right!
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This is taking so long! I'm sorry!