Status: Most of it is finished but it's still in the works. Okay? Okay!

Fast Times at West Hills High.

What I Would Give to Get You Alone.

I couldn’t help myself as I stared at Barbie. She was hot! Especially in that little white bikini. What I would give to just get her alone. I sighed and walked with Tony and Jaxin to the water, them screwing around on either side of me with the sand. I should just relax and take things a little slow. Rushed relationships were no fun and always awkward.I don’t want to seem like a complete idiot in front of Barbie! I mean this girl is beautiful! Those bright green eyes, her fiery, red hair! Not to mention her smile was to die for.

As we were walking down to the beach Tony stopped and went back to go deposit something with his stuff. I didn’t pay attention as to whether it was a phone or an ipod, my mind was too busy being all wrapped up. While he was back at the tent Natalie found Jaxin and I, ackling him to the ground and sending sand up onto me. As I walked by them I looked at them down in the sand. They were hugging, with Nat’s arms loose around Jax’s neck. A relationship like that would be so nice. But everyone knows I don’t deserve something like that. I don’t do anything for anyone. I’m so wrapped up in my soccer that I don’t have time to stop and help people. I wish I did. I really wish I did. Then I could possibly get something good back. Like Barbie. But I bet this time she’d be all ga-ga over Tony.

He and I have always competed for girls. Since we first wanted to get into people’s pants we’ve competed for girls. He was Mr. Popular who could grab any lady he wanted but I was also a Jock who could sweep anybody off their feet. More often times girls end up competing for us. Fighting over who get’s to take us to the dance or who get’s to go to the movies with who. Normally the loser has to settle for taking me out. Which, I have to say, is demoting.

Maybe it’ll be different with Barbie. Maybe she will like me better.

If it hadn’t been for a nice splash to the face I wouldn’t have known that I was anywhere near the water. I gasped and looked around for the perpetrator. It was Birdy. That little sneak!

“Hey!” She continued to splash me, sending water cascading over my body in cold relief of the sun. “Oh my god!” I shivered and started to run after her. She squealed and started to run in the other direction, evading my arms as they reached for her. “Get back here you little sneak!” Next thing I knew I tripped over a rock hidden beneath the waves and landed, face first in the water. Oh, San Diego. Will you ever be kind to me?
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