Status: Most of it is finished but it's still in the works. Okay? Okay!

Fast Times at West Hills High.

A Bouquet of Pink and White Roses.

        The mood at the bonfire left me feeling a little romantic so after I dropped Barbie off at her apartment I went by a flower shoppe and got a bouquet of Stephanie’s favorite roses. They were Sentimental Roses, and as the bouquet of white and pink splotched roses sat in the passengers seat I kept the top down, having the radio low and letting the wind be my music. I always loved the sounds of San Diego at night. Cars were driving, dogs were barking there was classical music being played in all the fancy restaurants. The cool air was so calming, it sent a chill down my spine and blew my long, dark hair behind me. This was exactly where I wanted to be. Going to see the girlfriend I loved and to be a randomly romantic boyfriend. It was so much fun all the time. I chuckled and let my lips tug into a sort of half smile as I thought of her reaction to the roses. She’d probably get all smiley and then kiss me and hug me, pulling me into the house for some cuddle time while watching one of her favorite movies and sipping on cocoa. It was summer, yeah but a situation like this called for cocoa.

I sighed and squinted as I pulled up to a stop light. I was about five minutes from her house right now and it was almost ten. I’d be able to catch her right before she went to bed. She’d be all sleepy and cute. I chuckled again and waited for the light to change to green before taking the left turn down the street that would lead me to her house. As I drove, the Sea World fireworks shot out overhead, illuminating the sky with brilliant shades of green and red and blue and yellow. This was such a perfect night.

I pulled up in front of Stephanie’s house, and sat there for a second. There was another car out front, a truck actually. That’s funny, her parents were out of town and Stephanie didn’t drive. Who’s car is that? I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around, must be someone parking here out of courtesy of the family across the street.

I shrugged it off and grabbed the roses before getting out of the car and walking up to the front door. The door was slightly open, a small sliver of light poking its way through the darkness of the night. That was a little weird. Steph always made sure the front door was closed completely. I opened it, tentatively and stepped inside. Everything seemed to be in order and as I walked further in there wasn’t a sound to be heard, maybe she fell asleep before getting a chance to turn the lights off.

I stepped gingerly over the hardwood floor to her room, trying not to wake her with the sound of my feet. I reached her room and knocked, softly on the door before opening it.
I never wanted to see what was laying before my eyes right now. There was some guy on top of Stephanie as she lay on her bed. He had his hands all over her and his lips were doing things I never wanted to see another guy doing to her.
The roses slipped from my hand and fell to the ground, bouncing off my foot before doing so.

“Fuck you Stephanie!” I shouted before storming out and slamming the door. I was definitely over her bullshit. She doesn’t want me talking to other girls while she’s sleeping with another guy behind my back. Goddamned hypocrite.

“Wait! Tony!” She shouted as I left the house, obviously running after me. “Please listen to me!”

“Stephanie, I am NOT going to stop and listen to you when you blatantly lied to me and was being hypocritical. Why the fuck do you think it’s okay to sleep with some guy behind my back while telling me that I can’t even TALK to other girls?! What part of that is justified?!” Now I was beginning to shout, my temper spiking to the highest it could. If there was one thing I truly and deeply hated it was a hypocrite. “I’m so done with your bullshit. You can forget about being my girlfriend or going to prom with me. I’ll take someone else.” I glared at her sharply before turning around and going to my car.

I didn’t care if she started to cry. She deserved a little bit of pain in her life. I drove off, trying not to let my anger get the better of me as I went down the highway back to my house.

When I got inside I growled angrily and accidentally woke up my older sister, who was sleeping on the couch,

“If you’re a dog you can sleep outside.” She grumbled angrily into her pillow. Delilah was the best older sister I could ask for. She was funny, she helped me out in a lot of ways. She was always there if I ever needed her and at the age of twenty-five it was definitely about time she moved in with her boyfriend.

“I’m really not in the mood for it, Lilah.” I sighed and flopped down onto the loveseat across from the couch, staring at Delilah as she sat up, her black hair sticking up in every other direction,

“What happened, Tone? I thought you had that bonfire thing that was going till midnight.” She spoke through a yawn and stretched her arm over her head,

“I did. I ended up taking the new girl, Barbie, home and then I went over to give Steph some roses and guess what was going on when I got there?” “Hm?” “She had some guy on top of her, shoving his tongue down her throat.” Now a pain started in my chest. Yeah I’d loved her but if someone cheats on you its not okay to keep that love and it hurt to let her go. She meant so much to me.

“Tony, c’mere.” Lilah opened her arms for me to go into next to her on the couch, “Shit happens, okay? But you know that there are better quality people out there and you can do way better. Try going for that Barbie girl, she seems like a good person.” I nodded and stared at the cream carpeting beneath our feet. “Now go to bed, Jaxin called about doing a photoshoot tomorrow so you gotta rest up to look nice and sexy for all those ladies that are gonna be there.”

I sighed and nodded, going off to bed for some well deserved sleep.
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Another one I've been sitting on for like ever.