Status: finito.

Fight the Force

I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind

Elijah took Lilly out again – three times he took her out in two weeks. Lilly loved it. She really liked him. He was an ass at times, making crude comments, being a general ‘guy’.

Yet, she really liked him.

He had a sweet side. Occasionally.

“I was thinking, you could meet my Dad tonight?” Lilly asked Elijah, it was Friday lunchtime. Elijah had work off, and asked if they should do something.

He paused slightly, tracing the rim of his coffee cup and glanced at her.

“Why you want me to meet him?” he asked, sounding curious.

Lilly shrugged. “I dunno – we’ve been hanging out a lot.” Lilly explained. Elijah sighed, and leaned forward.

“I’ll embarrass you.” Elijah stated seriously; but to Lilly the comment was that bizarre – she began to laugh loudly, causing customers of the coffee shop to stare.

Elijah shushed her, giving her a glare: “See!” he snapped, and Lilly giggled, covering her mouth.

“Don’t be a douche, course you won’t!” Lilly told him, patting his hand. He stiffened, but relaxed at her touch, and casually interlaced their fingers.

Lilly was confused at times – yes she really liked Elijah and yes they hung out – but they don’t act couple-ish. They act like really close friends, as in intimacy wise. They hold hands occasionally, if Elijah implies it.

He kisses her quickly all the time – as if to make sure she’s still there.

He plays with her hands, makes flirtatious comments but Lilly feels like he’s not really all there with her sometimes. Elijah doesn’t seem to show that he likes her back, the way Lilly likes him.

They weren’t even dating.

“I’m not being a douche…” Elijah mumbled, as he stroked her finger nails, playing with her hand.
Lilly rolled her eyes and tugged her hand softly away, to get his attention.

He looked at her, and shrugged, going instantly quiet.

“Please come meet him.” Lilly asked again. Elijah didn’t reply for a moment, still thinking of what to say.

In a way, it hurt Lilly’s feelings – but she tried not to be too bothered. She did her own card reading today – said she’d feel conflicted today.

“Don’t blame me if I fuck up.” Elijah sighed, and Lilly beamed brightly at him. She leaned over the table and kissed his head and sat back down.

“Thanks, Eli.” The nickname fell off her tongue, and she busied herself, texting Alex to let him know to set an extra place for dinner.

Elijah was messing with a packet of sugar, a slight, awkward smile on his face.
“Nice house…” Elijah commented, hands in pockets and distancing himself as far away as possible from Lilly. They were walking up her drive.

“Thanks!” Lilly chirped. They reached the door, and Lilly just walked in.

Elijah, awkwardly followed, wiping his scuffed army boots on the welcome mat before he entered.

“Dad! I’m home!” Lilly boomed, and Elijah didn’t realise how her voice could be. He heard giggling, and as he glanced around the room. He froze at the sight of a practically naked little boy, standing in the middle of the living room, sucking on dummy, holding plastic bricks in his hands.

“Jude!” Lilly cooed, rushing to him, and hoisting him up. He was just wearing a nappy, and was allowed to roam free before dinner. Elijah stared, feeling shy and awkward even more.

“Lil!” Jude kissed her loads, and Elijah felt ridiculous for feeling jealous.

Lilly smiled, and kissed his head, before setting him back down: “Come meet, Elijah.” She boasted, and Elijah went rigid. The boy waddled over, and dived for Elijah’s legs.

Elijah freaked out, trying to save the boy before he landed on the wooden flooring, or his shoes - or before Elijah reflexed and kicked him.

“Whoa there…steady little man.” Elijah mumbled, and Lilly smiled sweetly at him.

“My son…” she said, in a serious tone. Elijah’s mouth gawped: “What?” he stammered, causing Lilly to giggle hysterically.

“My nephew…” she corrected, and Elijah relaxed visibly. Thomas came through and introduced himself, and Elijah relaxed further.

That night, Elijah met the family and to his much surprise – he thoroughly enjoyed himself. After dinner, with Jude in bed and the adults in the living room Lilly excused themselves, and they went up to her room.

“Wasn’t so bad, was it?” Lilly teased, closing the door; Elijah went to her bed and collapsed on it lightly, lying face down in her pillow.

Lilly grinned, and went and sat down on the edge. Elijah held out his arm and waved for her to lie down. Lilly lied down on the other side of her double bed. Elijah reached out, and touched her, gripping her lightly and tugging her to come closer.

She did and eventually, they were cuddling.

It felt odd with Elijah – but he liked it.

“The reason I was being a douche about meeting your family was because I’m not use to this Lilly.” Elijah blurted out suddenly.

Lilly turned around, to face him - their faces extremely close together.

“Not use to what?” Lilly asked confused.

Elijah gave her a smile, a soft smile – not a smirk this time.

“Feeling part of something.” Elijah mumbled. Lilly’s eyes widened in surprise, and she just smiled at him, edging closer and pecked his nose.

“You’re part of my life now.” Lilly declared quietly. Elijah felt his heart tighten and he didn’t reply.

He didn’t know how too.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Start my new job tomorrow, whoop!