Status: finito.

Fight the Force

It's dark, cold december but I've got you to keep me warm.

They didn’t meet for another week.

Lilly was at work, her last shift before Christmas Day – which was three days from now.
She was in the frozen section aisle, arranging the Turkey’s and other meats necessary for Christmas dinner.

“It’s getting creepy how much I’m seeing you.” Elijah’s voice made Lilly jump again, and she spun around, Turkey in hands and looked at him.

He was wearing a Christmassy looking hat – it had a fluffy bobble on the end.

“Perhaps it’s fate?” Lilly chirped, and Elijah scoffed and shook his head.

“Nah, I’m actually stalking you.” He said so seriously, it made Lilly doubtful he was joking. She rolled her eyes and placed the Turkey in the freezer.

“Anything I can help you with?” she asked in her customer voice. Elijah found it annoying, it sounded so fake. He wanted her to talk how she normally did – at the bar the other night. He liked her then.

“I need to get my Mom something…” he mumbled, looking at his scuffed up Toms.

“You came to a supermarket for Christmas presents?” Lilly asked in disbelief. Elijah shrugged, hands in his pockets.

“I’m poor.” He reasoned, and Lilly rolled her eyes.

“Follow me.” She ordered briskly, and began to walk ahead. Elijah watched her go, slowly following.

His strides matched four of her steps. Her swinging high pony-tail was entrancing, and Elijah just watched it swing.

They reached the “home living” section – Lilly glanced down each other, and sharply turned into one. It smelled of a female’s mind.

Candles, Potpourri and Oils – Elijah’s nose was itchy.

“What the hell is this shit?” Elijah mumbled, he’d never ventured to this side of the store.

“Your Mom will like this stuff…buy her this… and get this half priced.” Lilly said, picking up a “Create-Your-Own Potpourri” set, and a candle set of three – each smell like a different season.

“My favourite is the Christmas one…but only during Christmas.” Lilly said brightly, pointing to the box in Elijah’s left hand. He glanced at her doubtfully.

“Does it really matter?” he had to ask. Lilly shrugged, and continued to scan the shelves.

“Does she like chocolate?” she asked, and Elijah shook his head.

“Not often, no.” he said. Lilly shrugged, and ran her hand over her hair, sliding it down her pony tail and fiddling with the ends.

“Well…um…thanks.” Elijah mumbled, holding up the boxes slightly. Lilly nodded, and gave a sweet smile.

As Lilly began to walk away: “How did your night go…with that kid?” Elijah felt bitter for some unknown reason.

“Who? Toby?” Lilly asked, confused. Elijah nodded.

Lilly shrugged: “I don’t like raw fish.” She said. Elijah gave her a confused look.

“I hate sushi too.” He replied, unsure. Lilly giggled, and grinned at him.

“My horoscope said I should watch out for people who were Pisces.” Lilly said, giggling at her own joke. Elijah smiled, still confused.

“I don’t believe in that stuff.” He said, shrugging.

“But what sign are you anyways?” Lilly felt compelled to ask.

“I was born in January…” he said, completely lost in what to do.
Lilly calculated he was a Capricorn – and they are compatible with Virgos.

Lilly grinned.
♠ ♠ ♠
anybody out there?