Status: Complete :)

I'm Not Afraid To Walk This World Alone


Gerard’s Point of View:

I waited in the parking lot of the airport, tapping my foot nervously. I checked my watch, 10:00pm. He should be here soon. The doors to the opened and a crowd of people came out, talking to each other and laughing as they walked past me and making odd faces at my bright red hair. I groaned in frustration and watched as the rest of them piled out of the building, waiting for my Frank to show. Maybe he forgot about me. I sighed and looked down, walking off slowly.

“Gee!” I turned around and saw Frank come into view and my heart stopped. Before I knew it he was jumping into my arms, embracing me in a hug as big as Frank could offer.

“I missed you” He whispered into my shoulder, my arms were shaking as I held him up, but I didn’t mind, he was worth it. I lowered him to the ground and ran my fingers through his hair.

“I missed you too.”

“Come on, let’s get home.” He grabbed my hand and we walked to the car, I put his suitcase in the back and he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before we got in. As we drove home he rambled on about how boring it was visiting his family just like a child would. I couldn’t help but smile every time he said he wished he could’ve stayed home with me. We pulled into the driveway of our house that we shared with the guys and ran inside and into my room, they guys were out so we had the house to ourselves. We threw ourselves onto the bed and I kissed him on the lips, I could feel his face getting hot and I pulled away slightly so only our noses were touching. He kissed me back and tried to force his tongue into my closed lips. I let his tongue explore my mouth and we did this for a while, our lips pressed together, moving in sync until we eventually pulled back, gasping for air. I laid down on the bed and let Frank rest his head on my chest.

“Gerard… I love you.” He said softly

“I love you too Frank.”



“If anything ever happens… Promise not to leave me?” I smiled, he’s so adorable.

“I promise.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Well i hope ya liked that!! A little different then what im used to. This was made for the Iero-Verse on facebook, go check them out, they post some pretty awesome stuff! :)

Comments would be greatly appreciated

And yes i know its short. Im sorry 0.0