The Daughter Of Two Enemies: Night & Day


It can't be dark already can it? I only slept for 5 minutes...or so I thought. This could ruin everything. I quickly grab the black jacket and throw it on. I grab my phone so I can give the instructions to Erik when I get to the meeting spot. IF i make it to the spot in time. I crawl out the window because I don't have time to take the stairs. I wish I was as fast as the others. I have wished that so many times I lost count after the millionth time. When I crawl out the window my eyes take no time to adjust to the complete darkness around me. I jump down from my four story window and land gracefully as always. I begin running as fast as I possibly can as soon as my feet hit the ground. Im faster than any human, but slower than anyone else. I practically blend in with the night while wearing my black jacket, pants and shoes. It also helps that I died my hair a very dark brown. I realize that their is a chance that I could make it. My phone rings and I pull it out of my back pocket and see its Erik. I answer it while still running, not missing a step.
"I am on my way, I promise I am! I just over slept a little" I say while being able to see the top of the building in my vision.

"I know you are, I can hear the wind in the back ground." He chuckles "Just send me the instructions when you get there. Bye" Erik hang's up.

I put the phone back in my back pocket. I finally reach the building. Now this is the part that is not hard, it's just uncomfortable to do. When I get about 20 feet from the building a run even faster straight to the building. Then at the last possible second I jump on the wall and instantly begin crawling up it. My hands find the cracks between the bricks easily. It takes only seconds for me to crawl up the 18 story building. I get to the top and as soon as I get there I take my phone out. I pull up the instructions and send them to Erik. I wait not even 10 minutes before I hear him coming. I don't even bother to look because I know I cant see him in the dark. He is too fast for that. I can only hear him, which even that isn't as good as what he can do. He could hear me breathing even from where he is and running as fast as he can. Less than a minute later he is there beside of me. "So you all set then?" I ask getting ready to half slide half jump back down the building.

"Well I see how you are. No "hello", no "how ya been"? I mean its only been 15 years since we jumped into the Arctic Ocean and I had thouht that you had been killed Asia!" he says jokingly.

I look up at him and smile. "hey Erik how ya been? Are you ready to possibly go to our deaths? and has it really been that long? Wow and yet I am still only 19" Winks "ready now" holds out my hand.

"Yes I am. And try to keep up will ya?" He slaps my hand and jumps from the building. Not even a half a second when he does I slide my feet down the building as I plumet towards the ground. It felt good to be back in business.

Ok now to do some explaining. My name is Annastaisa Renee Dare. Eveyone calls me Aisa unless I give them a false name. I appear to humans as about 19 so I just go with it. I really have no idea how old I am. The thing is I have been practically lived on my own since I can remember. And now I bet you are wondering about my parents right? Well let me put it like this. In my world humans are the creatures of Day. While vampires, like Erik, are the creatures of Night. Well my parents are the Creators of Night and Day. I was an accident that they just decided not to kill and just left me be giving me a few powers and what not. So if you have been paying attention then you probably know what I am about to say. I am the first and only child of two enimies. Night and Day. I am half human and half vampire. The one and only.
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Let me know if anyone likes this. If so I will try to keep posting.