‹ Prequel: Superman
Status: on hiatus

Her Letters

Chapter two

There were three things that Lance didn’t expect. The first was going to her house the day after he had reflected.

“Oh, sweet mother of God,” he muttered under his breath as he stood in front of her gate. He was nowhere near ready yet, for so many reasons. One was that he had just realized his feelings the day before, and another was that he had planned to keep it to himself, but his feet led him to the place he didn’t want to go.

He ruffled his hair and then cursed, “Shit.” He was about to turn back when someone called him.

“Uy, Lance! Ang tagal mong hindi pumunta dito,” Zoe’s guard, Kuya Albert, exclaimed.

“Kasi…” He trailed off, whilst avoiding Kuya Albert's gaze and scratching the back of his neck.

“O siya. Pasok na,” Kuya Albert said as he opened the gate, beckoning Lance to go inside.

There was no way Lance could refuse now; it would be suspicious if he did. He bit his lips and sighed. He wasn’t going to run away now. He entered the gate and then headed straight for her house.

And the next thing he knew, he was knocking on her door.

“Why am I doing this?” he asked himself as his knuckles came in contact with the door.

Suddenly, the door opened.

The second thing Lance didn’t expect was to see a girl in front of him that wasn’t Zoe. The third thing was her punching him in the face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fil. Buster!
  • 'O siya. Pasok na,' is translated into English as 'Okay. You can go in now.'
    'Kasi...' is directly translated as 'because' in English.
    'Uy, Lance! Ang tagal mong hindi pumunta dito' means 'Hey, Lance! It's been a long time since you've come here.'