We Can Lay With Our Eyes Closed

You Caught Me

It was now 3 days before the end of my month at the hotel and I had a feeling I wasn’t getting away with the ID thing anymore and I knew I had no choice really but to leave before they became suspicious, I saw Mico sat in the front of the shop so I walked through to him “Mico can I talk to you please?” I asked and he smiled following me into the back. “What’s up?” he said smiling “Well you know I stay at the hotel up the street? They want ID to prove I’m old enough to stay there and well you know I’m not. I told them a fake surname to cover for myself but that means I have to move out and I was wondering if you still had that place?” I asked and he nodded.

“Yeah we still have it, if you want it it’s yours. I take the money straight from your paycheck every week, $100 but that includes your bills; you share a kitchen with the others but you get your own room and bathroom. Is that okay?” he replied “Yeah that’s fine, thank you” I said and he smiled “Anytime, you want help moving your stuff out? If you do ask one of the guys to help you out,” he stated as he walked off and I smiled “Okay thank you!” I shouted after him and he held his hand up.

“Babe what do you mean your moving?” Kevin asked as I walked home on the phone to him “I can’t afford to live at the hotel forever, I’m moving into the place Mico’s got. It’s above the shop, I get the same as the hotel for cheaper” “But you have to share with them guys, I don’t really like the idea of that” he replied and I smiled. “There’s locks on the doors, only you and Mico have the key to your room. I know them all anyway, they’re all really nice so I’ll be fine” I reassured “Fine but I still don’t really like the idea of it, when you moving in?” he asked.

“I’ve got 3 days left here then I’ll just take all my stuff to work with me the next day” “Fine but if you want me to help you move stuff over I can” he offered “I’ll be fine, I can always get one of them to help me. I get roomies how cool is that?” I asked smiling as I wandered up the stairs. “To you obviously very cool but to me not so much, I mean them guys are all pretty much illegal so what if anything happened?” “Just because they work illegally doesn’t mean they’ll kill me. I spend all day with them and they never do anything, if anything they’re better behaved because they’re illegal. If someone was to say something they’d be in big trouble and they know it,” I replied as I walked in my room.

“You have a point I guess, still you share a place with what? 5 other guys and none of these guys are me,” he complained and I laughed, “You annoy me too much to live with” I joked, “You love me shut up” he replied and I heard the smile in his voice. “Whatever, anyway aren’t you going out tonight?” “Yeah I am, in about 5 minutes so I better go get dressed. Speak to you tomorrow, bye babe” he said “Bye” I replied hanging up.

I walked down the road and not many places were open yet seeing as it was nearing 7am and my phone started to ring “Hey” I said answering it “Hales are you coming or what?” he asked “I’ll be there in like a minute, not even that. Why are you so grumpy in the mornings?” I joked and he laughed “Because I don’t like waiting around for my lazy ass girlfriend to get out of bed to meet me to have breakfast that’s why” he replied making me smile “Shut up, where are you anyway?” I asked “At the gates waiting for you so hurry up” “Fine” I snapped back and he laughed at me. “Good, so get a shift on” “I’m walking slower now for that” I replied “Ergh. Please don’t I got out of bed at 6.30, the least you could do was be on time” “I’m not even late, you said 7 and it’s 6.57” I stated.

“Well make me the happiest person alive and be early then” he said, “I’ll try, just for you” I joked “Thank you baby, see you in a minute. Love you” “You too” I replied hanging up smiling. I’d been living at Mico’s place for a month now and although Kevin hated the idea to start with he didn’t really mind all that much now, he still used it as an excuse though. ‘I’m worried about you so I’ll stay over tonight’ or ‘Babe stay at mine tonight so your not alone at yours’ was the usual phrases he used.

I saw him leant up the fence at the park and I smiled crossing the road “About time” he said as soon as I got close “And look at that 6.59am I’m early” I bragged, “Whatever, come on you” he stated kissing me before walking off and I smiled following him. There was a place in the park that opened early for breakfast and he always wanted to go there so we spent a fair amount of mornings sat in the park “You have fun last night?” I asked and he nodded “Yeah Neil was so wasted it was funny, you get up to much?” “Nope, went to bed at like 8” I replied.

“You went to bed at 8 yet you were struggling to get up this morning? You are so lazy!” “Shut up, I was early so you have no right to complain” I stated as he smiled, we finished breakfast “Babe you know how you’ve got to be out of Mico’s place for the week and your going to the hotel near me?” he asked and I nodded “Well why don’t you just live at mine for the week? I mean you can just move all your stuff to mine tonight and then move back in when his nephew’s gone home” he offered.

“I don’t mind living at the hotel” “Yeah I know but we both know I’m only going to spend most my nights there so you might as well just live here for the week with me. We spend like every night together nearly anyway so it’ll be no different” he reasoned “Fine if you don’t mind I don’t” I replied. He smiled at me kissing my cheek “You want me to help you move stuff?” “Nope I’m fine on my own, plus half of my stuff is at yours already” I said and he laughed, “I know! I can’t find any of my clothes but I can find all of yours” he stated.

“I have nothing to do all week either, they’re all going on vacation or visiting family out of town before we get down to work on the record. How many days are you working?” he asked, “I’m working now until Wednesday” “So you’ve got 3 days to work?” he said “Yes, I finish at 4 on Wednesday and then that’s me done until Monday again. Mico’s closing up for the last part of the week to take his nephew out of town for a bit” I explained and he nodded.

“Talking of work I’ve got to go,” I said standing up “Okay, well I guess I’ll see you at mine afterwards. Text me if you want my help” he stated. “I will, thanks for breakfast. See you later, love you” “Anytime and you too babe” he replied kissing me before I walked off.

Living with him should’ve felt different but like he’d said we spent that much together we practically lived together anyway. Today was Wednesday meaning it was my last day of work for the week and I was kind of excited to have time off to just do nothing ‘Hey, do you want me anything from the shop? Love you xxx’ I texted before I left work ‘If you brought some chocolate home I’d probably love you more than I already do, love you xxxxxxx’ he replied and I smiled.

I stopped off at the shop buying chocolate before wandering back to his, “Okay so I bought you chocolate does that mean you love me now?” I asked as I walked in his taking my jacket and shoes off. “Hales your surnames Brenson right?” he shouted, “Yeah what’s that got to do with anything?” I replied as I walked into the lounge to see him sat on the couch and I knew from his body language something was up.

“So your definitely Hayley Brenson?” “Yeah why?” I asked, “Well after you text I was in the bedroom and Neil rang, my phone vibrated off the top and when it hit the floor it fell apart. So I put it back together and then I got all these messages through and missed calls on my phone that weren’t for me, one said ‘Hayley Brennan this is getting stupid now just come home, Margie’” he said and I tried not to give anything away. I’d woken up late this morning and I was rushing to get dressed when I just pulled stuff out of a bag and knocked a purse over, I didn’t have time to tidy it up so I pushed it under the table leaving. My sim card must’ve been in it and when his fell apart he’d picked mine up putting it in his phone.

“Who’s Margie and who the hell is Hayley Brennan?” he asked and I shrugged “Beats me” I stated, Margie was a teacher from my school “Funny because a lot of the messages on that number was for a Hayley Brennan, what the hell is going on Hales?” he asked and I tried to avoid eye contact. “Hayley don’t lie to me, tell me the truth,” he snapped and I sighed “Some people used to call me Hayley Brennan that’s all” I lied. “Hales don’t fuck around” “Fine, that’s my real name, Hayley Brennan is my real name” I stated.

He nodded “Right I’m glad we’ve cleared that up” I said “I’m not done, why were all these people worried about you?” “Because I left Atlanta for here randomly. I mean it’s a pretty strange thing to do” I answered him. “Even weirder when they all say you ran away, what are you running away from that means you have to lie about your last name?” he questioned “Nothing” “Hayley tell me the truth” he snapped and I caught his eyes.

I could’ve tried but I knew I’d fail at lying to him “I had to leave okay, I’ve not done anything wrong. They were trying to make me live in this home and I didn’t want to live there so I left” I admitted, “They can’t make you live anywhere” “Well they could so I had to leave okay?” I stated. “The only way they can make you live somewhere is…Hayley how old are you?” he asked and I looked away from him and he shook his head.

“Hayley. Fuck’s sake how old are you?” he snapped standing up “That’s rather personal” “Not when we’ve been dating practically 2 months it’s not! Now tell me how old you are” he demanded standing in front of me and I tried to look at the floor but he lifted my face up with his finger “Age now” he stated and I closed my eyes “17” I said quietly and I opened my eyes as I heard him curse stepping away from me.