Status: Will continue as long as comment keeps coming in. ^.^

Against all Odds

Chapter 10

“Excuse me, excuse me.” I muttered. We were backstage at Wembley Arena and I was back finding my bracelet. I thought since I couldn’t find it in the house, I might be able to find it here. The only problem I had was that Wembley Arena is huge and there was no way I could checked every corner. But I wasn’t one to give up just yet. Everyone in the room was looking at me weirdly as I flipped through things.

“Just get on with your daily routines and let her be.” Dad ushered the staffs as they scramble back to their duties.

“I’m heading out for a second.” I yelled not waiting for a response before I rushed out of the dressing room. I went to the ladies and look for it. You must be thinking that I’m being absurd and I probably am but I really wanted my bracelet back. After a while I gave up looking in the ladies. I kept my eyes locked on the floor and without realizing it I was in someone’s way.

“Oof. I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking. ” I apologized.

“No… It’s my fault. Let me help u up.” The stranger said as he extended his hand out for me.

I accepted it gladly and when I looked up I was met by those blue eyes that I was so intrigued about. He was standing right in front me. Guess my lucky charm still works then even if it wasn’t with me. He was dressed in a plain white t-shirt and a black short with sports shoe. A maroon beanie on his head covering his perfectly brown hair.

What am I’m saying. I’m a judge he is a contestant. Get these stupid thoughts out of my head. I make a mental note to myself. I sort of forgotten he was there until he cleared his throat and said, “Are you alright?”

“Sorry. Lost in thoughts.” I mumbled. Great, I just made a fool out of myself.

“You say sorry a lot, you know?” He joked.

“Sorry.” I said once again. He chuckled. When I realized what I just said, I wanted to apologize. “I’m s-o…… and I should stop talking now.” I bit on my lips. We both started laughing.

“I’m Louis Tomlinson.” He said not losing the smile on his face.

“Kendall Cowell.” I shake his hand.

“You were looking for something?” He asked.

“Yeah. I lost my bracelet. It’s really important to me.”

“Well, it’s good someone found it yesterday then.” He said as he pulled out something from his pocket. It strikes me then. My lucky charm bracelet. “I believe this belongs to you.”

“Oh my god. Thank you so much.” I shrieked and wrapped my arms around his neck. As soon as I notice what I just did, I immediately let go of him and mumbled a soft, “sorry.”

“And you’re apologizing again.”

“Right. I’m probably sound like an idiot aren’t I?” I got to stop making myself seem like a fool. He just chortled in response. “Where did you find it?”

“Just outside the arena.”

“I’m so glad you’re the one who found it.” I grinned. “Really am.”

“So does that mean I’m through to the next round?”

“Are you trying to bribe me, Mr. Tomlinson?” I said. I think he took it the wrong way because he kept saying no and try to explain himself. “I was joking.” He instantly burst out laughing making me laugh too.

“Let me help you put it back on.” He said motioning to my bracelet. I handed it to him and he strapped it back on my wrist where it was suppose to be. “Done.”

“Thanks. I really should be back now. I’ll see you later.”

“Hopefully.” He replied. I turned my back and walked away. I didn’t have to look into the mirror to know I was blushing mad. I couldn’t wipe the grin on my face as I set foot into the dressing room.

“Someone’s happy.” Dad commented. “I see you found your bracelet back.”

“Yeah.” I muttered not taking my eyes of the bracelet.

“Good. So now we can get down to business.” Dad said. We made our way to the panel.

“First of all welcome back and congratulations. In every category I see a star in the making and it has only just begun. That was the good news. Now the not quite so good news. Today you will be taught how to dance.” Dad announced. I giggled as I saw some of the contestants face look as if they wanted the ground to just swallow them then and there while some look so happy that they look like they were gonna burst out screaming. “This is not going to be a judge session of the show but be daring, be brave, be unique. I’m not going to introduce you to someone who probably seen on the show. Brian Friedman.”

“What are you wearing?” Dad asked as Brian joined us.

“I thought I wear something skimpier. Show a little skin make a statement.” He answered. He did I make a statement though I’m not sure if it’s good or bad. “I don’t want u to be scared. You will not be doing any massive dance class. But what are we going to work for is your stage presence cause if you do make it to the top 12, staging is so important. So you all ready?”

“Yes!!” They chorused. Brian called the acts to spread out across the stage as us three judges waited backstage whilst they learned the simple routine Brian were going to teach them. I didn’t go back stage instead I went to the back of the audience and sat.

Sitting there and waiting was just pure boredom. I pulled out my phone and opened twitter.

-Backstage waiting. Isn’t this just fun? #sarcastictweet – I posted along with a picture of myself pulling a boring face.

The tweet straight away go lots of retweets and favorites. Many replies too. Some telling me about their day, asking for a follow. A few asked me about my relationship with the Jonas Brothers. I glance up from my phone and watch as Anthony and Tamera show them the dance moves. You could clearly see who the great dancers were and who wanted this so bad that they were trying their best to keep up.

“Well, look who decided to join us.” Brian called waving to me from the stage. “Let’s get Kendall to come join us on stage.” I laughed and shook my head. “Come on babes. I’m sure you will know this routine like the back of your hand in less than 5 minutes.”

I stood up and walk to where he stood. “I don’t even know what song are you guys dancing to.” the contestants cheered when I walked in front of them.

“Of course you do. Let’s show Kendall what we’ve been rehearsing.” Brian called.
I heard someone huffed and said. “Like she can remember everything in 5 minutes.” Wow, rude much?

Brian heard it too because he then yelled out, “Who was that?” Everyone look around looking for the person but no one stood out.

“If you’re gonna say something rude, you might as well step up and admit it.” Brian shouted out.

“It’s okay, Brian.” I said pulling on his sleeves. I just want to ignore it whoever that was. “Beside he or she is probably right. I can’t pull it off in 5 minutes.”

“It’s not. You may be young but they have to show you some respect as a person and as a judge. So it’s not okay.” He looked at me and said. “And of course you can. You got to believe in yourself.”

He then turned back to the crowd. “To whoever that said those. Watch and learn. Take your place at the back, Kendall. Hit it.” The staff hit the play button on the boom box. The familiar tune of Telephone starts blasting through the speakers. I laughed. I did know this. I just did the dance at one of my concerts. But the version Brian thought me was way harder. Of course it was. I was dancer in nature. But I doubt my own ability if I really could pull it off. If I couldn’t, I would not only embarrass myself but also Brian.

I look through some of their moves and they were just some rather simple basic steps that I have done before. I rehearsed a little at the back. Brian was right I had it down in less than 5 minutes. Good thing I had my sweatpants and tank top on today. I chuckled as the music and their movements came to a stop.

“You ready Kendall?” Brian asked as I stood in front of the crowd. I nodded nervously. I hope I don’t screw this up. The tune starts playing and I dance to it naturally with all the steps I just saw. It was a piece to cake to be honest. As the music came to a halt, I was proud of myself. The crowd cheered and I could feel myself smiling.

“Anyone with any more problems?” Brian inquired. No one said a single word. “Good, we’ll continue then.”

Seeing as Brian had an extra help to teach the dance that made four of us and each for a category. Anthony had the groups, Tamera got the girls, Brian got the Over’s and just to my luck I got the boys.

“Okay. Let’s start again form the top. 5, 6, 7, 8.” I called. I smiled at those that were confident like Tom and Liam and then there were also people that had no idea what they were doing at all like Niall and Nicolo. “Ok, so does that would love to rehearse on their own please be my guest. The others if you think you need a little help come over here.” I watch as the group split into 2.

I laughed as I watch Louis fall again as he attempt to do the turn. He was the only one that couldn’t do the turn and jumped back right after that. I walked over to him and stood beside.

“I’m not a dancer at all.” He stood back on his feet and brushed himself off.

“Don’t worry, we can’t all be perfect. Let’s try it again slowly.” I offered. He nodded as we went through the steps slowly. He somehow got the hang of it more than before. I played the music and stood next to him. For the first time he had managed to get through the routine without falling over. He picked me up and spin me around with joy. I didn’t want to let go when he hugged me but I knew I had to.

“How do you learn all the dance steps in short amount of time?” he pulled away much to my dislike.

I chuckled. “Years and years of practice.”

Liam came over to me and whispered, “You’re blushing. A crush on him?” he had a cheeky grin that I feel like whacking it off him.

“Shut up, Liam.” I hit him playfully as I get back teaching others the routine. I could shake of the questions. Do I have a crush on Louis Tomlinson?
♠ ♠ ♠
So I promise another chapter and here it is. :)) Enjoy. there is not much to say about this chapter. I not really satisfied with some part of this chapter but i don't know how to change it so I'm just gonna let it be. Read and tell me what you think about it.

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