‹ Prequel: Unlikely Beginning
Status: Sequel to Unlikely Beginning! Enjoy :)

Live While We're Young

See You Again

It was a struggle to ever get out of bed. A slamming noise shook my walls; I ripped the comforter from my body as I prompted myself up on my elbows. I didn't have time to get up when my door flew open revealing a very happy Mackenzie who jumped right into my bed full speed landing right on top of me.

"I MISSED YOU!" She shouted making me groan. I was so exhausted lately I was at lost for emotions. Mackenzie wrapped her arms around me lying on top of me; she straddled my waist still clinging to me. I laugh patting her back.


She nodded smiling widely before pushing herself up and plopping down on my bed next to me. I allowed myself a few more seconds before I really had to wake up. I used all the body strength I had in me pushing myself to sit up. Today is going to be great, yeah not really!

"You're home early!"

"I know! I told Niall I had to come home. I felt all home sick without you so now I'm here." Her smile still ear to ear, I giggled a little at how joyful she was at six in the morning. We continued to speak casually for a few as Mackenzie started to tone down a bit. She was quite alert for this early in the morning but I knew it was only because she had jet lag.

After the wedding Eleanor and Louis went off on their honeymoon and the rest of the boys were to report back to London for some business transactions. Mackenzie wasn’t too happy having to let Niall leave so I practically forced her to go with him. At the time I was capable of being alone, Harry and I were somewhat on track with our separate lives and Mackenzie well deserved a vacation. London was the right place. It’d been nearly six months since Mackenzie had been home and life for me was as boring as it got. Now that she was here though, I knew it’d begin to pick up again.

“Come to have lunch with Niall and I today! He misses you a ton as well.”

I had to rethink my plans first realizing that I had nothing important going on. “Okay sounds good!” I smiled softly still a bit tired from just waking up not too long ago. “Is he the only one here?”

“Yeah, he thought it’d be best if I didn’t come alone so he has a hotel of course. I told him I think we deserve some girl time after being gone for months on end. The rest of the boys should be here soon though.” I giggled at her a little. “Plus he has Paul so no big deal.” I nodded realizing that one body guard was a good thing.

“Does that mean I actually have to get up and get ready?” I said plummeting back down into pillow.

“Yes! So get your ass up because we have some major catching up to do!”

“Okay okay. I’m going!” I jumped up quickly slowly making my way to the bathroom when I got a little smack on the butt from Mackenzie. She wanted to me to move faster but at this early she had got to be kidding! “It’s too early to be getting ready though!”

“I know. Doesn’t mean we can’t kill some time for ourselves?” She smiled still pushing me out of my room and towards the bathroom. I groaned again giving her an evil look before finally obliging.


I stalled to get in the shower as I went through my phone checking all my messages and new notifications. First I decided to check my texts, I looked at the ones from Mackenzie.

Sleep tight lovebug. I’ll see you soon ;)

Now I knew what she had meant by that. I continued to go over my text ignoring to open a few.

Zayn: We’re dying to see you soon! I cannot explain to you how much we miss you xoxo. See you soon promise love!

Danielle: Girl time is strongly needed!

Eleanor: Call me ASAP, got to catch up!

Louis: It’s been way too long. Hang in there babe. Next time you’re coming to London because Eleanor will not shut up about missing you!

I smiled at all their text setting my phone down refusing to check Instagram. I realized that every time I did that it made me feel worse because Insta-stalking Harry just made me feel horrible. Did I mention he had made zero contact with me in the last six months, making me feel less important the more time went by? I had seen that he was casually dating which I didn’t find much of a problem because I was doing the same. Only I still ached from the pain of being away from him, I began to hate my decision in being apart and I knew he was doing this to torture me. I just had to get used to wallowing in my own mistakes.


It was coming close to 11 am and I was just coming close to being done. After all my procrastinating in getting ready this morning I finally got done to business. Now it was just a matter of what on earth was I going to wear, I indecisively stood in my walk in closet for a good ten minutes before I finally decided. I was going to wear a dress and wedges. I picked out just what to wear and began to change. I added bangles and diamond earrings to add a little more to my outfit. So when I was finally done I was excited to leave.

“I’m ready! Let’s go?” I shouted down the stairs to alert Mackenzie that I was coming down in a second. I didn’t bother to prepare my purse with anything because I was going to travel light today, I grabbed my phone and I was down the stairs and out the door.


“I feel like we’re way too dressed up to be having lunch like this.” I giggled leaning in from across the table to Mackenzie. She laughed a little shaking her head.

“I think we look pretty! So if anyone has a problem with that, then they can go suck a di-“

“Watch your language!” An Irish voice interrupted. I giggled sliding out of the booth to greet Niall with a hug. He quickly swooping me up into his arms squeezing the living shit out of me. “Oh hello there, stranger!” I tilted my head to Niall smiling. “I missed you like crazy!”

“I see you’re just as adorable as you always are. I missed you too Ni.”

He smiled releasing me from his tight grip leaning down to slide into the booth next to Mackenzie. They quickly peaked each other’s lips before looking back at me to continue the conversation. I was looking down at my menu when Mackenzie gasped loudly startling both Niall and I.

“I cannot believe you Niall!” She growled at him. Her face started to turn bright red as she angrily punched his arm.

“Babe, I know but you have to give him a chance!”

“I told you today were just the three of us! How could you?” She snapped once more. I stared at the both of them a bit confused till Mackenzie finally turned back to face me. “I’m so sorry Heath, I had no idea he was coming.” Her eyes trailed behind me. I slowly turned around to see Harry standing by one of the hostess as she pointed him at our table. A smile appeared on his face as he started to make his way over to us. My skin started to burn and my hands began to sweat, I closed the menu in front of me placing it down on the table.

“Sorry I’m late!” He said towards Niall as they did some kind of hand greeting that all boys do for some reason. I couldn’t bring myself to smile; Mackenzie apologetically gave me a look as his eyes meet mine. “It’s nice to see you again Heather.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is the first chapter! :) Based six months after Eleanor and Louis's wedding.

I'm gonna start doing visual outfits. So here you go!

Enjoy the very first chapter lovelies.