Status: coming along slowly...



(Please note this is a flashback)

“So you’re boyfriend goes to UND? For real?” Piper asked as she sat by the garage where their dying van was currently being worked on. She flicked her cigarette away from the guys. Ryan, their drummer at the time, nodded. Pink tinged his cheeks. Piper smiled at him, “It’s about time we get to meet him! I mean, what are the fuckin’ odds about our van. Does he have a bit more space to have some crazy kids crash?”

Ryan nodded again. “Yeah I talked to him on the phone a little while ago. He said that we’d have to play a frat party or something. I said if there was, oh I don’t know, a college hockey game in the deal we’d see what we could do.” Ryan shot a huge smile down to his friend. He could tell Piper’s eyes were wide even through her mirrored aviators.

Talon came over to them. “Hockey game? I know you weren’t planning on going without me.” Ryan shrugged, clearly messing with him. “I don’t know man. Piper and I might want to get away from your sorry ass.”

Talon plopped onto the ground next to Piper and rested his head on her shoulder. “Better a sorry ass than a sore ass.” Ryan rolled his eyes while Piper snorted trying to contain her laughter.


Piper walked backwards in the parking lot of the ice rink, waving her hands constantly and hardly pausing to take a breath. “Did you see that goal though?! I have never been more impressed with college hockey in my life! If their captain, what was his name- Toes?- Doesn’t get his own NHL tea-“ Piper’s rant was cut short because she backed right into a wall.

Well, for all intensive purposes it was a wall until it cleared its throat and said in an incredibly sexy deep voice, “It’s pronounced Tayves actually.”

Piper jumped so bad that she almost fell over. The wall person caught her elbow gently in his hand to steady her. “Holy shit dude, don’t do that to a girl!” She turned around and of course it’s the captain. “Sorry Toews. I’m not from here. Nothing personal.”

He didn’t release her elbow but his break broke out into an easy smile. “Not a problem. You can continue complimenting me if you want though.” Piper rolled her eyes and spun out of his grasp.

“Maybe later. Right now I have to go see how people in North Dakota party. Some apartment party or whatever.”

Ryan’s boyfriend, Myles, stepped forward, “See you there Jonny?” Piper pursed her lips when Jonny smirked at her, “Sure thing.”


“Fuck you Toews, my dad is Russian. I can out drink any of you if I wasn’t playing tomorrow. Playing with a hangover makes me want to gauge my eyes out.” Jonny nodded, passing the joint back to her while they sat outside on the apartments small balcony.

“Yeah.” He paused for a bit. “I know what you mean.”

Jon looked at Piper as she took a drag. She was someone who mellowed out like him, not got all giggly and annoying. She knew hockey too, and had even teased him a bit with the joint, saying he’d better enjoy it now, because it would look bad if a captain of a winning NHL team was caught lighting up.
They both laid down and stared up at the overhang covering the small space. The guys had drawn little stars in highlighters on the underside, complete with a white crayon colored moon and a shooting star.

Jon reached out and took Piper’s hand. They laced their fingers together and counted the stars. There were 68 officials and a few questionable marks that they debated over for awhile.
“So, I have a plan. If you’d like to go along with it.” Jon started, feeling more together when he started to come down from his high.

Piper started to hum and after a moment and sang ever so quietly the opening lines to a song that sounded vaguely familiar to Jon.

“I want to know your plans, and how involved in them I am…”

Without looking at her, and speaking in a voice that told her he was perfectly serious, “Tomorrow, I’m going to take you for breakfast. We’re going to have a great time, then I want to kiss you. I’ll probably run off to class right after like an asshole, BUT if all goes well I’ll invite you over later and we can watch a movie or something.” There was a beat of silence and he shifted so he could see her.

“Is that okay?”

He had never doubted his plans before. He wasn't supposed to as a leader. That was his job; to be in charge and to have a plan. It freaked him out a bit to be doubting the plans that usually helped him reach his goal.

Much to Jon's relief, she nodded, a grin slowly spreading across her face. “Can I rearrange this real quick?” Jon didn't quite know what she was getting at until she leaned over and gave him a quick peck of the lips. She pulled back and smiled. “Now you won’t have to be the asshole you’re plan says you’ll be.”

‘Well, shit’. Jon thought as he looked at the girl in front of him. He’d known her only a few hours and he was already hooked on a girl who had called him “Toes”.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just thought I'd throw in a bit of a flashback. I wrote this on the fly because there needed to be something between the last chapter and the next. So this is the product of that.

Is this a yay/nay? I have another written for later in the story so we'll see...