Love On The Road

Chapter Three

Sutton smiled as she saw Samuel’s car approach her, wobbling up her driveway. His car looked almost out of place at her house, then again it blended in fine. It was odd to think about.

Just like Sawyer, Samuel had a relatively beaten down truck, used and abused. Sutton couldn’t blame it for looking like that, it had put up with a teenage boys abuse, she was surprised it was even still running.

It stood out greatly against Sutton’s polished and refurnished Volvo, and her fathers various sports car, but it was just another addition here at the Vega house.

Though, the worn car looked almost at home here. Over the years, it began to blend in with her upper class home, to the point where they were only reminded about it’s shape when new people came to their house.

“Where should I park it, sugar?” Samuel asked, his cocky smile shining as he shot her a wink. She rolled her eyes in good-humor. The cool air renovating around the car blessed her face with it, calmly.

“You’re an idiot, Samuel.” She stated, permitting herself a small smile, tossing her head towards their garage. “Dad and I cleared some space out for all of your cars. Just don’t mark anything, and don’t scratch the cars.” She stated, with a laugh.

Samuel shot her another smile, as he pulled forward once more. The bursts of cold air left her as she was stuck in the heat once more. Sighing, she sat back in her car, and turned up the radio, tilting her head back, as she let the music effortlessly fill her ears with her favorite notes.


Sawyer pulled forward, his car making creaking sounds. Him and his vehicle wobbled down Sutton Vega’s long cobble stone path.

He remembered when he first moved to this town, several years back. He’d moved from the most southern tip of South Carolina.

In school, unlike most new kids, Sawyer intrigued people. His accent and his unique name left people wanting more. No one knew what to think of Sawyer, and he liked it that way.

He didn’t look like most people in Florida. His skin was lighter than the others, but tanned almost instantly when he tried. His hair was a sandy blonde color that darkened to a golden as he got older. His eyes were brighter than the others, but still a dark brown. On a good day, you could see the golden specks that were thrown through out them.

Most people kept their distance from him, the outsider that glanced in. A few brave souls attempted at conversations, which went wrong after a few minutes. They were all so different, what would they have in common enough to talk about?

The fact that these kids grew up together, attending all three schools, didn’t help Sawyers case at all. Everyone already had his or her own groups, but Sawyer? He stuck out like a tree in a pile of leaves.

The one group that took him in, surprisingly, was Sutton, and her friends. People almost looked up to them, and found it plenty surprising when they chose him. Before he knew it, he was looked at and talked to, and immediately made more interesting. He found it fascinating himself.

As he pulled up towards Sutton, she waved him farther down towards the garage. This took him as a surprise but he nodded towards her and pulled down the road, seeing Samuel pulling into the garage.

He pulled up next to him and hopped out of the car, landing on the ground with a thud. He wiped his hands off on his dirty jeans, pulling his few suitcases from the back of his large truck.

He turned to Samuel, who had just finished pulling out his baggage, as he shot him a smile, walking up to him with his heavy bags.

“This is going to be an interesting week, isn’t it?” He asked, with a smile, before making his way back towards the front driveway, where Sutton sat waiting for them