Status: Trying to update as much as I can. x

With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear.

It Starts.

The sound of my alarm clock screeching is what pulled me out of my deep sleep. Forcing an eye open, I pressed the button turning it off and rolled on my back, blankly staring at the ceiling.

I bet you're wondering what the hell is going on.
This is where it really starts.
Back to when things where things were normal for a while.
My name is October Skye Carlile; sister of Austin Carlile from Of Mice and Men. I'm freshly 21 years old, seeing as today, June 14th, is my 21st birthday. I live by myself in a small, but relatively nice town house out in Costa Mesa, California. My hair is thick and black and my eyes are a dull, boring hazel. I'm roughly five-foot-four with a curvy body. Everyone who knows who my brother is thinks that I'm living the life of a rockstar.
Not really. I mean, sure I go along on the tours, see new places, meet new people, and am pretty much living every little teen's dream, but after a while it gets boring. It seems like every time I go on tour, it's the same song and dance. Go out, watch some shows, meet people, party, sleep, repeat. It's fun after a while, but it seems that lately, every time I went things have been the same. I desparately wanted an adventure. That's why when Austin invited me to tag along on this years Warped with him, I had to consider it.

Blindly reaching over to my night stand, I grabbed my phone, the time reading 8:00 a.m. I had four new messages all from my brother. Sighing, I opened them one by one.

From: Austin:)
Bus leaves in an hour, are you still coming ?

From: Austin:)

From: Austin:)

From: Austin:)
Alright, bitch. you asked for it.

Raising my eyebrows at the last message, as I began to type a reply, I heard my front door being kicked in, and the thumping of what seemed like more than one person running up the stairs to my room. My bedroom door was the next to be kicked in which caused me to jump out of my bed and scream. Two bodies jumped on top of me, causing my breath to be lost and our bodies smashing into the floor. I let out a wince as my head cracked against the wooden floor.
"What the fuck?!" I exclaimed, clutching my head tightly.
Austin lifted his head and just smiled the cheesiest grin.
"I told you," he said. "You asked for it."
"If you weren't going to answer, we were coming to get you," the other body, which turned out to be Alan Ashby, said, also havin a shit eating grin caked on his face.
Groaning, I tried pushing them off me.
"I just woke up, assholes," I mumbled. Eventually, the two got off me and helped me to my feet. I had to grab onto Austin's arm to steady myself since my head started spinning from it hitting the floor with such force.
"You okay, sis?" Austin asked. Alan just snickered.
"Perfectly fine. I didn't just smack my head into the floor for shits and giggles, you know," I glared. Alan covered his mouth, surpressing his chuckle while Austin just let out a holler of a laugh. Before anything else could be said, a suit case was thrown on the floor at my feet. Looking down at it, then up at them, I sighed.
"I'll be down in a minute."
After doing my morning routine, the only thing I decided against was doing my hair, so after my shower I just let it cascade down into it's natural beachy waves. My bags were packed and I made a mental checklist on things that I might have forgotten. After realizing that I had everything, I lugged the bags down the stairs.
"You assholes gonna help or just stand there and mooch off what little food I have," I said, rolling my eyes at the two boys rummaging through my cabinets and refridgerator.
"You're on your own, bitch," I heard Austin say. Growling, I grabbed my keys off the kitchen table and lugged my bags out the front door. A huge tour bus was sitting on the side of the road, ready to go.
"Get out of my house and let's go you two," I yelled from the yard. "It's already 9:3o and we need to head out now."

I decided to, once again, attend this years Warped Tour. As expected, due to past experiences, I wasn't really as excited as I should be. I expected this year to be just like the past few years, so when Austin asked me, I kind of let it roll off my shoulders. I loved that my brother was doing what he loved and wanted me to be around in his success, but it got old. Austin was famous and I was just the tag along.

I felt an arm throw itself around my shoulder.
"Happy birthday, Toby," Alan said sweetly, pressing a kiss to my temple. A small smile formed on my lips.
"Thanks, Ally."

Throwing my bags in the small carry on space outside of the bus with the help of Alan, Austin led the way into the bus. I already knew my surroundings so a tour wasn't needed. I said hi to the other members of the band, giving hugs and finally plopping down on the couch that sat across from the tv. I curled up in the blanket that was neatly folded on the cushion and huffed.
"What's the destination?" I asked to no one in particular.
"San Francisco," Aaron Pauly, Of Mice's clean vocalist, answered dully.
Getting up, I grabbed the blanket and headed toward the bunk area.
"I claim top bunk on the right. Wake me when we get there," I said. I pulled myself up to the bunk and shut the curtain, falling asleep right as the bus began to pull away from my house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Omfg, when I saw that I had 7 subscribers, I about started crying.
gterdgnfvkdc, thank you for enjoying it already, even though nothing has really started yet xD.
As the description below the title, says, this is where the story actually starts. The first two chapters were more like what to expect towards the ending or middle of the story or wherever the fuck I decide to put it, so let it be known, I'll end up copying and pasting those two chapters somewhere towards the end and adding on to it, the way before and after those two chapters will actually make sense.
Thanks for reading again guys, and just know, feed back is always welcome. I haven't gotten any yet, so don't be shy to tell me what you think <3