Status: Is a book I am testing out.

Alpha Genes

Camp Dominant at last

“You may now excite the plane in a common orderly fashion!” A voice boomed loud and clear over the untamed crowd of grumpy passengers.
After hours of out right torture on a plane alone with babies screaming in my ear, and snores from a huge fat guy to my left, I'd finally landed. The airport announced our landing was somewhere in Arizona, not exactly sure where because the moment we landed I was escorted by a older male around his late forties, who just happened to be holding up a sign for a Van Grey.... Yes apparently my brother called in and had his named changed on the forms my parents filled out.
He was much more fit than a normal older aged man would be. He had muscles that were large and tightened together from daily workouts, a hint of a sweat smell lingered on him as if he had just finished with a work out before heading here. His hair was chopped to almost completely balled with a hint of a dark shade while he was sporting a long beard the color of raisins that ended around the full length of his neck.. Talk about letting your inner beast free, he was letting the grooming slack.
Clear blue eyes zoned in on me, a puzzled expression forming causing an unusual amount of wrinkles to form under his lids. He was dressed in a peach colored t-shirt along with some navy blue jeans and doc Martins.
“Van Grey?” Less, of a question and more of an unbelieved statement.
I nodded my head and forced an impassive look to remain on my face, almost more like boredom at the wait. He paused when lowering the sign, and hesitantly ushered me to follow. We marched passed all the groups of people struggling to find their luggage and quickly found all of mine before departing out of the head ache on wings.
I hated planes. Always have and probably always will. They were like a sign of the one thing wolves should never do... Fly. So at the moment I had a raging head ache, and jet lag was soon coming aboard the Vanity express.
Beast man, (As he seemed to fit that profile name.) paid no attention to whether I was truly following him or not, just kept on his path to a small gray Dodge Dikota parked in the only open area in the entire airport parking lot... The back. So we trudged along.
He didn't bother to speak to me, just remained silent throughout the whole ride while I oohed and awed at every odd thing I saw. We spent maybe thirty minutes on the road before I felt my eye lids begin to grow heavy. My wolf was weary of falling asleep with this guy so silent so I fought it repeatedly, despite my fatigue.
“You may sleep. I give my word I will not allow any danger to you while you rest,” The old man spoke up.
I didn't bother to respond since he didn't seen to want any more conversation. Just turned the radio on to a soothing country station. Any other day I'd growl at the sound but right now, I couldn't fight from surrendering to the black.

“Kid, wake up, we're about ten minutes from the camp and if you're not alert when you get there those other Alpha's are going to eat you for breakfast.” A voice interrupted my slumber. Groggy and grumpy, I leaned up and took in my surroundings.
The old man from the airport was looking at me sideways with tiny glances, face still covered with a frown and driving down a dirt road, trees the only other thing visible.
“You're a little scrawny for an Alpha, but I ain't the one to judge. The blood flows where the blood flows. You sure you're gonna be able to handle this place?” He raised a bushy eyebrow at me, and I snorted.
My muscles tightened together as I stretched in the confined space, refreshed and alert. I was ready to either run, or eat... Maybe both.
“I think I'll be fine. My parents insisted on this camp, if it'll appease them, then what's the harm?” I lowered my vocal cords a bit, testing the exercises Rogger had worked with me on. My voice was a tad bit lower, still a little odd and scruffy but pretty believable if you didn't know I was a chick.
“The harm'll be more when you see how big these boys get. They're ruthless and cocky. If you aren't the big boy, then you're the prey for the summer, keep that in mind kid. I knew you daddy when he was your age and he learned fast. He owned this place,” Beast man stared off down the road, a smirk forming on his face as if he was reliving a distant memory.
“You knew my dad, and he went to this camp?” I blurted out, my wolf waking more and following his every word.
“Yeah, me and your dad go way back. Not a surprise to see his kid either. He was a tough one, which I hope you inherited that from him, since you got your momma's petite form.
A growl rippled in my throat and I stared out the window. “I may be small but I have every ability to fight as much as any big brainless dog there,” I snarled at no one in particular... Just in anger.
“Ah yep, that's your dad's anger. Better keep that in check or it'll bite ya in the ass boy,” He chuckled.
Responding to that felt useless so I focused on the trees passing us until it began to clear up... And reveal the camp.
It was no ordinary camp...
This wasn't just a camp, it was a boot camp. Cabin's beyond cabin's were scattered over a open area of land along with a huge building directly in the center. The cabins were made entirely out of wood but the building's were huge, with long windows framing each one.
“Welcome to camp Dominant, If you're not the Predator... You're the prey.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took too long to update!! Was trying to get this chapter right on how to go about entering the camp. Don't worry, the next chapter you meet the love interest and that's when it get's a little Rated R:P