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“You may look but never touch” the words of wisdom that my father had bestowed upon me from the moment I realised that my family was different.
My mother was elegant in the ways that swans are graceful in the water, she moved as though she floated, laughter always escaping the ruby red of her lips. Her eyes were a stunning violet and they crinkled at the sides with laughter lines. As she moved her golden hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall and she permeated happiness. I had loved nothing more than crawling into her arms and having her whisper stories into my ear, her breath ruffling my hair against my cheek. My father on the other hand was strong and domineering; he was quiet and said very little. It was not until we were a few years old did I realise that those around us feared him, his hair was dark black, unruly and brushed the tops of his shoulders, I had always thought he was very handsome. His eyes were a bright emerald green and even after all of this my sister and I had always felt nothing but love from him.
Eons had passed since that day when my sister, Elysium and I realised who we were and who we would become, what would be expected of us. I vividly recall the day my mother came into the room we shared, sunlight streamed through the gaps in the heavy red curtains, the dust motes twirling and dancing in them. Elysium and I had set all of our dolls out before us, ready to send some to their deaths for betraying the ones they loved and allowing others to be blessed by the gift of life. My mother walked in, her eyes looking straight ahead as she ignored me and knelt next to Elysium, taking her hand tightly and whispering in her ear. I watched confused as Elysium spun and starred at me, frightened. I looked up to see my father leaning against the door frame watching us. My mother stood up and pulled my sister up with her and started walking from the room. As they approached the doorway, my father placed his hand under Elysium’s chin and brought her face up to look at him, as he kissed her lightly on the head before turning to brush his lips against my mother’s cheek and walking into the room. I jumped to my feet and started to run after my mother and sister, my heart banging against my chest like a drum. Before my father reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling me to a stop. He lowered so his face was level with mine and spoke very softly.
“Everly, the time has come for you and your sister to begin your training to fulfil the roles that destiny have bestowed upon you both”. I watched as his face relaxed and he gave me a very feeble smile. “I am truly sorry my beautiful first born, for what fate has imposed onto you, for just now was the last time that you will see your mother or sister again”. With that he stood, keeping my small hand wrapped firmly in his. We walked slowly to the doorway, I turned to my left and caught a glimpse of Elysium’s golden hair disappearing around a corner in the distance my head whipped back around to our room just in time to catch a series of huge white sheets dropping in the same way that parachutes drift towards the Earth, covering all of the furniture as the two heavy dark doors were pulled shut behind us, the finality of the situation was the click as the heavy brass key as it turned and locked the doors until the day would come when my children would go through the same depressing scenario. We had been five years old at the time, the time when we should have been enjoying the innocence of our youth; instead we were separated and thrown into two very different and incompatible lives.
Which brings me here right now; I am standing on the side of an empty road, a list of names at the fore front of my mind as I leant up against the large willow tree behind me. The darkness follows me, the shadows overtaking the glow of the full moon as though the sky was completely void of anything but the darkness. The air is calm all around me, the darkened sky glistening with stars as though a pottle of glitter has been spilt across the inky black. Eythan Marsden. His name sent a shiver down my spine, and I rolled it across the front of my mind again. Eythan Marsden. “Eythan Marsden” I said out loud, startling myself in the darkness. I small herd of cows grazed quietly to my left. There was a sudden cracking sound filling the air and the six or so beasts took off frightened and running towards the north. I watched them. Before realising that my time was coming up. Eythan Marsden. A shockwave of warmth radiated from my chest as I walked closer and closer to the road. Ethyan Marsden. The second name on my list. Kate Marsden was number one. Blake Swann number three. Carly Miller number four and the final. I wondered to myself who Kate Marsden was to Eythan Marsden, mother, sister, wife, and daughter. But I wondered mostly why the name Eythan Marsden seemed to mean so much to me.
Finally the white beam of lights rounded the corner, from a near impossible distance away my eyes narrowed in on the occupants of the car. Clearly as though they stood in front of me I took in each of the humans, my brain recognising the faces with the names. Number one, Kate Marsden, driver. Number two, Eythan Marsden, rear driver’s side. Number three, Blake Swann front passenger. Number four, Carly Miller rear passenger. I watched as Eythan stared at the girl beside him, the way his curious blue eyes smiled as he took in her profile, he turned and faced forward. His voice sent a shiver through my spine as I listened to him sound off a warning. Listening to his voice strain as he tried his hardest to try and control the inevitable situation in front of him.
This was that moment my father had always warned me about. “You may look but never touch”. I realised as I watched the hopeless struggles of Eythan in that moment that I could not take him. Not like that. I wanted him. I wanted to keep him....
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There is no real direction of my book yet!! this is the first couple of pages I have written whether they stay as the opening pages is undecided yet!