Status: It'll take me a while to update....but summary is done :)

Tell Me What You Need and Nothing More

"What do you need done?" I said in a secrete voice.
"Kill the princess."
"Very well. How much money are we talking about here?"
"Tons. Just do it."
"As you wish, your highness."

Putting daggers in my boots, and arrows in my quiver, I rushed off to kill the princess. It was never my plan to end up a mercenary. I always thought I could do anything. Intead, I take money from people, steal food to have enough sustanece to eat, and drink out of streams. Ah, the glamour of theivery. I can only fight because my father was a knight, and he tought me everything that anyone could ever know about fighting. Unfortunatly, I have to use these skills to kill. They say that I'm the sneakiest and deadliest mercenary around, a title I don't exactly want. I wanted to be known as a good woman, a generally good person. I have no one to travel with, mostly when I try to look for someone, they end up as deadweight. Usually before I relize that they are worthless, I have acepted a task and have to kill them so no one will know the plan. I've lost count of the innocents I've killed, long ago, and I truely hate myself for what I do so I can live. I don't even remember how I got into the buisness. I'm constantly moving so no one can locate me, so I have no home. All I have is the money for the kill, the four daggers in my boots and on my belt, and a bow and quiver full of arrows. I need to fix this. Everything is wrong. The only problem is I can't make a living doing anything else, even if I could, Its all a food chain, and I'm at the top, and thats how I live my life.