Live While Were Young

Meeting him.

It was Sunday, Autumn. It was about 12 lunchtime when me and Emma decided to take a walk down to the little cafe on the corner. Not going to lie, we were boy searching. We were tired of being single and just wanted someone to love. CAN ANYBODY FIND MEEEEEEEEE, sombody to looooooooove. Anyway... random little song out break. We arrived at the cafe and stepped inside. The scent of coffee and homemade bread filled our noses and we both sighed happily. We were both pretty out there... Well I was. You had to get to know Emma before she really started being strange. So we sat down and ordered coffee and our usual sammiches. We started our usual conversation about cute boys we saw that week, when to our surprise. i looked to my left and saw the most gorgeous guy i've litterally ever seen in my life. I turned to Emma, she saw him and I automatically called dibs. she frowned, i stuck my tongue out and walked over to him. I pretended to drop my wallet in an attempt to be clumsy. Well, not really an attempt. I sort of tripped over the rug. I fell to his feat and an aray of laughter came from behind me, filling the cafe. He helped me up and everyone slowly stopped laughing. My face was bright red, I turned to Emma and she was still laughing really hard. I laughed a little and turned back to him. "Are you ok?" I heard a low voice say to me with some concern in his voice. I slowly looked up and smiled. Oh my god his eyes... Like a sea of green... And Emma was still laughing. I nodded and he smiled. "Friend of yours?" He said with a laugh. I dusted myself off and looked up at him again. "No, she's a mental pacient. I work with them once a week and I got the most insane one in there" I said with tons of sarcasm in my voice. He laughed and helped me back to my seat. To my surprise Emma was trying not to laugh but I think she was stuck in one of her famous laughing fits. It Made the cute guy burst out laughing and we all looked extremely mental. Finally we got kicked out of the cafe for exessive noise. I told Emma to calm the fuck down and go to the beach. She laughed cuz it was an inside joke and she ended up rolling around on the side walk laughing hard. No wonder she was so skinny, she never stopped laughing. Me and the guy sat on the side of the curb and blocked out Emma and her laughing as she almost killed herself. "so whats your name?" He asked me nicely. He had already given me his name, his favourite color and who he was. His name was Harry, his favourite color was... well i wasent really listening. And he was in a band called One Direction. I smiled and began to open my mouth when Emma sits inbetween us totally serious. She turns to Harry and pokes his cheek. "Her name is Chico andI'm Maralyn... Nice to meet you curly headed fantastically cute doooooooooode" His eyes grew wide and he quickly moved away from her. I mouth 'sorry' and he just laughed. "Emma, please... please don't embaress me or you will have my hyper side to deal with when you find an attractive boy you possibly like" Her eyes went wide and she got up, bolting around the corner and back to my house. Me and Harry both laughed and spent the next few hours sitting there talking about eachother. At about 5, Harry got up and helped me up. "My butt is numb" I said nad he laughed again. "So is mine" He said and started hitting his own bum. "Well it was nice talking to you Harry... Maybe I'll text you or somthing?" I said and pulled out my phone. He smiled and pulled his out. "I'll text you... Maybe i can hook up your creepy friend with my creepy friend" We both laughed and exchanged numbers. He smiled and gave me a big hug. "Bye Chico" He said while winking, then leaving in his 1976 green mustang. it was in perfect condition and i almost drooled. I smiled and waved as he left. I slowly walked back to my house and once i got inside Emma was passed out in my bed. Never getting that girl bon bons ever again. Well i guess this is goodnight. I layed beside her and slowly fell asleep feeling ontop of the wooooooorld. NIGHT!
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Really hoped you liked it.