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All Hail, the Queen of Suffering

In a large planet, called Olandan there is a small country made up of mostly islands called Incutopia. Incutopia is ruled by a monarch and the first born child is the next in line once both sets of parents (king and queen are dead) and the islands elect their local leaders and representatives. It is a peaceful country making most of the economy from the visitors every year due to it being a popular vacation spot. But it isn’t to say it has disputes mostly about how money is spent and to create a better economy than one reliant on tourists from this hunting and gathering society trying to make it in a very technology advanced world. It has lead to people not like the king and queen from the previous ancestors who was trying to keep it a hunter gatherer.

Well apparently, the hate was enough to do to an assignation to force the first bear to become the queen at a very young age, younger than has been seen in 15 generations. It is a learning curve she has to deal with and giving her a short lived childhood but under her reign, she is known as the lovable queen and sometimes the tomboy queen. She is trying to help the economy and doesn’t start wars unless it is absolutely needed but the death of her parents has taken a toll on her psychologically. The death of her parents forced her to be an adult in her childhood and make her responsible for her younger full siblings and the Ladies that her dad married and their kids. For a short time period after each one, she doesn’t like to talk about it or the circumstances most likely she has lived through it. Seeing her one killed in front of her eyes and walking in on a suicide that is a constant reminder to her and causes more trouble than what it is worth.

With that being said, she also has many suitors and leads to a disaster because she is looking for a love that she has to give but never in her mind received. She may run the country but can’t now get a control of her life and it takes a lot of time and people to really expose what is going on behind closed doors. She wants the love that stopped when she was so young and doesn’t know where to turn so she sees doesn’t know why she has to expose her husband even if it means a better life.

What is going to happen? Will she cope with her mom and dad’s death? Can she ever see that she deserves so much more than that bastard? Can she show her kids and the country to do when they are in this position? Can a guy truly ever love her? Find out!
Pictures were taken for cover from: