Status: Post will not come everyday

All Hail, the Queen of Suffering

Father’s and Mother’s Untimely Death

“And then the princess and the prince lived happily ever after,” reads my dad tucking me in to bed.

“Papà, can you read me another story?” I ask being only 4 years old.

“No, it is time for bed and you have stalled enough my young princess. Plus we have a busy day planned tomorrow and I need you to be rested up for it. Don’t you remember the father and daughter trip we are taking to the wilderness for the weekend and we have to leave way early tomorrow just to make it to our destination on time?”

“I know papà but I want another story?”

“Bed time, Susanna, you’ll need your rest.”


Dad kisses my head before leaving and I fall asleep unknowing what tomorrow will bring to my family. I’m the eldest of several kids, 4 being full siblings, 2 paternal half siblings, and 3 maternal half siblings though my one paternal half sibling is very close to my age. Let’s see here my full siblings are my twin Sara Jae Hwa, Riccardo Kyu Bong, and Raimondo Suk Chul Rizzo, my paternal half siblings are Mario Kyle and Gabriella Nicole Rizzo, and lastly my maternal half siblings are Nathan Dong Min, Jason Kwang Ho, and Farah Eun Sun Jenkins. My mom and dad are Queen Hyun Jung and King Kyle Bartolo of the Rizzo family. Dad had Mario and Gabriella with Nicole Sandra Beaumont. Mom is kind of a slut and can’t remember who fathered Nathan, Jason, and Farah and they are triplets. Oh yeah, I should mention my dad is the ruler of Incutopia* whose family has been in the rule for at least 10 generations and when I’m coroneted 11 generations. My grandfather died only a few weeks after Sara and I were born and a few days before Mario was born while my grandmother died years before the first birth.

How can I describe Incutopia and the world well, first off Incutopia is one of the 3 island countries continents (Oceanalia and Freeziod which is uninhabitable). There are 4 super continents Lucianoa consisting of the continents Luciano and Luciana; Caucafrisia, which is Caucasia, Africa, and Asia; Jackplon, which is Jacksopia and Plonnie; and lastly Theonbok, which are Theonize and Bok Chutopia. Caucafrisia can be divided into continents that are more super: Caucasia and Africa are Caucafrica; Caucasia and Asia are Causia; and Africa and Asia are Afrisia despite being connected by a small piece of land. There are 7 oceans: Arctic, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Libian, Kinian, and Jackic that separate the supercontinents from each other Freeziod touch every ocean except the arctic. The Arctic Ocean is the North Pole per say and touches the northern boreal lands of the continents that go up there. Oceanalia is between Pacific and Indian, and Incutopia is in Atlantic and Libian Oceans. Both Oceanalia and Incutopia are in the warm tropics but Incutopia is solely tropics northern and southern hemisphere and subtropical of the northern hemisphere while Oceanalia can reach into the temperate zones in the southern hemisphere. The supercontinents goes from the southern temperate sometime boreal to northern boreal and the most seen is the Lucianoa which is boarded by Jackic and Atlantic oceans. Caucasia is weird, Africa is the main south component with a little northern tropic, Asia is some southern tropics with the main being in the north and Caucasia is all northern hemisphere. Caucasia is bordered by Libian, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. Jackplon is more southern hemisphere reaching the boreal stage but temperate Northern hemisphere as well and it is bordered by Libian and Kinian oceans. Theonbok goes from southern subtropics to northern temperate and is bordered by Jackic and Pacific oceans. I have been well schooled so far being a princess and the heir apparent to the throne once they become old and die but I’m still learning about my country and I just know the basics.

Incutopia is relatively small continent but a lot of islands mostly in the northern hemisphere tropics and subtropics but there are several islands in the southern hemisphere. It is the main body in the northern hemisphere. Incutopia is heaven in paradise that is self governing and the monarchy is to help squabbles amongst the islands. The islands are what we consider states that will elect their leaders and have representatives at the capital, which holds the court. The capital is on its own island on very close to the equator so we hardly see any temperature fluctuations throughout the year. The other islands are popular visitor attractions and they always seem busy with visitors but packed when the northern and southern have summers off especially people from the temperate and boreal regions. Due to this markets have to at least know English to help barter but it is helpful to know a lot of the languages. Right now besides being able to speak the native tongue here, which is, Incutian but I’m being taught English, Spanish, Asian languages, French and many others just so I can communicate with other dignitaries alone with learning their costumes. That’s about it that I can think of.

The next morning I wake up to my dad shaking me very early in the morning since the sun hasn’t risen yet and I would rather be sleeping. He gets me changed into a red and gold short top and a matching knee length skirt along with sandals that have gold straps. After getting changed, we eat a quick breakfast and leave on a boat that was waiting for us since it will take a 2 hour boat trip to the island wilderness that we are going to. I’ve been begging to go on this trip for a long time ok well maybe not truly begging but the only one that wanted to go and play on the remote island in the country.

“Papà, what are we going to do on the island?” I ask.

“I need some time to relax so we can do whatever you want,” he replies. “This island is only used by people willing to go on a boat trip to it. It is just us and my advisor Junipote on this trip but I was hoping for my whole family despite Nicole is in England with her family and took Mario and Gabrielle but it is her yearly thing. Your mom, Lingoba, and the other kids didn’t want to go but Lingoba hasn’t been feeling well either way so she wouldn’t have been able to come now anyways. But anyways you’re my little tomboy.”

“Can we play at the beach?”

“Yeah, I brought swimsuits just in case.”

I smile at that staring my dad in his black eyes, people say I ave taken to him especially my looks, and I have his spirit. At that, I look at him with a serious look.

“What’s the matter sweetie?”

“Do you love mamma? Like love you as you do Lingoba and Nicole?”

“Your mom was my first wife and an aristocrat in Chinorea but we never fully met until the day before the wedding. It was an arranged marriage and I do love her maybe not as much as the wives I married for love but my affection grows for her every day. You’ll understand one day, sweetheart, I’m just hoping the man that is chosen for you isn’t abusive since you need to get out of it. Grandma before she married grandpa was in an abusive relationship and it took awhile to get her out of it since divorce was so controversial then. She then married a foreigner that she loved which is your grandpa.”

“Oh, so when will I meet the guy?”

“Probably the day before your wedding likes all the others in our society but we are still trying to find you the perfect guy for you.”

“I want to meet him before.”

Dad smiles at that and ruffles my very curly hair before sitting down beside me since he was kneeling down to my level. After two hours on the boat, we get there but something doesn’t seem right but I can’t place it so I stay close to daddy as he gets the beach towel out. He is going through the bag to get out his trunks (thank goodness it is not Speedos) and a child’s bikini in away. At that, he gets me into these arms the next thing I know I hear a loud gun like sound and falling to the ground in my dad’s arms. Several more shots were fired and I see blood everywhere and on me making me scare but somehow I’m alive.

“Help!” I scream after the shots were gone and the advisor comes rushing in.

“Your majesty, your highness,” he states before he gets on the phone calling emergency. “The king has been shot down and the princess is covered in blood but doesn’t appear hurt. We need an EMT boat to the remote island now!”

“Junipote, dad isn’t breathing.”

“Ok, princess, they’ll be here shortly they just left and is rushing here from a close island.”

I nod my head and in minutes, two EMT boats come and take dad and me to the nearest hospital. The emergency responders and doctors thankfully don’t see any wound on me so it is cleaning up dad’s blood that got on me. After an hour the advisor comes in my room from probably calling mom and the rest of dad’s wives since we live in a polygamy society especially for the monarchy though from what I am learning it is very rare in today’s time frame other than the actual monarchy.

“Is papà dead?” I ask.

“I’m afraid so but are you holding out alright, my princess?” he replies. “You looked terrified when I saw you.”

“I don’t know, is there someone after the family?”

“We are looking into it but we won’t know for a very long time.”

I look at him before end up crying from this. This isn’t happening, not now and for me to see my dad die in front of my eyes is not the best memory of my dad. It is also going to lead up to me taking the thrown probably at a much earlier day if this guy is also after my family. If that were to happen that they also kill my mom, I will be the youngest ruler in a very long time. Sure, I'm getting prepared to rule the country but no one was expecting this to happen what so ever and for me this is not something I want now. Junipote gets me in a hug as I cry out from everything and wishing dad wasn't killed so we could still be on the island having fun.

•Lady Nicole Rizzo's POV•

I'm in England with my family for a needed vacation with my children since Queen Hyun Jung is making our lives miserable since finding out all three of King Kyle's wives are due within months of each other. Lingoba and I are the only ones that are pregnant because of Kyle, the queen got pregnant from one of her many suitors that she never marries and they always leave. Any society looks down upon that and she had Kyle's two sets of twins only to call that good between them. I'm just glad I can escape it for a week before going back since I got here yesterday.

Right now, I'm with my children and parents walking around a lark talking about my married life and how it is going. They are quite worried since Hyun Jung never seemed to like me and are worried about my safety, which would be greater without my husband being there to protect me. I know he should always choose his 1st wife over Lingoba and me but as much as he loves her, it isn't the same lice between the two ladies. After walking for awhile my cell phone goes off and it is Kyle's advisor so something might have happened.

"Hello," I start. "Lady Nicole Rizzo speaking"

"Milady, I have some very has news that has just recently happened. I know you are with your family in England and I wouldn't be calling if it wasn't urgent but things have happened that we are just starting to deal with. at this present time I feel this doesn't leave the family members until we all can meet up and discuss what is to happen," replies Junipote.

"What has happened, Junipote? From the sound of your voice something terrible has happened."

"The king, your husband, is dead. We believe it was an assignation since he was gunned down. This happened very early as he and Princess Susanna were getting to do play on the island since it was his day off."

"Oh my, is Princess Susanna alright? Has she been hurt?"

"Thankfully no, she is fine but was covered in her father's blood which took awhile to figure out since we weren't sure if the bullet hit her. From what we could tell this shooter was after King Kyle and not after Princess Susanna but that means nothing if we have no proof of it and exactly what gun was used we still need to determine. I need you to come back as soon as you can so things can be wrapped up and notify the media."

"Ok, I'll be on the next flight down with my kids. Please keep me updated if anything is wrong with Princess Susanna."

"Yes, milady"

At that, I hang up and dad is looking at me with a worried expression.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Kyle has been killed; I need to go back tonight if possible if not I need to go back very early tomorrow morning with Gabriella and Mario. I need to go back mainly for Princess Susanna, her mother as much as she loves her kids with Kyle doesn’t treat them right. I’m afraid she will turn to Susanna for the strength she needs but Susanna is only 4 years old and doesn’t need the pressure, she needs to be a kid.”

“I understand, and we’ll check the flights leaving soon, since it is only dinner time here so something has to be flying out that way.”

“Thank you dad, and I will make it back up here for another visit but I want to make sure it is before the birth of my next child but it might not happen. Considering I found out when I came here Kyle didn’t know, Lady Lingoba and Queen Hyun Jung are both pregnant but Queen Hyun Jung is in her 2nd trimester and Lady Lingoba found out only 4 weeks ago. Like I said I am more concerned about Princess Susanna.”

“Let’s go”

•Lady Lingoba’s POV•

I am trying to do something in my wing of the castle but I can’t do much other than puke in my toilet. My maid Orpani comes in with my cell phone.

“Milady, Junipote wants to talk to you,” she states. “It doesn’t sound good.”

“Ok, give my phone,” I reply.

“Milady, I have some terrible news and I’m afraid to give it to you in your state,” Junipote starts.

“Just tell me what it is, Junipote. I can take it’s not as if my husband wants to divorce anything or me. So who’s hurt, Kyle or Princess Susanna?” I joke.

“King Kyle has been murdered and Princess Susanna is fine, a little shaken up, but fine. If you want to see her she is in the Pylt Hospital but I won’t hold you to it considering you are pregnant.”

“I’ll be there as soon as I can, I don’t want Queen Hyun Jung filling her eldest with poison that she cannot cry and has to hold up this family with her strength. She’s a kid for heaven’s sake. She didn’t see him die, did she?”

“He was getting out swimsuits when he was killed and she was under him so yes she did. She’s not hurt, but was covered in blood but it cleaned up now.”

“Ok, tell her I’ll be there as soon as I can and if needed she can stay in my room until she feels she is ready to go back to hers. She is just a kid and doesn’t need the whole world on her shoulders. If anything she needs to be away from Queen Hyun Jung for awhile.”

“I agree milady and I will tell her you are coming.”

I hang up and order Orpani to get me a few things so I can take a boat ride to where she is.

•Queen Hyun Jung’s POV•

Unlike my husband, I have work to do and have been ignoring my phone since I don’t think it is an emergency, as I get ready for my next set of triplets birth. That means a nursery needs done so I’m getting it painted and furnished today with the help of the workers in the castle. Being the Queen of Incutopia has it perks and the weather is always fabulous but I’d rather have a lady from the eldest but she is so much like her dad. Junipote is probably just contacting me about minor injuries that Susanna, the tomboy of my children, has suffered. Finally, it rings for the millionth time and I pick it up.

“What is, Junipote?” I ask without second thought. “If it isn’t important then please don’t call me anymore.”

“Your majesty, I have been trying to contact you because your husband the king has been killed! Your daughter, Susanna, is in the hospital unhurt but we didn’t know it at that point when I called for emergency. She is shaken up and the king was shot in front of her eyes. This isn’t some trivial matter that Susanna hurt herself in some way shape or form but a death in the family. I urge you to come to Pylt Hospital to see her along with her siblings. Lady Lingoba will be joining you and your children,” replies Junipote.

“Fine, I’ll be there with the other children but you tell Susanna to be strong for her younger children. She is to inherit the throne therefore she needs to act like it and a tear must not be shed from her. Do you understand, Junipote?”

“Yes, your majesty, I’ll tell her that you are on your way with Lady Lingoba.”

I hang up and get people to do things before heading to see my daughter with my family and I ignore Lady Lingoba on the way, which will be at least an hour before we see her. Her and Lady Nicole undermined me with my own children and encourage Susanna’s behavior and I will put a stop to it. She needs to be respected in this country and as a Princess soon to be queen, I cannot have her be conceived as a tomboy. With the dead of Kyle, it will be hard with the country and our family but I can manage if anything by the grace given to me by being a Chinorean.

•Susanna’s POV•

Junipote comes back in after an hour, I’m finally calming down, and he hands my some tissues.

“Your mom, Princesses Farah and Sara, Princes Nathan, Jason, Riccardo, and Raimondo, and Lady Lingoba will be here to see you after awhile. Unfortunately Lady Nicole, Princess Gabriella, and Prince Mario can’t make it but will see you soon, your highness,” states Junipote. “Is there anything I can get you?”

“No,” I reply.

“If you need anything just tell me ok?”

I nod my head at that and wipe as many tears away that I can.

“Junipote, do you know how long I will stay here?” I ask.

“I don’t think much longer until you talk to the police about what happened. You have the right to have someone in here as you are giving their statement but most likely, it won’t be me since they will also need to ask me questions. You have the options of your mom or Lady Lingoba if you so choose. Also, I would take your mother’s opinions as a grain of salt right now. What you saw no kid needs to see and you have a right to cry and show your emotions than sucking up for your younger siblings and the country. It would be too much for you. Either way, it is good for you to show emotions.”

I nod my head but the police come before my mom, siblings, and Lady Lingoba. They have simple questions enough for me to answer since I think they worded it so I could understand than using words I don’t know yet. After awhile of giving my statement and signing to the best of my abilities they leave and Junipote comes back in since they must have questioned him while asking me question. It doesn’t take long after that for who was coming to see to come in. Mom hardly makes a fuss about me but then again she hardly ever does as she does with the younger triplets. Normally Nicole or Lingoba fill that in with Sara, Rich, Ray, and me for that role but they aren’t my mom and are one of the reason I asked my dad if he loved her. My mom asks Lingoba and the children to leave before looking at me.

“Did you love papà?” I start.

“You certainly are observant. He may have loved me but I never loved him back since I didn’t want to marry him even if he was nice but that is as much as I’m saying to you about it,” she replies. “Now, you are the next in line once I die to the throne that means you must be strong not only for your younger siblings but also for the country. This means you can’t cry whatsoever. Showing tears over a dead relative even if he your father shows that you are weak and they won’t want you to take the crown, do you understand?”

“Yes, mamma, but Junipote said I could cry and that it was healthy.”

“He makes no sense and you would do well to listen to me than question your mother what Junipote is saying. I have no clue why your father kept him around, but until I settle in to a routine of my own I guess I have to keep him.”

At that mom leaves and Lingoba comes in with the children but Farah, Nathan, and Jason follow mom out and they ignore me as they always do. Within two hours after talking to the police, I’m released and it is a silent ride but at least I can sit in Lingoba’s lap on the way over. Once back at the castle, I just go to my room and stay in there for awhile crying my eyes out or lying on my bed. Lunch comes in and pretty much have to be forced out to play when I want to be left alone. Night time comes and I really can’t fall asleep and Nicole and Lingoba said I can sleep with them but right now, I don’t want to. I want to be alone. After some time I hear my two best friends, Bonch Kypler and Ranulo Hopka, talking and they don’t live far from the castle since their parents work in the court. Within seconds, they jump in my window and they bow to me.

“News travels fast,” I state.

“Yeah” replies Bonch. “Cant’ sleep?”

“No, and I don’t mind you guys staying.”

At that they smile and consol me better so I end up falling asleep, late and making me get up late not that many minded but they were kind of pissed that my friends stayed the night with no one knowing. It made my mom yell at me saying they will think I’m a slut for letting two guys in my room to sleep in my room and to help me. I think she is easily forgetting this pregnancy and Farah, Jason, and Nathan’s father whom she has no clue is the father so she has done a lot worse than me in that division and I’m only 4 years old. Besides, dad always let me have sleepovers with them though he said once I become of age that he would put a stop to the sleepovers. After getting yelled at I just really use the days before dad’s funeral to just space out and that really makes people worry even more about me since normally I’m very active doing something.

At the funeral, I am dressed in a light and sheer long black dress that does at least have coverage for my private parts, it has gold embroidery, and red jewels on it. With that, I have to wear what the crown for being the next in line along with some of the jewels that come with it. Supposedly, I am to be a Princess of an island that is to be bestowed on to me when I reach kindergarten next year. Out of my siblings, my dress is the most ornate of them all with all the embroidery and needing to wear a small crown since the rest can go with either a fancy hat or tiara. Mom though is very ornate and you can hardly see the black with all the gold embroidery and dark purple jewels. And in respect for tradition on the island we have to go bare feet but I really don’t mind since I love the feeling of the ground and would go barefoot all the time if I could. My Aunts and Uncles, dad’s siblings and their spouses are here as well. In no particular order, they are Countess Barbara Rizzo and her husband Kolo, Duke Bartholomew Rizzo and his wife Rapena, Marques Aaron Rizzo and his wife Eniam, and Duke Daryl Rizzo and his wife Pori. After awhile Junipote gets us in line and I have to be right behind mom. During the funeral line, I keep my head down so I don’t cry but it is hard to do. The funeral is a long with people talking about dad and thankfully, mom is doing one for the whole family. We get back from the dinner and I can’t stop crying then again that I started as soon as the funeral started much to mom’s annoyance.

“Susanna, stop crying this instant!” demands mom, “Showing tears for anything is a sign of weakness!”

“Your majesty, she’s a child! Let her cry for heaven’s sake,” replies Lady Lingoba getting me in her arms.

“She’s my child not yours so how dare you think you have a right to parent her! You undermine my parenting with her and all of my children.”

“I understand that but we are all King Kyle’s wives and he loved every one of us even if you were hard to love. With that in mind, it gives us right to help any of the children that we think needs the attention they deserve and frankly you aren’t very attentive to your children by Kyle especially Susanna! She’s her own person and is more like her father. I loved him because he was so attentive to children and how active he was and she got that from him. Every child is different but don’t treat her different because how she acts. She will be in my room tonight and if this continues that you neglect her then I have to step in so that doesn’t happen.”

She picks me up and carries me back to her room when she shouldn’t not with her being so early in her pregnancy. Her and Lady Nicole always has taken better care of me than my mom and dad seemed not to mind in fact enforced that all his wives can raise all the children.

•Lady Lingoba’s POV•

I wait awhile and once Susanna falls asleep I find Junipote and Lady Nicole is there as well but no Queen Hyun Jung. She has to be here but then again hasn’t been happy that Susanna is the heir apparent once both of them dies and is to gain the title of Princess of Koplani Isles added to Duchess of Janoi Island, Countess of Gavnaol, and Baroness of Pearlano all the titles her dad has had before bestowed upon her at birth. Only the Prince or Princess of Koplani Isles is given to the heir apparent once they enter school. Though, her siblings have the same titles as she does but after awhile will be used distinctions like her Aunts and Uncles as to their rightful place.

“How is her highness doing, Lady Lingoba?” asks Junipote as I enter.

“She has fallen asleep, Junipote,” I reply. “I wasn’t going to wake her for this meeting since it will just make her even more miserable. When is her majesty arriving?”

“She said to do it without her. Then again, she was never here for any meetings I had with late King Kyle about this. As for Princess Susanna, leave her be, it is probably wise that she is resting up. She loved to come to see what is going on with this but she has no true bearing on what will happen and her input will come later. This meeting was supposed to be about her maids in waiting with her father and the timeline which to get them. We already have her tutor, Leapora, and personal maid, Kyplera, but with most likely her gaining the throne at a much earlier age that has been done we need to stock up, if you two so wish to help me with this then we can continue.”

“Yes I will help,” replies Nicole.

“Count me in as well,” I add. “But if I may, has a suitor already been selected? I’m afraid what her mother might do when coming to this.”

“It’s in its final stages between 3 guys Damien, Prince of Monroeville and Duke of Sylvania; Leonardo, Prince of Sicily, Duke Crete, and Duke of Thrace; and Min Woo, Prince of Liaoning, Duke of Kangwon, and Duke of North Gyeongsang. She will make the final decision within this coming week but she is leaning towards Prince Damien. I’m half afraid of this arrangement since her dad did not like Prince Damien and was going on Prince Leonardo and she is friends with Prince Leonardo. This is her decision and I can only hope she makes a good one since we think Prince Damien may abuse her because how he acts towards Susanna when he comes here. It will be repeating her grandmother late Queen Oalnadoa.”

“I see, so how many more are we talking about?”

“We need 9 more bringing her total up to 11 with the tutor she already has but I do not want adults. It is only suitable for her to have children around her age and they shall be paid as we always do. We have already started to receive applications for the ladies in waiting since King Kyle’s assignation which normally means the people think something is up.”

“Will the princess have some say in this?”

“Yes, on whom she wants but we need to make the search official. But in the morning, we have to inform Princess Susanna. As for the coronation of the princess title, unless her mother goes this year we will keep it for when she starts school. It is almost ready for Susanna to really decide on but the date has been set and who to invite. In fact today is simple is enough since it is just to go over things that we will have to present to her including her jewels, hair styles, and so forth.”

He goes through a lot of things and we narrow down to what we think Susanna will like which will be presented to her after awhile. It breaks all of our hearts that Hyun Jung refuses Susanna because of how she acts which is normal for a child of her age. Kyle would encourage her behavior, which we all thought was good and he override the lack of interest from their mom to spend more time with her to make her feel welcomed. We just hope for the love of everything that she doesn’t fall through the cracks now otherwise she won’t know what love is and that she shouldn’t be hurting for the love.

•Susanna’s POV•

The next few years goes by rather peacefully and the only major celebration is the princess title of the isles bestowed upon me. I did gain 9 girls around my age named Lopa, Isnapi, Heali, Bynai, Washinka, Tershina, Eaotiuly, Vanicania, and Upoani as what they call my ladies in waiting but they were hired for female companion and frankly they are all like me. Mom was not too happy about that but I got to pick them from the applications that came in. I’m 8 years old now and I have right now Lopa, Washinka, and Upoani with me right now as we are meeting with some people from different countries. As for mom, she isn’t down yet and she hardly pays much attention to me.

“Her majesty should be down here,” states Junipote as one king questions why mom isn’t here and it is the father of Damien.

My wedding will be soon I know that considering what I have been hearing.

“We are here to finalize the wedding plans between Prince Damien and Princess Susanna, please get her down here for our audience,” replies King Victor. “I’m sorry but she wants it when they turn 9 which is only a year away since Susanna just turned 8 last week. I wish it was when they were teenagers but that won’t be happening.”

“I know that, your majesty, we will find her and we are worried about here since it has been awhile since everyone saw her.”

“Junipote, I can find mom,” I state.

“Your highness,” starts King Victor. “That would be so helpful of you.”

I run up to the bedchambers and find mom’s room with the three still down stairs talking. Opening the door there is an odd smell in mom’s room but I can’t place it. There mom is hanging from a rope and I end up screaming making people come to my side and I remember Lingoba picking me up and taking me away from them. I don’t understand, did mom commit suicide and the whole court day was stopped for the day but after awhile Junipote comes in and he hands me a note.

“I read it,” he replies. “Your majesty, your mom is dead and now you are queen. She left you a note and I did read it before you because I wasn’t sure what she would say and it is harmless for the most part. Some parts I don’t agree with but oh well.”

Susanna Young Mi,

I can’t take it anymore there is too many of you and to run a country so I have killed myself. This country is now yours and I know you aren’t prepared for it but I urge you to shed your tomboy image and not cry. You have to be strong and be womanly in order to have a good reputation of the country not this sport life style and crying over my untimely death. Obviously, I can’t remind you of these things for you and that you may never change since you are your father’s child, which has made it worse for me around you even when he was alive. I am sorry that I have ignored you though and that you have been yearning for love that you only got from your father. Go on with your life and your future husband Damien shall keep you in good company.

You’re always in my heart,
Hyung Jung

I can’t believe it she did kill herself and now I don’t know who is responsible for my siblings and me. My siblings have expanded to add 3 more paternal half siblings Kiptod Nevoe, Violetta Rachel, and Tabuni Geyo; and 4 maternal half siblings Alexandra Yun Hee, Bartholomew Shin Il, Caitlin Bo Eun, and Theresa Mi Cha meaning there is now 16 children including me. Sure not all are her children but 11 out of the 16 are so that is leaving us without a mother or a father for whatever reasons. I just can’t believe before my 9th birthday I am to be queen and I’m far from being ready for taking the thrown.

“Junipote, when is the last time there was a child ruler in Incutopia?” I ask.

“Not for many generations the last one was the 3rd generation and there has been no child ruler since so that is well over 100 years old. The average reign each has been around 40 years if you take in consideration life prolonging techniques of the modern age compared to the earlier monarchs even if this was 8 years, your grandparents ruled for 38 years, and your great grandparents ruled for 41 years. So I actually think it is near 200 years since a child ruler has been in play. I would have to get the royal archives out to get the actual number.”

“Will this be a big deal?”

“Yes you ascending the throne will be a major deal but I will be here to help you. For now the courts are shut down to take care of things and as for crying is helpful and not a sign of weakness and your active lifestyle is normal.”

“Got it”

I get off his lap and just sulk since I don’t know what to do. The next coming weeks are busy as hell, Junipote finished the arranged marriage for the date, and the venue is here. But right now, it is busy for my coronation to the throne after my mom’s funeral, which is only in a month even if I’m acting, as I am the queen now sans the coronation.
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*Play on Incubus and utopia  :)