Status: This story is finished. The sequel is posted. It's called You Kill Me in a Good Way.

Bulletproof Love

Chapter 3

Fiona scrambled to find her shirt as Vic stared, wide eyed into the livid face of his girlfriend. Anger poured off her in waves, her teeth were clamped together, her mouth set in a tight line. The muscles in her arms and neck were tight cords and her hands were curled into angry fists. Fiona found her shirt and slid it on over her head and handed Vic his, careful not to make eye contact.
"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON HERE, VINCENT VICTOR FUENTES?!" Anna's voice rang loundly through the small enclosed space.
"Well, you see- Ahem. We were just- we were just-" Even though she had clearly seen, he couldn't bring himself to say, "I was just busy cheating on you. Hah, sorry you had to walk in on that."
"I WATCHED YOU FOR 5 MINUTES FROM THE FUCKING WINDOW. I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT WAS GOING ON IN HERE. YOU LYING, CHEATING, FILTHY BASTARD!" Her eyes filled with tears. Shocked, she wiped them away. Now was not the time for crying. Now was the time to act. She rounded on Fiona who was concentrating hard on the cement floor.
"And YOU." Anna spat, "What did I tell you the first day of school? I TOLD you to stay away from him. I warned you I could make your life living hell and you didn't listen. You idiot girl, I'm going to ruin any chance you ever had of being liked in this city. You dirty fucking whore. You-"
Just then Vic cut her off. Rising to his feet and standing a good 8 inches over Anna's head. "You will NOT speak to Fiona that way around me, EVER." Flabbergasted Anna realized she had to do something now.
The door swung open again just as Anna ran toward Fiona hands pulling back to ready for the attack on the girl's head. She met her with thundering blows knocking Fiona into the couch and attacking every part her fists could reach when she felt Vic's hands on her, pulling her off she grabbed and handful of hair and started pummeling her face with vicious punches. Kellin ran over and helped wrench Anna off Fiona. The two boys managed to pull her off but not before she had inflicted some major damage to Fiona's face. Just when the boys thought it was over, Zoe tackled Anna out of their arms. Slamming down on top of her on the concrete floor she started punching everything she reached. "NO. ONE. HITS. MY. SISTER. YOU. FUCKING. BITCH." She managed a single word with every blow.
"Zoe, no. Baby, stop." Kellin cooed as he tried to pull Zoe off the other girl. At that Zoe grabbed her head and began banging it into the concrete floor. Her vision was stained red. All she knew was she had to hurt this girl had was hurt her sister. She had to end her.
"A LITTLE FUCKING HELP, VIC? BEFORE ZOE TURNS ANNA'S HEAD INTO MUSH WOULD BE NICE!" Vic had been examining Fiona's face where Anna had pummeled it with crashing blows.
"FUCK!" Vic screamed as he stooped down to help pull Zoe off Anna. Kellin turned Zoe around to face him and lowered his voice, crooning softly, "Zoe Baby, look at me. Calm down. You need to calm down, okay? No more fighting. Shhh...look at me baby." He felt her relax in his arms as her face turned soft, her eyes widened in realization of what she had just done and she started crying. Kellin pulled her close, pushing her head onto his shoulder as deep, shuddering sobs racked her entire body. "I'm so sorry Kellin, I'm so so sorry." She kept repeating.
He looked down at her and smiled, "I think you should maybe tell Anna that. I mean my face is perfect like always," he said, giggling and turning it from side to side. She couldn't help but smile at him.
Behind them Vic was examining Anna's face and the back of her skull. Kellin rested his chin on the top of Zoe's head and watched as Vic moved from Anna over to Fiona.
"Well, what should we do?" Kellin asked.
Vic stood and looked at Kellin gravely, "I think we need to get them both to the hospital. The back of Anna's head is bleeding and I think Fiona make have some broken bones in her face." With that the sobs took over Zoe's body once again and Kellin held her closer. He leaned down next to her ear, "We won't let you get in trouble, okay? Vic and I we understand. If it had been us we would have jumped on the person too. And you and your sister are even closer than Vic and I are. No one is getting in trouble here, okay?" he kissed the top of her head and the sobs weakened a bit.
"We can't take them to the same hospital, they'll know it was a fight, and charges could be pressed." Vic said. He looked down at Anna and added "If she remembers she might press charges anyway, you know how evil she can be, even though this was all her fault."
Kellin nodded in silent agreement. "You take Anna to county, I'll take Zoe and Fiona to regional." He let go of Zoe and walked over to pick up Fiona off the couch. He cradled the sobbing girl in his arms and Vic pressed the button to open the garage door. Zoe went around to the back door of Kellin's care and opened it so he could slide Fiona in.
Vic emerged from the garage carrying a limp Anna and hoisted her into the front seat of his own SUV. Zoe got in the passenger seat and Kellin rounded on Vic, "What the fuck happened that started all this?" He asked with a questioning look on his face.
"It's a long story." Vic sighed. "I'll tell you later tonight when we're home."
Kellin nodded and got into his car, turning the key in the ignition and revving the engine before he slammed the car into reverse and peeled out of the drive way.
Zoe turned to face her sister, "What happened in there, Fee?" Fiona looked up at her sister through swollen eyes and blurted out the whole story when she was done Zoe's jaw was hanging and Kellin had a smirk on his face.
"That's not you, Fee. You knew Vic was with Anna. Why...?" Zoe asked her sister.
Sobs racked Fiona once again, "I don't know, it felt nice. It felt...right. Vic was so gentle and loving-" Kellins laugh cut her off. "What's so funny?" she inquired.
"Nothing. That's Vic. He gets by on looks and charm. He makes everyone feel special. Let me tell you though, you are no special and perfect little snow flake in his world, Fiona. You are a girl. An exceptionally beautiful girl, I'll admit. But us boys are fueled off of our hormones, we aren't all perfect like you see us." He glanced at her in the rear-view mirror and continued, "You're lucky Anna was alone and you were at our house. Things could have gotten messy if she'd had her posse with her. Needless to say, things are going to be rough for you at school now. Anna has a lot of power. High school is all about popularity and well, Anna is at the top of the food chain."
Zoe stared at Kellin. "Was that REALLY necessary, Kellin?" He shrugged.
"It's the truth, I may be a lot of things, but I always tell it like it is."

Zoe's phone rang; it was their mom. Shit. She forgot to call and report. She rushed out the doors slid the green arrow to the right to answer the call.
"Hey Mom! Sorry we forgot to call we just, we found out a couple girls from school live down the road and got caught up talking. Is it okay if we spend the night with them tonight?" Zoe tried to sound as casual as possible and hoped no sirens alerted her mother to the fact she was not, in fact right down the street. She was down about 40 different streets.
"You had your father and I worried sick, Zoe! How hard is it to call and check in?! You KNOW we worry about you girls!" Her mother's frustration was clear in her voice. Zoe crossed her fingers she wouldn't make them return home immediately.
Her mother sighed into the phone heavily, Zoe knew that was good. "You girls can stay, but don't forget to set alarms, it's still a school night."
"Okay Mom, thanks. You're the best. Give Daddy hugs and kisses from us both. I love you, goodnight." Zoe raced through before her mother had a chance to change her mind.
"I love you, and your sister too, Zoe. Goodnight." Zoe slammed her finger down onto the red 'end call' icon and put her phone on silent. If her mother called back she could claim she was sleeping.

She walked back into the hospital. She found Kellin and her sister sitting in the back of the vacant waiting room. Kellin was cradling a silent Fiona in his arms. A wave of jealousy ran through Zoe's body. She shook it off, knowing Kellin liked her. He was just being nice to his sister. She found a seat near the two as they called Fiona into the triage room. Before she stood Kellin leaned over and whispered, "Remember, you fell down some stairs in the dark. We don't want ANY one getting in trouble." Fiona nodded as she rose and disappeared into triage. Zoe moved over to where Fiona had been sitting and rested her head on his shoulder.
He moved and wrapped his arms around her. "So, why didn't you tell me that when you get angry you glow with white light?" He asked casually.
Zoe looked up at him, her eyes widened. "W-What are you talking about Kellin?" She questioned.
"I'm talking about when you were bust bashing in Anna's head," he answered quietly, "you glowed with a white light. It burned me to touch you..." he held out his hands which were red, with angry looking blisters. Her mouth gaped open.
"But...I didn't do that. I couldn't have done that." Zoe said, dumbfounded.
"You did." Kellin said, then after a moment's thought he added, "I knew you were special the first time I saw you. But I didn't think you were that kind of special." He smiled kissing her nose.
"We have to get to the bottom of this. How that happened. WHY it happened." Zoe said to herself.
"People will think we're crazy. It's a subject better left alone." He said.
"NO. I have to know!" She demanded.
Kellin sighed, "Come back to the car with me Zoe, I need to show you something."

Zoe rose and followed Kellin to his car. When the doors where shut he leaned in close to her face. For a moment she thought he was about to kiss her but instead he took one hand and his index and middle fingers glowed a vibrant green light. Zoe moved back, shocked. Kellin took his fingers and ran them over the red, blistered flesh of his other hand and the ugly bumps and redness sunk back into his hand.
Zoe was astonished. " did you do that?"
He remained silent as he extinguished his fingers and the same two on the opposite hand flashed to sudden green light. Running the fingers over his hand again the blisters magically sank back into his skin. The light went out and they were left in darkness, Zoe's jaw dropped to her chest.
Kellin sighed, "There's a lot you don't know about me either, Zoe." he said, smiling remembering she had said the same to him the first day they met.
"Zoe. I want you to brace yourself for what I'm about to tell you..." What could he possibly tell her that surpassed what she had just seen with her own eyes, she wondered. Silently, she nodded that she was ready.
"You and I. Vic too. We are the descendants of Gods. That is why we have the powers we do. You are just untrained. If you sought training you could use your powers on command, like I just did." Kellin finished. Smiling at how cute Zoe looked with her eyes wide in shock and disbelief, her jaw almost touching the floor.
She snapped out of it, "If you can do that, why didn't you just heal Fee and Anna?" She asked seriously.
"Because, we can only heal ourselves or others of our kind. If I were to heal Anna it could have, probably would have, killed her." Kellin responded.
"Why didn't you say Fiona too?" She inquired further.
"Well, I'm pretty sure that if you have powers, your sister does too, seeing as you're twins which means you descend from the same ancestors."
"Oh. Okay then."

The pair walked hand in hand back into the waiting room and Zoe fell asleep on Kellin while they waited. When Fiona emerged from the back she didn't look any better but she was wobbly, a nurse holding her under her arms to keep her steady. Kellin woke Zoe and told her it was time to go. When they reached Fiona and the nurse she informed them that Fiona would be fine, she had a broken nose and fractured cheek bone but would heal quickly due to her exceptional health. They had given her some heavy pain killers and the nurse handed Zoe a stack of papers with a prescription for more of the pain killers, wished them a good night and disappeared into the back of the hospital. The three walked back to Kellin's car, Zoe on one side, Kellin on the other keeping the girl balanced. They rode home in silence.
When they reached Kellin's house Zoe took the pajama pants Kellin offered her, crawled into his bed and fell asleep almost instantly with his arms wrapped around her.
Fiona went into Vic's room. At the sight of her tears rolled down his cheeks and he stood up pulling her to him. He kissed her face and apologized numerous times before he presented Fiona with her own pair of pants to wear to bed. They climbed into bed and Vic wrapped himself around this beautiful girl, tears wetting her hair as they both drifted off into a dreamless slumber.