Status: This story is finished. The sequel is posted. It's called You Kill Me in a Good Way.

Bulletproof Love

Chapter 4

Zoe woke to the sound of the alarm on her phone buzzing. She quickly snatched it and turned the alarm off trying not to wake Kellin who was wrapped around her like a blanket. She managed to untangle him from her and slide out of bed but the movement woke him up anway. He yawned tiredly, "What time is it?"
"Just after six. I have to go and get mine and Fiona's bags from my house. Where can I park my car for the day that my parents wouldn't see it?" Zoe asked.
"You're skipping school?" Kellin looked at her then he remembered last night, "Oh, right. Well, I could follow you to school and you could drop it off there then I could bring you back." He yawned again. They had been up until just 2 hours ago, she was exhausted too.
"Sounds good. I'll be back in a few. I'm going to shower while I'm home too." Zoe stood.
"You could shower here," Kellin said, a playful grin spreading across his face, "With me."
"Boys." Zoe sighed but still smiled and set off to walk down the street to her house.

When she walked in the house was silent. Her father had already left for work and her mother would be asleep until at least 10. Zoe took off her running shoes and padded soundlessly up the stairs turning on the hot water before she headed to her room for fresh clothes and a towel.
Stepping into the stream she sighed as the hot water eased muscle cramps from the tension of last night. She rolled her neck around a few times before grabbing her shampoo and finishing her shower routine. She stepped out onto the mat, her flesh had a slight pink tint from the heat of the water hitting it. She walked back into her room and dried her body, carefully wrapping the towel around her dripping hair when she was dry. She slid on her clothes then dried her hair, letting it hang loose in damp, sandalwood scented strands. She grabbed her backpack and her sister's as well as a change of clothes and a towel, in case Fiona decided to shower at Kellin's. She picked up her flipflops and went down stairs into the kitchen grabbing a bagel and a banana for breakfast. On her way out the door she plucked hers and her sister's keys out of the bowl, slid on her sandals and locked the door behind herself.
She drove down to Kellin's where he was sitting on the back of his car, dark bags under his eyes. He motioned for her to come to him. She sighed and stepped out of the car then walked up to him. He opened his arms and she fell into them. "You smell really good," he said as he held her.
She smiled against his chest, "Thanks. I'm a girl, it's kind of my job to smell good." He nodded his agreement.
"Well, are you ready to go?" He asked, aching his back in a stretch.
"Yep, then get back and go to bed." He smiled at her, "Those were my thoughts exactly."

They pulled into the parking lot before anyone else had shown up. Zoe parked her car and slid into the leather seat of Kellin's sporty red car. He dropped the clutch and sped out of the parking lot, leaving in his wake the squeal of tires and a could of dust and dirt. Zoe smiled and Kellin looked over at her. "You thought you were the only one would could drive like that, huh girl?"
She smiled, "No. I just know I'm better than you." she retorted.
"Oh, is that a fact now?" He said through a smile.
"Yeah, anything you could do, I could do it better. It's just in my DNA." She giggled lightly.
"What about this?" He said snapping his fingers to growing green light. He stopped abruptly rolling his window down and pointed at the ground. A sprout appeared which rapidly grew into a beautiful flowering bush. Zoe sat there, open mouthed as Kellin threw his head back laughing. "Guess not." he said as he took off like a bat out of hell again.
When they returned to Kellin's house they crawled right back in bed and fell into an almost immediate slumber.

They awoke hours later to giggles and thumps from the bedroom upstairs. "I guess someone's feeling better." Kellin said mildly as he stretched and pulled Zoe to him, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her face all over.
Zoe giggled but pulled loose. "I need to go check on her." she said standing up.
Kellin frowned, "Okay but you come right back to me."

When Zoe entered the room upstairs without knocking she was greeted by an assault of curses from Vic and Fiona. That hadn't stopped her. Then she stood staring, unable to process what she was seeing.