Status: This story is finished. The sequel is posted. It's called You Kill Me in a Good Way.

Bulletproof Love

Chapter 6

It had been almost 5 weeks since the fight between the three girls. As promised, Anna was making Fiona's life a living hell. But she had the one thing Anna wanted and would never get; she had Vic. A silent smile crept onto her lips at the thought. She had still won.
Fiona was in the library reading, when she noticed a girl looking over at her from one of the tables. The girl had short, brown hair. Her eyes glistened in the false sunlight provided by the too-bright fluorescent lights. Fiona looked quickly back down at her book. She glanced up periodically and sometimes the girl would be looking at her and sometimes she wouldn't Fiona was startled when the girl was in front of her.
"Hi, I'm Danielle. Well, Dani. Dani Shay." she announced beaming at Fiona.
"I-I'm Fiona." she looked away purposefully she always had a hard time making eye contact. She couldn't look at both eyes at once so she would dart back and forth between the left and right eye but that took her so much effort she couldn't focus on the conversation. "J-just Fiona. M-my sister calls me Fee sometimes, but she's the only one. O-other than Vic, I guess." she managed.
Dani's eyes widened in realization, "So, you're the one who took Mr. Hot Stuff from Anna Machiavelli." she looked impressed, Fiona thought.
"It wasn't supposed to go like that." Fiona mumbled.
"You're the one who messed up her face, then. Just before Vic dumped her, right?" Dani sounded excited.
"No, I didn't do that." Fiona said honestly.
"Too bad, I hate that fucking bitch. I'd have to have given you a hug if you had," Dani giggled a musical laugh.
Fiona laughed with her, "Why do you hate her so much?" she asked.
Dani looked down at her shoes "I'm Dani the Dumb Dyke."
"Oh, well don't feel bad. I'm Fiona, the man stealing whore apparently." Fiona tried to sound light, but the words did sting. "B-but are you? What she said?"
"Dumb? Hell no. I could beat her at go-fish. I have an IQ of 142, was reading at a 12th grade level in 5th grade, I'm in all AP classes and have a scholarship to Harvard Medical waiting on me when I graduate." Fiona was impressed, "but the other thing..? the...dyke?"
Dani flashed a smile and pulled up her sleeve displaying a variety of rainbow clad bracelets, "Oh yeah, I'm definitely that." she winked at Fiona and her heart jumped.
Fiona looked at her watch, it was time to go. She gathered her bag and stood. "It was nice meeting you, Dani." she had started to walk down the hall when Dani caught up to her holding a pen.
"Hey, um. I was wondering if I could get your number? We could hang out and study or something..." she trailed off.
Fiona bit her lip.
"I mean, you don't have to. I was just thinking that-" Fiona cut her off by grabbing the pen from her hand and neatly writing her phone number on the piece of paper in Dani's other hand. Dani beamed and Fiona walked off down the hall meeting her sister at the car in the parking lot.

It had been a few days since she had given Dani her number when her phone buzzed. It was Dani, "Hey, girl! It's Dani, from the library! What's up?" Fiona smiled and texted her back saying she was laying in bed, doing nothing. The responce came quicker than she had expected. "So, maybe I could change that? You could come over to my house, I'll order pizza for us." Fiona bit her lip, thinking about it then responded "Give me your address, it shouldn't take me longer than 30 minutes to get there"
When Fiona pulled up at the address she was blown away. The house was HUGE. Obviously, Dani hadn't really needed that scholarship to Harvard. Fiona thought, as she walked up to the door and rang the bell, that Dani's parents could have bought Harvard outright.
Dani came to the door in a tank top and boy shorts. She had a hat on and her arms and hands had dried paint on them.
"You got here quick," she commented as she stepped aside to let Fiona in her house. The inside was even more incredible than the outside. The greeting hall was round, with cream colored marble floors that led into a hall while one entire wall was taken up by a spiraling case of stairs, covered in plush cream carpet, exactly the color of the marble.
"This way," Dani grinned and walked down the small hallway. On the right was a huge elegant living room, all kinds of furniture decorated the room. Kinds Fiona had only ever seen in movies. There was a fire place made of gray marble. On the left was an equally magnificent kitchen, counters made of the same gray marble as the fire place. The kitchen flowed into a huge dining room that had a table set for 10 with expensive looking china and, what Fiona guess was real silver silverware.
Dani walked into the kitchen turning on the faucet and washing the paint off her hands and arms, "I was just about to wash up when you rang the bell. I had been working. The pizza should be here soon though."
Fiona was still looking around at the house. "You like it?" Dani asked as she pulled out a bristled brush and began to scrub her hands with it.
"It's....amazing." Fiona said.
Dani smiled at her just as the doorbell rang, "Pizza's here!" Dani chimed pulling out her wallet from her back pocket.
The girls ate and talked then went up to the home theater (HOME THEATER) they were watching a scary movie when Fiona leaned over and buried her face in Dani's shoulder. Dani wrapped her arms around Fiona looking down at her, "You're really cute when you're scared," She smiled down at the girl who looked back up at her with sparkling green eyes.
Before either of them knew what was happening Fiona had run her hands up the back of Dani's neck, lacing her fingers into her hair. Their lips met in a frenzy of sparks and color. Fiona gripped her harder as Dani pulled her up onto her lap wrapping her arms around her waist. Things escalated quickly. Fiona was pulling off Dani's tank top then leaned down and kissed her neck. Clothes were melting off them, their breath got heavier as Dani moved on top of Fiona. Kissing down her neck, her collar bones, her chest, her stomach her hips then she planted herself between Fiona's legs and sent her soaring to new heights, places Vic had never taken her. She grabbed a handful of Dani's hair as she threw her head and screamed.
When they were done, they stayed cuddled for a long time.
"Can you stay?" Dani asked softly, kissing Fiona's shoulder.
Fiona looked down at her and smiled, "sure". After she called her mom and told her she'd be out all night, the girls fell asleep tangled up in each other.

Fiona stood in her mirror. She was wearing one of her more becoming outfits. She had on tight jeans, and a frilly purple and black shirt that hung off she shoulders showing off her collar bones. Her hair fell down to the small of her back, her lips were glossed and she had on a little mascara and eyeliner. Not too much she knew Vic didn't like it when she wore too much makeup. She called down the hall, "ZO! Are you ready to go?!" Her twin sister emerged from her bedroom looking stunning.
She was wearing a green dress made of satin that ended just above her knees. The color of the dress brought out the color of her eyes. Her dark hair was mostly down except tiny braids wrapping around near the front of her hairline like a headband. She was beautiful. Fiona looked down at herself, suddenly self conscience.
"What are you staring at, Fiona? You look like you've never looked at me before." Zoe said playfully. She had, she just never realized how beautiful Zoe is. Then, she reminded herself; if Zoe was that beautiful then so was she. They were identical twins, perfect mirror images.

The twins walked into the venue. Fiona texted Vic telling him they were at the door. Soon, they saw him walking over. He took Fiona's hand, planting a kiss on her lips and looking down at her, "You're so fucking beautiful," he said smiling, proud to be holding the hand of one of the two most beautiful girsl in the building.
They walked around the false wall and Kellin was standing there with a bottle of water in his hand singing. He stopped when his eyes caught Zoe.
"W-wow. You-you look fantastic baby!" he said catching her in his arms and spinning her around, kissing her.
She giggled and hit his shoulders playfully, "put me down, Kellin! You know I don't like being lifted!" He set her down. In her heels he stood almost as tall as her.
Standing a few feet from them, Vic had Fiona held tightly to his side. He looked down at her, "Are we that sickeningly sweet, too?"
Fiona giggled, "God, I hope not. At least not in public." she motioned her finger toward her mouth implying she was going to puke.
Vic laughed, "I don't know. Everyone sees how happy they are, they don't hide it at all. It's like they're telling the world, 'look, I'm madly in love.' I think it's kind of sweet. You know, Kellin's never had a girlfriend before."
Fiona looked up at him, KELLIN had never had a girlfriend? Cocky, confident Kellin? "Why? I mean, why hasn't he dated?"
Vic shrugged slightly, "no one caught his attention the way Zoe did. I mean, he had flings but he wasn't ever serious about anyone before her. He'd take a bullet for your sister. He loves her more than he loves anything anymore. Myself included."
Fiona could see the sadness in his eyes, "Vic....Kellin will always love you. You're basically his brother. And let's face it; you've both been paying more attention to us than each other for the past couple months."
Vic grabbed his girlfriend and turned her to face him, "I'm going to need to you sit close to the stage tonight. Kellin and I have a surprise for you." he was glowing.
"Oh, Vic. You know how much I hate surprises!" she started to protest but seeing how his eyes were shining, she couldn't deny him. "Fiiiiiine. We need to get seats then..." she trailed off looking past her boyfriend to her sister.
"Fee, don't tell Zoe. This is just for you." He said quietly.
"But you said you AND Kellin..." she started.
"Just, find a seat with your sister. You'll see what I mean." He kissed the top of her head then when she looked up he kissed her lips. Before she knew it her arms were wrapping around his neck and she was standing on her toes trying to get closer, desire was coursing through her veins like a drug. Finally, they pulled apart, both of them were breathless.
"Break a leg, babe" Zoe called over her shoulder toward Kellin as Fiona pulled her off to find seats.

After a while the lights went down and the five boys stepped onto the stage. They played a few songs then Kellin stepped back and Vic took his place at the lead of the stage. He spoke into the microphone, "Hey! Is everyone enoying their night?!" The crowd erupted into cheers and claps, a resounding 'HELL YEAH!' from the auidence.
"Great! Listen everyone, I uh-I wrote this song for the most beautiful girl in my world, Fiona." The apples of Fiona's cheeks turned bright red.
"Will you come up here, baby?" He held out his hand. Before she even knew it she was rising from her seat, and walking up the steps to the stage, Vic pulled her into him, kissing her. The crowd went wild as Fiona's face flared a darker shade of red.
Kellin handed Vic a stool and he set it behind Fiona, she sat on it. The lights went down and a single spotlight shone on Vic as he looked at Fiona, "I love you, baby. I wrote this for you, and now I'm going to sing it to you for the first time, in front of all these people." The crowed erputed into a loud "Awwwwwww" then the music started. Fiona had never heard Vic sing, she didn't even know he could.

As we wake up in your room
Your face is the first thing I see
The first time I've seen love
And the last I'll ever need
You remind her that your future
Would be nothing without her
Never lose her, I'm afraid
Better think of something good to say
But it's all been done more than once
So I'll keep on trying
Oh God don't let me be the only one who says

No, at the top of our lungs there's no
No, such thing as too young
When second chances won't leave you alone
Then there's faith in love

It was beautiful. He was beautiful with the spotlight shining on him, strumming his white and green guitar he kept his eyes locked on her holding the microphone. When the song ended everyone stood up screaming and clapping as Fiona flew into Vic's arms, tears running down her face. He picked her up and kissed her, and the crowed got even louder if it was possible for that to happen. She kissed him all over his face. "I love you, Vic. I love you so god damned much." she breathed as her set her gently back on the ground.
Then she saw her, a look of pain stamped on her face, sitting near the back. Dani had seen that whole thing.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm most excited about this chapter so far. With the revelation of the Dani/Fiona coupling (Which Ive been looking forward to for a while.) The girls going to their first show, and the surprise that awaits Fiona at the show.