Status: This story is finished. The sequel is posted. It's called You Kill Me in a Good Way.

Bulletproof Love

Chapter 7

Fiona was torn between chasing after Dani who had raced out the door, and staying and watching Kellin and Vic finish the show. She bit down on her lip and decided that even though Vic was her boyfriend, she needed to go after Dani. The show was almost over anyway. She pushed her way through the crowd people smiling at her as she passed. She opened the door and Dani was standing about 10 feet away, leaning on the wall. Fiona walked up to her.
"Dani..." she started.
"Save it, Fiona. I know what I was. I was the next best thing since Vic wasn't there, right? I mean, what would a girl like you ever see in me?" Dani stared at Fiona, her eyes cutting her like knives.
"If I had wanted Vic I could have gone to him. He was around, he's always around for me. Don't think you meant nothing. I don't just screw people who mean nothing. You do mean something." Fiona returned Dani's stare.
"Is that a fact? Well you sure could have fooled me the way you jumped into his arms, in front of God and everybody." Dani looked away.
"He IS my boyfriend, Dani. What was I supposed to do, refuse to go up on stage with him?! Be realistic!" Fiona's anger was coming in through her voice.
"But I can treat you better! You already know I can fuck you better. Has Vic ever once made you scream that way? Has he made you shake the way I did? Has he gotten you off so well you left a fucking puddle underneath you? WELL? HAS HE FIONA?" Dani demanded.
"No, he hasn't." She said honestly.
"And can you tell me honestly that he turns you one more than I do?" Fiona bit her lip, not wanting to answer. The next thing she knew Dani's mouth was on hers. Desire rose in her like a tidal wave. She pulled Dani into her gripping the back of her shirt so hard her knuckles turned white. She wanted to explore her body, she wanted to lay her down and make love to her right there. Dani started kissing her neck and slid her hands up the back of Fiona's shirt and Fiona rolled her head to the side, exposing her neck for Dani's lips.
"Oh God, Dani..." Fiona moaned. She realized Dani was right, Vic never turned her on like this. She pushed the other girl off. "Not here. People will see. Can I come over tonight though?"
Dani shuffled around on her feet, "Yeah. But you'll have to tell Vic sooner or later."
"Have to tell me what, exactly?" Vic stood at the door. Bottle of water in his hand, dripping sweat.
"N-nothing..." Fiona stuttered.
"Oh, and this girl being all over you, that's nothing too huh, Fee?" Vic demanded. Fiona's stomach felt like it dropped to her feet. She left Dani and started walking toward Vic he put his hand up to stop her, "stay away from me Fiona. After that, after what I just did, and you repay me by sneaking out and making out with this girl? AND you were planning on going to her house tonight to do God-only-knows-what with her. Just leave me alone."
"Vic..." she started but he had turned and walked back in the door slamming it behind himself.
Fiona turned to look at Dani, she was trying not to smile. Well, of course she was, she was winning this round. She fished her keys from her pocket, "You wanna go?" Fiona nodded and climbed into the front seat of Dani's car. Tears rolled down her cheeks but she looked out the window. If she was upset, what was she doing with Dani and not trying to talk to Vic?

Vic stormed back into the venue. He grabbed his guitar and practically threw it into the case, slamming the locks shut.
Kellin looked around Zoe, "What's going on, Vic?"
"Shut the fuck up, Kellin. I'm going home. Don't try to come talk to me when you get there." He picked up the case and stormed out but as he walked by Kellin saw his eyes were glistening and his cheeks were wet with tears.

When Kellin walked in the door with Zoe after they returned home from having dinner and renting a movie to watch, they stopped. Vic must have left his door open, he was playing his guitar and singing, they could hear every word clearly. As well as the pain in his voice, and the cracks in it.

This isn't fair!
NO, don't you try to blame this on me!
My love for you was bulletproof but you're the one who shot me.
And god damn it, I can barely say your name.
So I'll try to write it and fill my pen with blood from the sink...

Zoe looked at Kellin with question in her eyes. He shrugged. Then it hit her. She hadn't seen Fiona leave with him. Actually, she hadn't seen her since she walked off the stage. 'Fiona,' she thought, 'What have you done?' She pulled her phone from her pocket and sent a text to her sister. 'WHERE ARE YOU?!' the reply came back 'I'm at a friends...are you with Vic?' 'I'm at Kellin's Vic is upstairs in his room, why?' 'I'm going to call you, give him the phone.' a few moments later Zoe's phone rang she answered it "Hold on," and she walked up the stairs then knocking on Vic's door, he told her to come in. She held the phone out in her hand, "It's my sister."
Vic looked at the phone with disgust in his eyes but took it anyway, "What, Fiona?"
"Why wouldn't you answer my calls?! I've been calling you for 30 minutes, Vincent!" Fiona said.
"Guess my phone was on silent. What do you want?" He barked. Zoe stared she had never seen Vic speak to anyone, let alone Fiona that way. Something very bad had happened.
"I-I want to t-talk to you. C-Can you come p-pick me u-up?" She tried holding the tears back from her voice to no avail. He could tell she was crying, close to being in hysterics.
He sighed, his anger going away slightly. "Where are you? No, just text me the address. I'll be there as soon as I can." he sat listening for another moment then handed the phone back to Zoe she put it up to her ear, "Hello?" Fiona was already gone.