Status: ♥ Completed ♥

She's a Rebel, She's a Saint


“I don’t want to leave, Harry.” I whined from where I sat in his old bed as he walked around the room getting dressed.

“You want to live here in my mum’s house forever?” he asked me, his eyes looking me over and watching as my lips formed into a pout.

“It would be nice…”

“We have that event thing with your parents today, don’t you remember?” he said, reminding me and making me let out a small groan before I stood up from the bed and walked over to the suitcase to pull out some clean clothes at random. I pulled them on, not shy even though Harry was standing just a few steps away from me. I ruffled my hair with my hands and turned to look at Harry, letting out a small groan when I noticed he was wearing his favorite black Ramones t-shirt.

“Awe, Harry…” I groaned, trailing off slightly when he looked up at me to notice what I was wearing and let out a small laugh.

“What’s wrong sunshine?”

“You need to change, we can’t both wear the same thing.” I explained, zipping up the suitcases and looking back at Harry who was smiling at me.

“Why can’t we wear the same thing? I think it’ll make for a few good pictures.”

I rolled my eyes, already knowing that there was no use arguing with him any further.

“Are you ready to go?” he asked me, standing up from the bed and putting his phone in his back pocket.

I nodded my head and Harry walked towards me, grabbing the handles of the two bags before we walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs to see his parents sitting in the living room watching TV.

“Are you two leaving?” his mom asked with a small frown appearing on her face when Harry and I nodded our heads.

She stood up and walked towards Harry and I to give us each a small hug before walking us to the front door.

“I’ll see you both soon.” she called as we exited the house and walked towards Harry’s car that was still parked in the driveway.

He unlocked the trunk of the expensive car and I helped him put our bags in, easily closing the trunk when we were both done before walking to the front of the car so that we could get in.

“So, was meeting my family as traumatizing as you thought it would be?” he asked me once we were on the open road, his words making me roll my blue eyes.

“I loved them. Your family is absolutely amazing.” I said with a smile on my face before deciding to turn the attention over towards him, “Are you ready to spend the rest of the day with mine?”

“You know I love your sisters. They’re absolutely amazing, and so are your parents.” he said in a sweet tone.

“Awe, you’re so cute Harry.” I said before pulling out my vibrating phone from where it sat in my back pocket and groaning when I saw whose name was flashing on the screen.

“It’s Daniel, isn’t it?” Harry asked in a knowing tone with a slightly smug expression on his face.

“Yes, do you think I should answer it?”

“Of course I do. Put it on speaker.”

I rolled my eyes but listened to him, quickly pressing my finger to the screen so that I could answer his call before switching it to speaker.

“What do you want?” I asked him in an angry tone, listening as Harry tried his hardest to stifle a laugh from where he sat beside me.

“It’s me, Daniel.”

“I know, I have caller id.”

“I just wanted to know what time your parent’s event thing started today. I thought it might be nice to meet them after so long.” he said, making my jaw drop open since I had been trying to get him to meet my parents for the last few months but he never wanted to because he didn’t ‘approve’ of their lifestyle.

“Why would you do that?”

“Because you’re my girlfriend.”

“I don’t know when the last time you picked up a magazine was, but in case you didn’t know, I’m currently in a relationship with Harry Styles.”

“So what? Now you’re the future Mrs. Styles?”

“His mother seems to think so.” I said before ending the phone call with a huge smile on my face that made Harry laugh at me.

“Well, you look pretty proud of yourself, Mrs. Styles.”

“Oh, trust me;” I began as he parked his car right next to mine in the parking lot of my large apartment building, “I am very proud of myself right now.”

He rolled his eyes and we got out of the car, Harry moving to the trunk to pull out my bag before we starting walking up the stairs to my flat. I let out a sigh of relief once we walked through the front door of my flat and Harry plopped himself down onto my couch before picking up the remote and placing his feet on the coffee tables, something that seemed to be very normal for him already due to the countless hours we had spent on that couch watching movies.

“I’m gonna change then we can head to your flat, alright?” I asked him, watching in confusion as he shook his head.

“I knew that we would end up coming to your flat first after we finished at my mum’s house so I brought a change of clothes for tonight with me. I’ll change whenever you’re done.” he said in a proud tone, most likely happy that he didn’t have to go back to his flat to change and get ready for tonight.

I rolled my eyes as he changed the channel to a random sports channel that I didn’t even know existed and I walked to my bedroom to get ready. After two hours of showering, shaving, drying my hair, and putting on makeup, I stood in front of my closet in my lace trimmed black bra and matching thong as I tried to decide which of the two dresses I wanted to wear.

“Harry!” I called, hearing my best friend slash boyfriend let out a small groan before he stood up and walked down the hallway.

He walked into my bedroom, only pausing when he noticed what I was wearing and cocking an eyebrow at my appearance. I rolled my eyes at his actions before looking him up and down the same way he was looking at me to notice that he has already changed into the nicely tailored suit that he would be wearing tonight.

“Well, now that we’re both done checking each other out,” he began, “Why were you calling me?”

“I need help picking what to wear.”

“Oh, you mean you’re not done getting ready? I was hoping that you were planning on going out with what you had on.”

“Harry, please stop being a pervert and cooperate for a few minutes.” I said as I pushed him towards where the two dresses were hanging.

He rolled his eyes before picking up the short and slightly revealing blue dress from where it was hanging off the door of my closet, putting the fabric in my hands a moment later.

“Wear this one or I’ll leave you.” he said with a smile on his face before placing a kiss on my forehead and walking over to my bed where he quickly laid himself down and took out his phone to reply to the text he had just gotten.

“Harry, you need to get out.” I said with a pout.

“Why? You’ve changed in front of me before; you’re half naked right now.”

“Because I’ll be more than half naked in a minute. I can’t wear this underwear with this dress.”

He shot me a cheeky smile that had his dimples showing before happily nodding his head and sending his curls flying all over his face.

“Oh, I know.” he said, making me roll my eyes before stepping into my walk-in closet and closing the door behind me.

I pulled off my bra and the underwear before slipping into the blue dress easily. I ruffled my hair one more time before putting my small feet into nude six inch heels that made me almost Harry’s height. I walked out of my large closet and Harry’s lips formed into a small pout when he saw that I was now fully dressed.

“Are you ready to go?” I asked him, trying my hardest to avoid a sexual comment from Harry.

He nodded his head and stood up from my bed before walking towards me to lace our fingers together and leading me out of my flat. We got into his car and Harry sped towards the venue that the publicity event would be taking place in tonight.

“I’m really happy that you’re okay with this.” I said to him when I noticed that he was just a block away from the crowded entrance.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” he asked me in confusion.

“Because I know a lot of people wouldn’t necessarily feel comfortable with coming to something like this.” I answered honestly, knowing that most other times my date would have been Gabriella.

“Well maybe I’ve never been to a gay rights, well, anything before but I know it’s important to you and your family.”

I smiled and leaned closer to him to place a small kiss to him cheek as he stopped the car and the two valets came to the car, one on my side and one on Harry’s side. Harry handed one of the valet’s his keys as the other one opened my door for me and helped me out. I smiled at him and Harry wrapped his arm around my waist with his fingers curved around my side as we walked towards the entrance, posing for a few pictures along the way. When we finally entered the venue, arms were wrapped around my body.

“I missed you so much, sweetie.” my best friend’s familiar voice said, making me wrap my arms around the body that was still hugging me tightly and noticing that a small baby bump was forming on her stomach.

“Oh my god, I missed you too boobear.” I said when we pulled away, watching as she rolled her eyes at the old nickname I gave her many years ago.

“Why are you Harry-less?” she asked me in a joking tone, making me notice that Harry was no longer standing next to me.

“Why are you Liam-less?” I asked her in the same tone.

“He probably went somewhere to go talk with Harry.”

I nodded my head as she led me to the large table in the middle of the room that my family was sitting at, my mom always needing to be center of attention. We sat down next to each other and Gab slipped her feet out of her high heels to get into a more comfortable position and I smiled at her.

“So, how’s Liam junior doing?” I asked her, watching as she rolled her eyes.

“Well, to be honest we are hoping for a Gabriella junior and she is doing just fine.” Gab said, placing a protective hand on her barely there baby bump.

“Awe, I want a baby.” I whined before taking two bottles of beer off of the black round tray of the waiter that just passed by and gulping down half of one of the bottles.

“Yeah, you’re so maternal.”

I rolled my eyes at her words and noticed that Harry was walking towards me, leaving Liam alone with my sisters who were talking to him as if they had known him forever since they practically have.

“Natasha said she doesn’t feel well.” Harry told me as he sat down on the chair on the other side of me before biting down on the corner of his lower lip nervously, clearly unsure of what he should do to make Natasha feel better.

“Did she say what was wrong?” I asked him.

“Something about her chest, I don’t really know I was freaking out a little to be honest.”

I smiled and opened up my purse, pulling out the blue asthma pump and handing it to him along with a glass of water.

“Just give her that and she’ll be fine in a few seconds.” I told him, watching as he let out a small sigh of relief as he took both things from my hands before leaning closer towards me and placing a small kiss on my lips.

He stood up from his seat and walked back over to where Liam, Sophia, and Natasha were, handing Natasha what I told him to give her.

“Well, maybe you’re not very maternal but Harry certainly is.” Gab said before taking a sip of her water at the same time that I finished off the other half of my beer.

“I think I’d be a good mom.”

“You two would be amazing parents, if you were together, at least.”

“You know what our relationship is.” I told her, opening the second bottle since I wasn’t very comfortable with the direction that this conversation was headed in.

“Are you guys a couple?”

“We’re a couple when we need to be. Other than that, we’re just really good friends.”

“Friends don’t kiss very often…” she said, trailing off slightly before taking the beer bottle that I was about to take a drink from and pushing it away from me, “I’m cutting you off. You need to stop drinking so much.”

I rolled my eyes before processing what she said before that comment into my head and thinking up suitable reply for her words, “We’re actors, basically. Actors kiss each other on stage all the time but who knows what goes on between them off stage?”

“Look, as your best friend, you need to promise me that you won’t get mad when I tell you this…”

“Of course I won’t get mad at you, Gab. I can’t punch a pregnant girl.” I said in a joking tone at an attempt to lighten the mood before she rolled her brown eyes at my words.

“Maybe the relationship between the two of you is fake, but the feelings are real.”

“There are no feelings between the two of us. I love him the same way that I love you, Gabriella. I swear.”

“Really,” she began, “So then please explain to me why when you two look at each other in the eyes, the whole world can come crashing down and you wouldn’t even notice.”

I stayed quiet, keeping my gaze on Harry who was fretting over my little sister as if he had known her for years – my heart rate picking up slightly at the sight. I placed a hand over my heart as my teeth nibbled on the corner of my bottom lip.

“Point proven.” Gab said before leaning back in her chair with a smug look on her face.
♠ ♠ ♠

Please comment, subscribe, and recommend. I know you all will be slightly pleased with this chapter since she's starting to recognize her feelings for Harry so please let me know how you guys feel about it. Also don't forget to check out my other two One Direction fan fictions and Gab's stories. All links are below.

Check out my best friend The Beautiful Gabster who has AMAZING stories posted on the website we all know and love.

Please check out my other Harry Styles fan fiction that is based off of the popular movie 'Beastly' Reverse This Curse

And check out my Niall Horan story, There’s Something About Your Everything.