
Chapter 1

It was Sophia’s first day of photography school. She was fresh out of high school and ready to begin her life as an adult. She woke up early today, six O clock am. That’s the earliest she has woken up since her last day of high school three months ago! She walked in front of her bathroom mirror and looked at her half a sleep face and her wild and tangled light auburn curly hair. She hopped into the shower and did her makeup. Which was an unusual thing for her since she never really wore it unless it was some kind of special even or date. She thought her first day at a new big college was pretty special.

She walked over to her smaller than average closet and picked out her best pair of jeans and her favorite t-shirt, a plain black shirt with her favorite band blink 182’s logo. She looked at herself in her full body mirror hanging up the wall beside her old and worn out bed. She thought she looked alright. Now it was time for her to try and catch a cab since she had wrecked her car a few months back.

“Taxi!” She yelled as she paced back and forth on the sidewalk. “Taxi!” she yelled again. Nothing. None of them would stop for her. She needed to catch one and fast or else she might be late! Some stranger walked over to her. He looked like he was about mid twenty’s, tall, unkempt beard, and in a business suite. He’s probably a lawyer she presumed. The man whistled and the cab came. “How did he do that?” She asked herself. “Here, I saw you trying to catch a cab so I thought I’d call one for you. I can catch another.” The man said to her with a smile. “Oh, uh, thanks!” She said with a smile as she slowly got into the cab.

“Where to ma’am?” “New York University, I think it’s only a few blocks down the way.” “I’ll get you there as fast as I can!” “Thank you” Sophia said shyly.

They only had about a block left until the finally got to their destination. She had zoned out the last few blocks, thinking about all the new people she would meet, and what if she got lost? Or one of her classes was just too hard for her? Her mind was going a thousand miles per hour with all of her thoughts but then they suddenly came to an end when the taxi driver pushed hard on the brake and the car jerked forward. She looked outside both of her windows quickly. All she saw was cars. Cars were everywhere. The traffic was baced up. Why? Why on the most important day of her life so far, did something so little like this have to happen? She was going to be late on her first day. She asked the driver with a panicked voice “W-what happened? Why is the traffic backed up?” “I guess there was a semi-truck and some small Honda up there that collided and caused this. “Do, do you think they’ll clear the cars within the next ten minutes?!” “Im sorry ma’am, with an accident like that I’m sure it’ll take them at least thirty to thirty five minutes to clear it.” Great, she thought to herself. I’m going to be late. What am I supposed to do? Will the teacher believe me if I say my cab got stuck in traffic? Probably not, that was a typical excuse for people here in New York.

“How much fare do I owe you?” She asked the man driving. “Mmm. $7.50” She dug threw her book bag for her wallet, when she pulled it out she gave the man the exact amount and thanked him for taking her this far. She got out of the taxi and made her way to the sidewalk by walking in-between all the cars on the road. She made it to the sidewalk. She looked at her cell phone, it was seven fifty five. She had five minutes to run her way to the campus and to the classroom. So, that’s what she did. She sprinted the whole rest of the block to campus. Once she reached it, she stopped to catch her breath for a while.
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Sorry if i've left out words or whatever. :p