
Chapter 12

Oh my gosh! What am i doing? Sophia asked herself multiple times in her head. She kept telling herself she needed to stop but she like having her lips on Andys. She liked the sparks she felt when she kissed him. She felt on top of the world. She went to pull away but right has she went to Andy pulled her back and kissed her back harder than ever. Sophia was running her fingers through Andys hair as his hands ventured down to her waist. She knew where this was going to end up and she was perfectly fine with it. "Andy." Sophia said in a slow hushed voice. "Yes." He answered her almost right away. She hesitated before she answered. "Don't stop." She wanted this. She wanted him! She hadn't even known him that long but she knew she wanted him in every way. She felt so..amazing with him. Suddenly, Andy acted so uninterested in her, he just kind of laid there. "Whats wrong?" She asked him in an embarrassed tone. "I..i.. I didmt mean for things to go this far. I mean well, we didnt get THAT far but we were close, Im so sorry Sophia." He got up and grabbed his keys. "Im taking you home now."