
Chapter 15

CRASH! Sophia was awakened by the sound of thunder. 'What time is it?' She wonder. She looked over to her clock '5:15 am' She thought about going back to sleep, but there was no point. She decided to take a shower and head over to the morning class for school that way she could avoid seeing Andy.
She stepped into the steamy shower, they warm water felt so good as it caressed its way down her body. While in the shower, she thought once again about the text message from Andy. What was his real reason for staying away from her? She knew that he had feeling for her, she just couldnt wrap her mind around what happened.
After she showered she got dressed, nothing to fancy just a pair of jeans and and sweater since it was quite chilly out in the mornings.
She was still without a car, so she walked down to the bus stop to wait for the bus.
Sophia looked to her side startled, only to find another guy sitting there. She must have been so lost in her thoughts she hadnt even noticed.
"Wheres a pretty girl like you going this early in the morning?"
"To school, Well to college actually."
"Ohh, so youre in college what are you going for?"
"Sounds pretty fun. Whats your name miss?"
"Sophia. Whats yours?"
"Im Tony."
"Its nice to meet you Tony. But my bus is here, Ill talk to you later?"
"Yes! Here, im kind of in my own band here's our card if you ever wanna give us a listen, My numbers on the back."
She took a quick look at the card. Tony Perry was his name. "I'll think about it" She said with a smile as she waved and got onto her bus.
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What do you guys think about having Tony Perry in it!? ;D