
Chapter 16

Andys POV:
I wish i could tell her the real reason that i have to stay away from her. Its just that, i care far to mcuh about her to get to close to her and hurt her. Shes to special, she doesnt deserve someone like me. I'd end up hurting her and that would kill me.

Back to Sophia POV:
Class just ended and shes on her bus ride home. She took out the business card Tony gave her. It was cute.. cute for a boys business card. The bus came to a sudden jerk. It was her stop. She got out of the bus and climbed up the steps to her apartment. Once she got in she ploped her belonging onto the floor and went to her bedroom to get her cell phone and call Tony. She has no idea why she was so excited to talk to him, they had just met, and barley even spoke to each other. But she didnt care. Maybe she would soon have another friend.
She dialed the number and the line rang 3 times before he answered.
"Tonnnnnny Perry here!" She has suddenly become nervous, what was she doing?
"Uh, hey, Tony. Its Sophia, the girl you met at the bus stop this morning."
"Ohhh yea, that pretty lady. What makes you call?"
She didnt really know, so she just came up with something.
"Oh. no reason, just a little bored and figured i could give you a call since you well, gave me your number."
"Ah, good deal." "So whats up? Wanna go do something?"
"Yea, sure. Like what though?"
"Mmm. Have you been to the mall here? Lets go harress some kids" He said with a laugh.
She laighed with him and agreed to meet him at the mall in about an hour. Now, she had to find something to wear...