
Chapter 17

Sophia wanted to look nice today for when she hung out with Tony. She looked though her closet to try and find one of her better outfits. After looking for about 10 minutes she decided that her favorite high waisted shorts and a tank top would be just fine. She texted tony as she slipped on her vans and walked out the door.

As she was approuching the doors to the mall she saw a small clan of people. She saw tony right away. He did dtick out and all with his large stretched ears and millions of tattoos. She looked him up and down. He looked good tonight. A plaid button up with some black skinnies.
"Heeeeeey you!" Tony yelled to her.
"Hey!" She yelled somewhat what confidently. He made his way slowly over to her, and as he did so he greeted her with a warm smile and a hug. His hugs, they were amazing, one of the best hugs she has ever had. She didnt want him to let go. But soon enough he did.
"What do you wanna do?"
"I dunno, look around? See if i can become familiar with the place."
"You got it!"
They walked around in the mall few a while and he looked at her.
"You have any tattos or piercings?"
"Mhm." She said as she pointed to her wrist. "Its an anchor, when i was little i loved saliors, i wanted to be one. So i thought it would be a cute idea."
"Very nice! What about piercings?" She didnt have any besides her ears, and she figured almost all girls had their ears done. "No, i dont have any." Tony got this weird kind of smile on his face.
"Come Soph, follow me!"
"Soph?" She asked with a laugh.
"Yea, its cute. It fits you." Tony said, and she noticed him blush a little.
"Where are you taking me Tony!?" She asked him a little out of breathe since the just ran to other side of their huge mall. The stopped.
"Here!" He exclaimed. She looked up to read the sign. "Tattoos and Piercings"
"Hey, can i help you?" The worker named Jordan asked.
"The lady here would like a piercing."
"WHAT!?" Sophia practically yelled at him.
"Come on Soph, do it! What do you want?"
She thought about it, she has always wanted to her her lip pierced with a cute little stud. She turned to Jordan and said "I want my lip pierced!"