
Chapter 3

Sophia ran outside and caught a cab. The drive home was way shorter than the one to school. She was glad, she’s going to have to pick up her apartment a little and clean herself up.
It took Sophia about an hour to clean up and get ready. She was started to get a little nervous, it was almost six and no Andy. Maybe she had gotten her hopes up. But right when she doubted herself she heard a knock at her door. “Sophia?” Andy said in his deep raspy voice. “Yea! Just a second.” She basically ran to the door to answer it, she was more than happy. She opened the door to find him standing there. He looked great. He has on black jeans, and a kiss t shirt. He likes good music; we’re bound to get along she thought to herself. “Hey! Nice shirt, come on in.” He giggled, “Thanks.” He walked into her apartment and looked around for a few before he spoke. “Nice apartment, it’s…” He trailed off trying to find the right word. “Cozy.” He finally said. She was glad he liked it. She didn’t think it was much, but it was a place to live and for her, that was good enough.

For the next two or three hours Andy and Sophia just lounged around and talked about numerous things. Their favorite music, favorite bands, a little about them before college, their families, and things or people they were inspired by. She learned that they both had a lot in common. They liked a lot of the same bands which was always a plus for her. They even had somewhat similar lives before college. Both only lived with on parent because of divorce, and had excellent grades all throughout high school.
It was around nine and time for him to leave. She didn’t want him too. She liked his company. “Thanks for coming over Andy. I’m really glad I sat by you today it made by first day a whole lot better than I ever expected.” Andy looked at her and smiled “No problem, I’m glad I got to know you.” They said their goodbyes and that was it. Andy left, and Sophia found her way to bed. She had had a long busy exhausting, yet fun day.